2. Spezial-Rassehunde-Ausstellung Walldürn am 8.7.2017
Golden Retriever
Richterin Beryl Liggins, GB
Veteranenklasse - Rüden
Anthonio z Borovych lesu, CLP/GR/13658, 16.6.09, 972000000848016
Bastien z Makovych dvoru - Wekra z Vlcich luk
Z: Michal Rehor, E: Michaela Simunkova
Nice type, lovely head and expression, good neck, well balanced, good front angulation, deep, well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, moved very well.


VDH Res.Anw.Dt.VCH
Autumn Breeze A New Adventure, VDH/DRC-G 1027969, 1.6.09
Trekronor Limited Edition - My Winter Paradise Autumn Breeze
Z: N. u. M. Schneidereit, E: Birgit Junghans
nice head and expression, good neck, straight front, good angulation throughout, deep well-ribbed body, level topline, in good coat and condition, moved very well but a little close behind.


Button Nose of Toboggan Run, VDH/DRC-G 0825262, 10.5.08, 276094100120685
Mulfield Lewis - A Magic Moment of Toboggan Run
ZuE: Monika Tannert
nice head and expression, good neck and front angulation, deep well-ribbed body, good rear angulation,, in good coat and condition, moved well but could be a bit more positive in rear movement.


Dt. Vet.Ch. VDH, GRC, DRC
My Winter Paradise Endless Emotion, VDH/DRC-G 0824740, 31.3.07
Tenfield Border Rambler - Wedding Day of Redpine
Z: Claudia Winter, E: Birgit Junghans
Masculine head and soft expression, good neck and shoulders, would prefer a little more upper arm angulation, deep well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved very well,
Baby-Klasse - Rüden
Nordic Karhu of Good Geasan, LOF 162753, 3.3.17, 250269606870281
Terra Antyda Sani New Prince Of Heart - Waterloo's Still A Good Geason
ZuE: Susanne Pieler-Guiton
four month old baby, nice head, good neck, good bone, good angulation, moved very well, good balance throughout.
Jüngstenklasse - Rüden
Eastwood's Gold Fuzzy Wuzzy, NHSB 3063136, 7.11.16, 528140000661306
Obsidian Of The Morning Valley - Tanishtagh Undo
Z: C van Leijenhorst, E: Cindy van Leijenhorst
Quality puppy, nice head and expression, good neck and front angulation, well balanced body, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved well.
Jugendklasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt. JCH
Barrier's Golden Deep in my Heart Dante, VDH/DRC-G 1637100, 24.3.16, 276098106200449
Vestafjell's Magic Elf - Barrier's Golden Best Fellow Brooke
ZuE: Lydia Münnich
Quality boy, nice type, lovely head and expresssion, good neck and front angulation, well balanced body, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved very well.
VDH Res. Anw. Dt. JCH
Snowjar's Checkpoint, NHSB 3072023, 23.7.16
Snowjar's Trendmaker - Snowjar's Champagne
Z: Charlotte Linde, E: Gloria Blaauwendraat
Nice type, nice head and expression, good neck and shoulders, well balanced, good rear angulation, needs to settle on the move.
Golden Island of Love Giotto, VDH/GRC 16-0588, 6.8.16, 900096000122453
Capital Kopenhagen Golden Robos - Aida de Ria Vela
Z: Ljiljana Weiß, E: Karin u. Dieter Schneider
Nice type, masculine head with soft expression, good neck and front, deep well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, would prefer a less body length, good coat and condition, moved ok.
Equator Szczesliwy Slon, PKR.VIII-35113, 1.4.16, 616093900203501
HA HA Zidan Szcesliwy Slon - Boogiw Woogie Oligarchia
Z: Robert Nowak, E: Ana Cvarkov
Nice type, nice head and expression, good neck and front angulation, well balanced body, good rear angulation, level topline, Handler tends to overhandle him on the move
Golden Dreamstory Just Otto, VDH-GRC 16-0279, 20.4.16, 040098100469531
