SRA Schliersee am 16.9.2023
Gordon Setter
Richter Dr. Zlatko Jojkic, Serbien
Jugendklasse - Rüden
Coachman's Incredible Mr. Mo, VDH/DPSZ GS 22/069, 26.7.22, 276099200407654
Coachman's Rebel of Bavaria - Coachman's Believe in Momo
Z: Helga u. Gerhard Hesse, E: Wolfgang Heim
very well deveoped, excellent head, very typical, corr. eyes and good ear setting, well neck, strong withers, corr. topline, good tailset and carriage, could a bit morre muscles. on tail, chest enough dev. for age, enough ang. in front, need stronger forechest and arms, good ang. in hq, with enough strong hooks, pasterns straight and short, strong paws, enough dev. for age, med strong bones, moving mech. corr. with enough drive, exc. temp. and exc behaviour,
Zwischenklasse - Rüden
Coachman's Heart of Scotland, VDH/DPSZ GS 21/124, 14.10.21, 276098800239104
Coachman's Doyo Dakotah - Coachman's You are my Lady
Z: Helga u. Gerhard Hesse, E: Katharina Hundschell
good prop. and exc. size, enough strong bones, masculine head with very typ. expr., good prop. of skull, good eyes and neck, scissor bite, strong enough long legs, corr. topline, good tailset and carriage, chest enough dev. for age with enough forechest, could be better ang. in front and a bit stronger shoulders in movement, exc. ang. in hq, but hocks could be more parralel, exc. temp., a bit darker tanmarks, good qual. of coat, mov corr. from side, but need more parallel in hind.
Gebrauchshundklasse - Rüden
My Famous Filou Beauty of Gordon, DPSZ GS 19/085, 12.6.19, 276094501130231
Flynnrock's I'm Zack - Kiss me Kate Beauty of Gordon
ZuE: Regina Luschmann
nice strong developed male with good subst. and corr prop., exc. head with nice expr., corr. earsetting, enough dark eyes, scissor bite, strong neck and shoulders, corr. topline, level and strong, good tailset, chest and forechest good dev., enough ang. in front, pastern could a littlebit stronger, exc. in hq, corr. coat, corr. tanmarks, but slightly darker, movement is mech. corr. but should have stronger front, moving with enough drive, alot of temp. strong paws, exc. behaviour
Offene Klasse - Rüden
Coachman's Gorgeous Connor, VDH/DPSZ GS 21/020, 26.3.21, 276098800239158
Celtic Chaos Kochanej Emilki - Coachman's X'travaganza Prada
Z: Helga u. Gerhard Hesse, E: Michael Knaf
medium strong size, exc. prop. type, masc. head with strong muscles, very good earsetting, bit more open eyelids and roud eyes, strong neck, exc. topline, strong enough, good tailset, chest enough dev. for age, with enough forechest, good ang in front, corr. ang in hq, in movement need to have more drive in behind, could have more stronger shoulders, exc. temp. and behaviour, corr. coat
Baby-Klasse - Hündinnen
54.vv1, BJü, BBIS
Lady Diana Kochanej Emilki, PKR VII 22159, 19.4.23, 616093902505335
Jasper Black Ivy - Heart's Desire Kochanej Emilki
Z: Mariola Sklorz, E: Regina Luschmann
really nice dev. for age, with very strong fem. head, exc. expr., exc. eyes, corr. bite, strong neck, good topline, exc. dev. chest and forechest, good ang. in front, corr. ang. in hq, strong paws, good tailset, exc. tailcarriage, exc. movement with alot of drive, exc coat for age, for age make very positive impression on many points, exc. behaviour and exc temp.
Jüngstenklasse - Hündinnen
Coachman's Josie, VDH/DPSZ GS 23/014, 25.1.23, 276098800430696
Amscot Dream Lover - Coachman's X'travaganza Prada
ZuE: Helga u. Gerhard Hesse
for age well dev. with good subst. and enough strong bones, nice fem, head with corr. expr. and corr. prop, correct earsetting and eyes, strong neck and withers, good topline, chest still developing, but enough dev. for age, enough strong shoulders, good ang. in arms, very good ang in hq, enough strong hocks, good tailset and carriage, good coat for age with exc. tanmarks, moving mech. corr with good drive, very nice temp. and nice behaviour
Zwischenklasse - Hündinnen
Ursel vom Eixelberg, VDH/DPSZ GS 21/161, 18.12.21, 276097202856049
My Famous Filou Beauty of Gordon - Nandl vom Eixelberg
Z: Gerhard Sebald, E: Evelyn Schwencke
strong fem,. head with exc. expr., enough dark eyes, good earsetting, scissor bite, enough stong neck, well connected wirth body, very good dev. chest for age, good ang. in front and rear, strong withers, corr. topline, round croups with corr. tailset, strong paws, coat is good qual, corr tanmarks, moving mech. corr, but should habve more drive behind, very good temp. and exc behaviour
Coachman's Highlight Anastacia, VDH/DPSZ GS 21/132, 14.10.21, 276098800239146
Coachman's Doyo Dakotah - Coachman's You are my Lady
ZuE: Helga u. Gerhard Hesse
good body prop., nice developed, typ. fem. head, corr expr., good colour of eye, strong neck, corr. topline, chest enough dev. for age, a bit straigh in upper arm, corr ang. in hq, good tailset and carriage, in movement mech. corr with enough drive, bit slighlely narrow behind, should have stronger pasterns, corr. coat for age, very good temp.
Gebrauchshundklasse - Hündinnen