Herwildy's Michelangelo - Golden Dreamstory Bonjour Mia
Z: Monika u. Gerhard Kovarik, E: Christiane Nawrath
Nice head and expression, good neck and shoulders, would prefer a little more upper arm angulation, well balanced, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved ok.
Here we go Conquering Hearts, VDH/DRC-G 1637725, 1.8.16, 276096901223922
Rossmix After Rain Comes Sunshine - Meallan Beauly
Z: Karin Feuerstein, E: Kerstin Krüger
Would prefer a more masculine head, good neck and angulation, good topline, good coat and condition, needs to settle and tighten in movement. Today very good.
10.n. ersch.
Venley's A dream comes true Jarvis, VDH/DRC-G 1637505, 25.5.16, 276098106172461
Shardanell Stargazer - Catch the Wind Venice
Z: Jessica Hölger, E: Jessica u. Thomas Hölger
13.n. ersch.
Ramchaine Black Tie, NHSB 3047011, 5.6.16, 528140000655506
Dainty's Man With A Mission - Ramchaine Monkeynut
Z: C. T. Ennis van Maren, E: Sven u. Alexandra Budde
Zwischenklasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Belg. Junch. & Junior Warrant
Glitters Obsidian Butterfly, LOSH 1165393, 18.9.15, 981100004143834
Xanthos Machiavelli - Fenwood Libertine Glitters
ZuE: Kathy Braeckman
Quality boy, lovely type, masculine with soft expression, good neck and front angulation, good bone, well balanced body, strong quarters, level topline, lovely coat and condition, very sound and stylish on the move.
Thevenet Pure Passion, LOE 2289496, 15.8.15, 941000018267972
Vestafjell's Magic Elf - Thevenet Hacer Dulce La Sal
Z: Santiago Gadea Castro, E: Pavel Mí?ek
Quality dog, nice type, lovely head and expression, good neck and front angulation, well-ribbed body, level topline, good rear angulation, lovely coat and condition, moved very well.
Madison of Magic Hearts Avec Amour, VDH/DRC-G 1536369, 26.7.15, 276096901245280
Windwhirl Early Heart Even - Cesraka It's Magic
Z: Sabine Maier, E: Sabine u. Raphael Maier
Masculine head, would prefer a softer expression, good neck and front, good bone, deep well-ribbed body, level topline, strong rear quarters, good coat and condition, moved well.
Ansago's Tomboy, VDH/DRC-G 1636900, 17.2.16, 276095610177292
Alibren Romeo - Golden Mountain Spring's Ansagos Ally
Z: Sandra Goth, E: Brunhilde u. Michael Kern
Nice head and expression, good neck, would prefer a little more front angulation, well balanced body, good rear angulation, needs to gain a little more in confidence and settle on the move.
Offene Klasse - Rüden
VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Under The Button vd Beerse Hoeve, NHSB 2983450, 23.10.14, 528140000586298
Rosegrove Let It Be Me - Gargamella vd Beerse Hoeve
Z: Gerritsen M., E: Ilse u. Dirk Peeters-Van Nunen
Quality dog, lovely type, lovely head and expression, very good neck and front angulation, very well balanced, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, very sound and stylish on the move.


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Nose For News No Hills, LOSH 1141978, 12.3.14, 981100002952564
Gillbryan Any Dream Will Do - Hille No Hills
Z: Peeters-Van Nunen, E: Chris De Meyer
Lovely type, masculine and soft expression, good neck and front angulation, good bone, well balanced body, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, moved very well.
Murphy von der Ivangsheide, VDH/GRC 15-0161, 13.4.15, 276098007107749
Ashbyglen Zut Alors - Hummel von der Ivangsheide
Z: Sabine Mergemeier, E: Sabine Grad
Lovely type, masculine head and soft expression, very good neck and front angulation, good bone, deep well.ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, moved very well.


Dts. Junior Champ. (VDH)
Magavin of the Morning Valley, NHSB 2985489, 12.11.14, 5281400005900704
Majik Truth or Dare Ch. - Tinkerbell of the Morning Valley Ch.
Z: J. A. M. van Leeuwen-Schuurman, E: Ronald Wezel
Lovely type, lovely head and expression, good neck and front angulation, very well balanced, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, moved very well.
Golden Dreamstory Everybody's Darling Willi, VDH/GRC 13-0778, 11.11.13, 040098100383936
Stanwell Da-Cabo - Emma du Pays de Boheme
Z: Monika u. Gerhard Kovarik, E: Claudia Kieninger-Zehnder
Nice type, lovely head and expression, good neck and front, deep well -ribbed body, well balanced, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, moved ok.
Blackberry Apps v.d. Loopakker, NHSB 2854325, 15.9.11, 528 140000464804
Ritzilyn Hurdy Gurdy - Violet of Music v.d. Loopakker
Z: J. van Hoenselaar, E: Ethel Moors-Volmert
Would prefer a more masculine head, would prefer more neck and front angulation, well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, needs to tughten in nmovement allround, therefore very good today.
33.n. ersch.
Balu good soul von Klanjamira's Golden, VDH/GRC 15-0074, 17.2.15, 276096909246603
Henry von der Ivangsheide - Raggle-Taggle of the crow valley
Z: Stieber, E: Anja Stieber


Lovely Special Edition of Good Geasan, LOF 149659/8, 22.4.15, 2fud423
Swanavly Imperial Peridot - Lislone Garbank Leesha
ZuE: Susanne Pieler-Guiton
Nice type, nice head and expression, good neck and front, well balanced, level topline, good rear angulation and in good coat and condition, moved very well.
Christopher Robin of Toboggan Run, VDH/DRC-G 1333464, 13.10.13, 276094500067784
Shardanell Stargazer - Beany Giggle Giny of Toboggan Run
ZuE: Monika Tannert
Lovely head and expression, good neck and front angulation, good bone, deep well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, moved ok but a little close behind.
Champion-Klasse - Rüden


Dt.Jug.Ch., Dt.Ch.VDH&GRC
Jako's Star from the North, VDH/DRC-G 1333393, 8.4.13, 578077000212748
Jako's Nordic Charm - Jako's Hope for the Future
Z: Jarle Koldal, E: Sandra u. Margit Müller,Urbanski
Nice type, lovely soft expression, nice front angulation, deep well-ribbed body, very well balanced, strong rear quarters, level topline, in coat coat and hard condition, moved very well.


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
C.I.E.Ch.VDH etc
Sequins Schnozzola, NHSB 2961815, 14.4.14
Sarnell Up And Coming - Sequins Savagnin
Z: C. Th. J. M. Knippenborg, E: Eva-Maria Landfester
Nice type, lovely masculine head with soft expression, good neck and front angulation, very well balanced, good body proportions, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, very sound and stylish on the move.


Mango Wizz vd Beerse Hoeve, DK02985/2013, 17.2.12
This Will Doo von der Beerse Hoeve - Milky Way von der Beerse Hoeve
Z: Mrs M, Gerritsen, E: Mette Stougaard
Lovely head and expression, very good neck and front angulation, very well balanced body, good rear angulation, level topline, moved very well.


n. ersch.
Dt. Ch. Club GRC
Ramchaine New York New York, NHSB 2958598, 17.3.14, 528140000567637
Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell - Velenya Vogue Of Ramchaine
Z: C. T. Ennis van Maren, E: Sven u. Alexandra Budde


n. ersch.
VDH & German Champion
Ramchaine Motif, NHSB 2880678, 25.11.09, 956000001657687
Barnum of the Hellacious Acres - Ramchaine Essential
Z: C. T. Ennis van Maren, E: R. F. Putters
Gebrauchshundklasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Dt.Ch. VDH etc
Sequins Savus, NHSB 2851587, 18.8.11
Basic Blend Van de Beerse Hoeve - Sequins Supremes
Z: C. Th. J. M. Knippenborg, E: Eva-Maria Landfester
Masculine head, lovely expression, good neck and front, deep well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, good coat and condition, moved well.