Dt.J.Ch.(VDH). LJS
Coachman's Gucci the Fashion Lady, VDH/DPSZ GS 21/025, 26.3.21, 276098800239180
Celtic Chaos Kochanej Emilki - Coachman's X'travaganza Prada
ZuE: Helga u. Gerhard Hesse
nice strong developed female, exc. size and body prop., nice fem. head with exc. expression and earsettings, exc. muscles and skull, strong neck, corr. withers, corr topline, nice muscular croups, corr. tailset and carriage, exc dev. chest, enough strong in front, could be more ang. in upper arm, exc ang. in hq, enough strong hocks, good coat, corr. tanmarks, movement mech. corr., very nice behaviuor and friendly temp.
Irish Red Setter
Richter Dr. Zlatko Jojkic, Serbien
Veteranenklasse - Rüden
Avon Farm Sunday Best, SR86751710, 13.12.14, 982000364815070
Avon Farm Kingston Rule - Avon Farm Stella Rose
Z: Leslie Russell, E: Marion Wieland
nice strong dev. male, very fit for age, musc. head, corr expr. scissor bite, corr. eyes, good earsetting, good lay of neck, enough strong withers, chest exc,. dev. should have stronger pasterns, strong arms, exc. ang. in hq, corr croup and tailset, moving correctly. strong bones, very good qual of coat, exc. temp. and behaviour, make very positive general impression
Jüngstenklasse - Rüden
Henk vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 23/025, 24.1.23, 276095611113502
Eycatcher Keevan of Wineyard - Ypsilon vom Gebirgsjägerhof
Z: Hetra Leitner, E: Monika Köth
very nice head, exc. expr. corr. earsetting, good dev. chest for age, strong neck, topline is abit archered, special in movement, exc. temp. but need to have a better presentation for show, movement mech corr, when he wish, but need more drive, corr. tail carriage a bit lower set, exc. ang. in front and rear, hocks should be a little more stronger
Okadene Wind of the North, LOSH 01369165, 24.2.23, 9002230001565220
Okadene Show me the Money Thendara - Donne Moi Okadene z Arislandu
Z: Aleksandra Lauwers, E: Marion Wieland
exc. dev. for age, nice masc. head witrh corr. expr., exc .dark eyes and parallel head lines, strong withers in topline, enough developed chest for age, good ang. in hq, enough in front, corr. tailset and carriage, movement mech. corr with exc. drive, hocks are enough strong, corr .coat and colour, needs time to get more subst., but for age make posiive impression
Jugendklasse - Rüden
George Louis vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 22/130, 27.11.22, 276095611261241
Marlland Break the Rules 'Roy' - Salute Jay vom Gebirgsjägerhof
Z: Herta Leitner, E: Maik Schaufuß
medium size, medium strong male, very good body prop., typical head, enough strong for age, corr. eyes, corr earsetting, exc. slopping strong topline, chest exc. dev., still growing, abit straight in front, enough ang. in hind, corr. tailset, enough coat for age, exc. colour, moving mech. corr. with enough drive, needs to mature and get more subst., exc. behaviour and temp.
Champion-Klasse - Rüden