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
RUS CH RFK CH FCI WCC Markpr. Brugspr
Mitcharron Billy Elliot, DK13334/2011, 9.3.11
Mitcharron Memphis Milton - Caelavek Sweet Caroline To Mitcharron
Z: Mr. u. Mrs. Perry, E: Mette Stougaard
Masculine head and soft expression, good neck and shoulders, would prefer a little less angulation all around, level topline, well ribbed body, moved ok.
Devoted chaperon for life Camelot, VDH/DRC-G 1333543, 2.11.13, 276097202407899
Rossmix After Rain Comes Sunshine - Crack a smile of creme puff
Z: Verena Goetzke, E: Petra Koermer-Buhleier
Nice head and expression, good neck, would prefer a little more front angulation, good rear angulation, level topline, moved well.
Veteranenklasse - Hündinnen


Mult.Int.Sh.Ch.BISS BIS, HuVCh.MultJCh
Silver Passion A Memory of Love, JR 78282 Zr, 27.8.07, 941000002379248
Ashbury Angel Heart - Swanavly Silver Jenny
Z: Arno u. Karin Weczerek, E: Ana Cvarkov
Lovely type, feminine head, very good neck and front angulation, mature deep well-ribbed body, level topline, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved very well for her age.


VDH Res.Anw.Dt.VCH
VDH-JCh., Dt.-Ch.(GRC), VDH-Ch., C.I.B.,
Faithful Heart Fine Frenzy, VDH/DRC-G 0825984, 2.11.08
Taram Du Bois De La Rayere - Faithful Heart Fine Frenzy
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Silke u. Lutz Hohmann
Feminine with a nice head and expression, good neck and front angulation, mature well-ribbed body, well balanced, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, moved very well.
Amy Spirit of Golden Moon, VDH/DRC-G 0420236, 3.6.04
Kavanagh of Graceful Delight - Your Perfect Gift of Redpine
ZuE: Silvia Renner
13 year old lady, lovely head and expression, nice type, good neck and shoulders, mature well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, lovely coat and condition, a credit to her owner for her age, moved very well.


Dt.Ch.VDH, Dt.Ch.Club,Pol.Ch
Catch the Wind Venice, VDH/DRC-G 0926858, 6.6.09, 276097202002196
Inassicas Coriander - Catch the Wind Pebbles
Z: J. Wolf, E: Jessica u. Thomas Hölger
Nice type, feminine head and expression, good neck and front, well ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, moved well but a little close behind.
Elaine from Golden Eyes of Munroe, VDH/DRC-G 0926756, 21.5.09, 276097200958755
Erinderry Night of Delight - Briannah from Golden Eyes of Munroe
Z: Margit Westermann, E: Simone Studer
Feminine head, soft expression, good neck and shoulders, would prefer a little more upper arm angulation, well ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, moved well but a little close behind.
Baby-Klasse - Hündinnen
Best Baby
Nordic Lillifee Princess of Good Geasan, LOF 162755, 3.3.17, 250269606867494
Terra Antyda Sani New Prince Of Heart - Waterloo's Still A Good Geason
ZuE: Susanne Pieler-Guiton
sweet head and expression, good neck, good bone, good angulation, well balanced, moved very well with confidence.
Cheerful Piper Amber of Baden, VDH/DRC-G 1738339, 27.2.17, 276098001035859
Golden Yan Dyllon vom Wacholderpark - Golden Offspring Petra
Z: Steffen Schmitt, E: Martina Albrecht
sweet baby, nice head and expression, good neck and body proportions, moved ok, needs time to settle.
Jüngstenklasse - Hündinnen
Best Puppy
Madame Bovary du Bois de la Rayere, CLP/GR/18738, 9.10.16, 250268712468534
Iker du Bois de la Rayere - Gold Dust du Bois de la Rayere
Z: Bruno Facq, E: Michaela Simunkova
Lovely type, very pretty hrad with a sweet expression, very good neck and front, good bone, well balanced body, good rear angulation, level topline, lovely coat, needs to watch her weight a little but very sound and stylish on the move
Cross Meadows Golden Betty, VDH/GRC 16-0860, 30.11.16, 276093400690460
Majik Truth or Dare - Shyra's Golden Fine
ZuE: Gerd u. Sonja Hofmann
A very pretty puppy, lovely head and expression, very good neck and front, well balanced body, good rear angulation, level topline, moved very well.
Eastwood's Gold Tickle Me Pink, NHSB 3063142, 7.11.16, 528140000659219
Obsidian Of The Morning Valley - Tanishtagh Undo
Z: C van Leijenhorst, E: Cindy van Leijenhorst
Pretty puppy, feminine head and expression, good neck and front, good rear angulation, level topline, watch her weight as it makes her roll on the move, but movement ok.
Golden Dreamcatchers Finja, VDH/GRC 16-0825, 11.11.16
Ashbury It's Now or Never - Golden Dreamcatchers Adorable Amelie
Z: Andrea Gopmpf, E: Dr. Christian Kipp
very pretty head and expression, good neck, would prefer a little more shoulder and upper arm angulation, level topline, good rear angulation, moved well.
Jugendklasse - Hündinnen
VDH Anw. Dt. JCH
Faithful Heart Leona Lewis, VDH/DRC-G 1637704, 24.7.16
Zampanzar Say it Again Shardanell - Faithful Heart Ivy Queen
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Silke u. Lutz Hohmann
Lovely type, feminine head and expression, very good neck and front angulation, well-ribbed body for her age, level topline, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, very sound and stylish on the move.
VDH Res. Anw. Dt. JCH
Sevenway End of the Rainbow, VDH/DRC-G 1637523, 30.5.16, 276095610198017
Gillbryan Joseph's Dream - Sevenway Chasing Dreams
Z: Petra Haas, E: Ljiljana Weiß
Feminine youngster, good neck and front, well balanced, leveltopline, good rear angulation, moved but ok, but needs to settle a little.
Passion Flower of Bridge Four, LOSH 1182239, 26.9.16, 981100004376423
Noah of the Hellacious Acres - Lightning of Bridge Four
Z: M u. C Borgmans, E: Sandra u. Alex Müller
Nice type, sweet head and expression, good neck and front, good bone, well balanced, good rear angulation, level topline, nice coat and condition, moved ok, but a little close behind.
Maplewind Chili Pepper, VDH/DRC-G 1637406, 7.5.16, 276096909321654
Herwildy's Michelangelo - Maplewind Bright Little Star of Bali
Z: Judith u. Hiroki Tsuge, E: Judith Tsuge
A nice type, sweet head and expression, good neck and front angulation, well balanced, good rear angulation, level topline, lovely coat and condition, moved very soundly.
47.n. ersch.
Melgowd Right in my soul, ÖHZB GR 7762, 30.3.16, 52814000063084
Dutchtab van de Beerse Hoeve - Zampanzar Zsa Zsa Zsu
Z: Melanie Sondervan, E: Ulrike Raunig