CIE, Dt.Ch.(VDH), Ch.CH
Delsey Spirit of Indian Summer, SHSB/LOS 750003, 12.3.17, 756098100730401
Nucky of McBirdy - Ayana Nayeli Spirit of Indian Summer
Z: Beatrice Aemmer, E: Clare Winship
exc. developed, med. size, excellent head with corr expr. good earsetting, strong neck and withers, strong slopping topline, corr tailset, chest exc. dev. with strong forechest, enough ang. in front, corr ang. in hq, exc. coat and colour, moving mech. corr. with exc. drive, but carriage a bit more weight., exc. behaviour and temp.
Offene Klasse - Rüden


Henry Spirit of Indian Summer, SHSB/LOS 779863, 17.2.21, 756098100912610
Charming Vagabonds Blind Date - Cheyenne Nayeli Spirit of Indian Summer
Z: Beatrice Aemmer, E: Clare Winship
strong dev. male, exc, body prop., typ. masc. head, good parallel lines, corr earsetting, strong neck, strong withers, corr. slopping and strong topline, good tailset, chest exc. dev. with very good forechest, good strong bones, exc. ang in front, good in hq, enough strong hocks, exc. temp. and behaviour, movement mech. corr with enough drive. exc. qual. of coat and pigmentation
Vinz Louis vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 17/079, 24.4.17, 276096901244362
Nixon Jay Slowak Base - Remember Winny vom Gebirgsjägerhof
Z: Herta Leitner, E: Maik Schaufuß
medium strong, exc. size, head with corr expr. enough dark eyes, good earsetting, corr neck and withers, slopping topline, chest enough dev. for age, a bit straight upper arm, enough ang in hq,, corr tailset and carriage, exc. quality of coat, good colour, moving mech. corr. with a lot of temp., but need more drive, exc. behaviour and presentation
Wild thirteen Lord of Seesaw-fields, VDH-DISZ 19032, 19.2.19, 276095610503060
Machouston Of the Trav'lin Star - Power of Love Maureen of Seesaw-fields
Z: Dr. Stephanie Klinge-Wipfelder, E: Brigitte u. Sven Matthaei
exc. size, very good proportions, good type, strong masc. head, could have more parallel headlines, long strong neck, corr. topline, a bit shorter croup, exc. dev. chest, but have more forechest, corr ang in front and rear, pastern could be stonger, movement mech. corr. from side, but need more drive, exc. coat, exc colour and pigmentation, good behaviour and temp.
Veteranenklasse - Hündinnen


LS, Dt.Ch.(VDH), Ö.Ch
Ch. Salute Jay vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 15/081, 31.3.15, 276095610067406
Odin vom Gebirgsjägerhof - Ch. Kathy vom Gebirgsjjägerhof
ZuE: Herta Leitner
exc. size, very typical fem. head, corr expr. scissor bite, good earsetting, strong neck, corr. headline, chest enough dev. for age, corr ang. in hq, in front could be better ang. in upper arm, corr. tailset and carriage, corr. coat, moving mech. corr., could have more drive, slightley narrow behind, exc. temp., good color and pigmentation,
Jugendklasse - Hündinnen
Georgina vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 22/133, 27.11.22, 276095611216871
Ch. Marlland Break the Rules - Ch. Salute Jay vom Gebirgsjägerhof
ZuE: Herta Leitner
very nice dev. female, in full growing process, exc. fem. head, with nice parallel lines, exc .eyes, corr .expression, scissor bite, strong neck and withers, exc. developed chest, strong bones, enough ang. in front, exc. in hq, corr croup, corr. tailset and carriage, , nice parallel movement and drive, nice coat for age, exc. coat color and pigmentation, make very good impression for age, exc. behaviour
Frau Leitner vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 22/123, 21.10.22, 276095611102333
Eyecatcher Keevan of wineyard - LJS Dt. Ch.(VDH) TOP 'Una' vom Gebirgsjägerhof
ZuE: Herta Leitner
medium srong female in full growing process, fem head, could have more parallel lines, corr. bite, good earsetting, neck long but could be stronger, good topline, abtit lower tailset, chest enough developed for age, could be better ang. in front, enough in hq enough strong bones, corr coat and color, moving mech. corr bit need to have a bit more drive, a little bit narrow in behind,
Garcia vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 22/135, 27.11.22, 276095611231952
Ch. Marlland Break the Rules - Ch. Salute Jay vom Gebirgsjägerhof
Z: Herta Leitner[Miteigentümer], E: Herta Leitner
in full growing process, exc. size for age, very nice female head with exc. expr., corr. eyes, could have stonger muscles, strong neck, corr,. topline, chest still growing, straight in front, corr. ang. in hq, good croup and tailset, need to have stronger front, moving mech. corr from side, but very narrow from behind, exc. coat and colour, exc. temp.
Greta vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ/IS22/137, 27.11.22, 276095611260542
Marlland Break the Rules - Salute Jay vom Gebirgsjägerhof
Z: Herta Leitner, E: Gregor Schmidt-Tobolar
medium strong female, still in growing process, fem. head, corr expr. exc. eyes, corr earsetting, chest well dev. but still growing, enough ang in front, should have stronger paws, good ang. in hq with strong hooks, corr topline, strong enough, good croup and tailset, good quality of coat, moving mech corr with good drive, exc. behaviour and presentation
Champion-Klasse - Hündinnen