Jugendsieger Brandenburg
Faithful Heart Lina Maly, VDH/DRC-G 1637703, 24.7.16
Zampanzar Say it Again Shardanell - Faithful Heart Ivy Queen
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Silke u. Sidonie Hohmann
Pretty head and expression, good neck and front, well balanced, good rear angulation, levelt topline, would preter a little more substance, in good coat, moved ok
Gembæk's A Head Full of Dreams, VDH/DRC-G 1738281, 19.6.16, 208210000576802
Zampanzar All I Know - Gembæk's Quantum of Solace
Z: Marianne Skøtt Jespersen, E: Jessica u. Thomas Hölger
Nice type, feminine head and expression, good neck and front, well balanced, level topline, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved well.
Golden Island of Love Gracia, VDH-GRC 16-0593, 6.8.16, 900096000122550
Capital Kopenhagen Golden Robos - Aida de Ria Vela
Z: Weiß Ljiljana, E: Ljiljana Weiß
Feminine bitch, pretty head and expression, good neck and front, good bone,well ribbed, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved well.
Moments of Love Circle in the Sand, VDH/DRC-G 1637790, 21.8.16, 276097202534518
Jako's Mystic Touch - Elaine from Golden Eyes of Munroe
Z: Simone Studer, E: Therese Kiesele
Pretty head and expression, good neck, would prefer a little more shoulder and upper arm angulation, well balanced, level topline, good rear angulation, in good coat, moved ok.
Golden Romance Winnie, JR707206 Zr, 23.6.16, 688035000175927
Yes Sir Oligarchia - Golden Romance Star Light
ZuE: Ana Cvarkov
Feminine bitch, nice head and expression, very good neck and front angulation, well ribbed body, well balanced, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved soundly.
Maxima Princess of Good Geasan, LOF 143765/0, 29.2.16, 250269606599635
Buck A Roo of the Morning Valley - Lislone Garbank Leesha
ZuE: Susanne Pieler-Guiton
Nice type, very feminine youngster, pretty head and expression, very good neck and front, well balanced, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved well.
Golden Island of Love Geisha, VDH-GRC 16-0590, 6.8.16, 900096000122459
Capital Kopenhagen Golden Robos - Aida de Ria Vela
Z: Weiß Ljiljana, E: Ljiljana Weiß
Feminine head and expression, good neck and front, well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, a little unsettled on the move but ok,
Zwischenklasse - Hündinnen
VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Sanguinisch Strike a Pose, NHSB 3017689, 7.9.15
Goldfashion Keep the Faith - Sanguinisch Cross my Heart
ZuE: Manita u. Gert Busser
Lovely type, quality bitch, lovely head and expression, very good neck and front angulation, deep well-ribbed body, level topline, good rear angulation, lovely coat and condition, very stylish and sound on the move


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Dts Jug Ch VDH, Alpen Jugendsieger '17
Tanishtagh Walk on Water, NHSB 3039029, 27.3.16
Obsidian of the Morning Valley - Multi CH CIE Snowjar's Chelles
ZuE: Gloria Blaauwendraat
Lovely type, pretty head and expression, good neck and front, well.-ribbed, well balanced body, good rear angulation, level topline, lovely coat and condition, very sound and stylish on the move
One Cup of Coffee No Hills, LOSH 1166084, 31.10.15, 981100004133526
Non-Stop James Bond - Koffee No Hills
Z: Peeters-Van Nunen, E: Ilse u. Dirk Peeters-Van Nunen
Lovely type, lovely head and expression, very good neck and front angulation, good bone, well balanced welleibbed body, good rear angulaiton, lovely coat and condition, very sound and stylish on the move


JP/R, Dummy A
Faithful Heart Kelly Clarkson, VDH/DRC-G 1536661, 10.12.15
Shardanell Stargazer - Faithful Heart Fine Frenzy
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Silke u. Lutz Hohmann
Feminine head, good neck and front, well-ribbed, well balanced, level topline, good rear angulation, level topline, in good coat and condition, moved ok, but a little close behind,
62.n. ersch.
Always of the Golden Motif, NHSB 3020567, 8.10.15, 528140000619317
Majik Finders Keepers - Ramchaine Pink Paradise
ZuE: R. F. Putters


Dt. JCH VDH/GRC, Sieg.HRO/Alpen/Ortenau
Dutch Consolidation All This, NHSB 3022686, 14.10.15, 528140000620009
Majik Truth or Dare - Dutch Consolidation After All
Z: K. M. Wibbelink, E: Isolde Schrage
Feminine head and expression, good neck, would prefer a little more front angulation, well balanced body, level topline, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved very well.
64.n. ersch.
Happy Holly vom Rennweg, VDH/GRC 15-0597, 20.9.15, 900096000121226
Catequill Northern Tales - Billie Jean vom Rennweg
Z: M. u. F. Lamwersiek, E: Martina Lamwersiek
Ansago's Tessa, VDH/DRC-G 1636909, 17.2.16, 276095610177911
Alibren Romeo - Golden Mountain Spring's Ansagos Ally
Z: Goth,Sandra, E: Sandra Goth
Feminine head, soft expression, good neck and front, well balanced, level topline, good reaar angulation, good coat and condition, moved well when settled.
Champion-Klasse - Hündinnen


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Dts VHD CH, Dts Klub CH
Sambuca of the Morning Valley, NHSB 2883764, 24.5.12
Multi CH Dewmist Serrano - Multi CH Forever Yours My Love of Splendour
Z: Ans van Leeuwen, E: Gloria Blaauwendraat
Quality bitch, lovely type, lovely head and expression, very good neck and front, good bone, deep, well-ribbed mature body, strong rear quarters, level topline,, lovely coat and condition, very sound and stylish on the move


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Deutscher Champion (VDH)
Princess of Wales Happy Company, VDH/GRC 15-0139, 2.11.13, 191100000656018
Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell - I Love You Happy Company
Z: Djurdjica Dujmovic, E: Ljiljana Weiß
Quality bitch, lovely type, feminine head and expression, very good neck and front angulation, well balanced body, deep well-ribbed, good rear angulation, level topline, moved very well when settled.


Dt. Ch. VDH, Saarbrückensieger 16
Tanishtagh Dancing in the Rain, VDH/GRC 17-0295, 9.5.14, 528140000579154
Snowjar's Wellington Dumelow - Sambuca of the Morning Valley
Z: Gloria Blaauwendraat, E: Simone Studer
Feminine head and expression, good neck and front, mature well-ribbed body, level topline, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved very well.


Dt. Ch. (GRC) Dt. Ch.(VDH) ES 2016
Karlotta von der Ivangsheide, VDH/GRC 13-0747, 13.10.13, 276096907016220
Roxali DaVinci at Ritzilyn - Hummel von der Ivangsheide
Z: Sabine Mergemeier, E: Ralf Koch
Feminine bitch, pretty head and expression, good neck and front, well-ribbed body, well balanced, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved well.


Barrier's Golden Best Fellow Brooke, VDH/DRC-G 1231513, 14.6.12, 276098104493299
Majik Truth or Dare - Timeless Golden Especial Event
ZuE: Lydia Münnich
Lovely head and expression, good neck and front, strong bone, mature well-ribbed body, well balanced, level topline, strong quarters, good coat and condition, moved very well.


C.I.E.,Dt.Ch.Club GRC+DRC, Ch.RSM,CS'12
Shyra's Golden Fine, VDH/GRC 10-0762, 20.7.10, 276098102960897
Non-Stop James Bond - Shyra's Golden Carlotta
Z: Heidi Pulfrich, E: Gerd Hofmann
Nice type, feminine head, soft expression, good neck and front, good bone, well balanced, good depth of ribs, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved ok, but a little close behind.