TOP 'Una' vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 16/036, 9.4.16, 276096901243144
Andy von den Wiesenstrolchen - Ö.Ch. Remember Winny vom Gebirgsjägerhof
ZuE: Herta Leitner
nice dev. female, exc. type, good prop., fem. head with nice eyes, corr. bite, strong neck and withers, good topline, corr. croup and tailset, chest exc. dev. very nice forechest, corr. ang in hq, enough in front, enough strong shoulders and hooks, moving mech. correct with exc. drive, good coat and pigmentation, exc. behaviour
Offene Klasse - Hündinnen
You took my heart Ella of Seesaw-fields, VDH-DISZ 21016, 16.3.21, 276098800280368
Simply Red Tyron of Seesaw-fields - Up to my heart Grace of Seesaw-fields
Z: Dr. Stephanie Klinge-Wipfelder, E: Heike Schlick-Karst
very nice dev .female, exc. size, enough strong bones, very typical head wirth corr. expr. corr. earsetting, strong elegant neck, coor. topline, good croup and tailset, chest exc. deve. for age, could be better ang. in front and pasterns, a littlkebit frech, exc. ang in hq with strong hooks, good coat, moving mech. corr, exc tempperament, exc. color and pigmentation
Whitney von den Altheimer Herrenwiesen, VDH-DISZ 21030, 24.4.21, 276098108371895
Delsey Spirit of Indian Summer - Roxane von den Altheimer Herrenwiesen
Z: Regina Bauer, E: Christel Horinek
very nice developed female with good substance, fem. head, corr bit, exc. earsetting, enough dark eyes, strong neck and withers, corr. topline, round croup, good tailset and carriage, chest nice developed with corr subst. , could be better ang in upper arm ,good ang in hq, nice long quality coat; good color and pigmentation, moving corr. from side, but need stronger shoulders, a bit narrow behind, exc. behaviour and presenation


Ypsilon vom Gebirgsjägerhof, VDH/DPSZ IS 19/021, 7.3.19, 276094502002232
Ch. Marlland Zo Irish and Handsome - Ö.Ch. Remember Winny vom Gebirgsjägerhof
ZuE: Herta Leitner
good body prop. and corr. size, very typical fem head, corr eyes, good earsetting, strong neck, withers and topline, corr. croup and tailset, chest enough developed with enough forechest, good ang. in front, exc. ang in hq, exc. pigmentation and colour, need to have more coat, moving corr but could have a bit more drive behind, exc. temperament
Irish Red and White Setter
Richter Dr. Zlatko Jojkic, Serbien
Zwischenklasse - Hündinnen
Enya vom Katharinenberg, VDH/DPSZ IRWS 21/030, 12.11.21, 276097202845244
Barsoom of the Baltic Ambers - Aimee from Imperial Oak Stud
ZuE: Günther u. Renate Meier
corr. size and proportion, well dev. for age, typ. fem. head with exc expr. and correct earsetting, dark eyes, srtrong neck and withers, corr. topline, round croup, slightley lower teilset, chest well dev., good ang .in front, elbows a bít out of body, corr ang. in hq, strong hooks, exc. coat an color, moving corr, good temp. and exc. behaviour

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