Deutscher Champion Club
Evita Maja Spirit of Golden Moon, VDH/DRC-G 1129592, 9.4.11, 276096909067274
Cesarka Early Edition - Amy Spirit of Golden Moon
ZuE: Silvia Renner
Feminine head, soft expression, good neck and front, good bone, mature well-ribbed body, level topline, strong quarters, in good coat and condition, moved well.
Gebrauchshundklasse - Hündinnen


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
JubiJugSG14.FCI WCC. Brugspr
Rayleas Irresistible Idun, DK07806/2014, 13.7.13
Rayleas Valentino - Megarvey Mimi AT Rayleas
Z: Mr. Sven Zingg u. Mrs. Cathrine Zingg u. Miss Emilie Zingg, E: Mette Stougaard
Feminine bitch, lovely head and expression, very good neck and front angulation, mature well-ribbed body, well balanced, good rear angulation, lovely coat and condition, moved very well.
VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Maplewind Bright Little Star of Bali, VDH/DRC-G 1231999, 9.11.12
Shardanell Castaspell - Maplewind Apple Blossom
Z: Judith u. Hiroki Tsuge, E: Judith Tsuge
Pretty bitch, feminine head and expression, good neck and front, very well balanced, level topline, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved very soundly.
Funny Yellow Girl Spirit of Golden Moon, VDH/DRC-G 1434691, 14.8.14, 276098104935162
Dainty's Foreign Currency - Evita Maja Spirit of Golden Moon
ZuE: Silvia Renner
Feminine head and expression, good neck and front, good bone, deep well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, level topline, good coat but carrying a little excess weight today, moved well
Offene Klasse - Hündinnen
VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Glitters Much of Muchness, LOSH 1123506, 9.2.13
Majik Truth or Dare - Fenwood Libertine Glitters
ZuE: Kathy Braeckman
Quality bitch and lovely type, lovely head and expression,excels in neck and front angulation, good bone, neat feet, deep well-ribbed body, very well balanced, level topline, strong quarters, in good coat and condition, very sound and stylish on the move.


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Saarbrücken Jugendsieger
Cross Meadows Golden Ayla, VDH/GRC 13-0608, 22.7.13, 276098104515971
Jako's Mystic Touch - Shyra's Golden Fine
ZuE: Gerd u. Sonja Hofmann
Feminine butch, lovely head and expression, good neck and front, good bone and feet, well balanced, mature well-ribbed body, level topline, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved very well.


Dt.JCh.,Jugendsieger Karlsruhe
New Girl Limoncella Della Val d'Aveto, VDH/DRC-G 1637246, 4.7.15
Xanthos Ferrari - La Boheme Della Val d'Aveto
Z: M. Massone G. Monteverde, E: Petra Thielsch
Feminine bitch with a lovely head and expression, good neck and front, well balanced, level topline, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved very well.
Tanishtagh Undo, NHSB 2965365, 9.5.14, 528140000573665
Snowjar's Wellington Dumelow - Sambuca Of The Morning Valley
Z: G Blaauwendraat, E: C van Leijenhorst
Quality bitch, lovely type, sweet head and expression, very good neck and front, neat feet, mature well-ribbed body, level topline, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved very well.
Here we go Busy Bee, VDH/DRC-G 1536128, 22.6.15
Happy Damon Du Pays Sauvage - Meallan Beauly
Z: Karin Feuerstein, E: Julia Bohrt
Feminine head and expression, would prefer more neck and shoulder angulation, well balanced with level topline, good rear angulation,good coat and condition, needs to tighten in movement and a little close behind.
Cappuccino&Creme Emma G Nation, VDH/DRC-G 1029014, 11.10.10, 276098104074126
Every-Where-Around-Hugo du Bois de la Rayere - Cappuccino&Creme A Desert Queen Priscilla
Z: Petra Theurer, E: Werner Friedrich
Feminine head, would prefer a little darker eye, would prefer a little more neck and front angulation, level topline, good rear quarters, good coat and condition, moved ok, but a little close behind and wide in front.
Cappuccino&Creme I wanna Dance, VDH/DRC-G 1434434, 7.6.14, 276093410313644
Fenwood Ell Paco - Lacasitos de Atrapasueños
Z: Petra Theurer, E: Werner Friedrich
Pretty bitch with feminine head and sweet expression, good neck and front, well-ribbed body, level topline, would prefer a little less rear angulation, in good coat and condition, moved ok, but a little close behind.
Golden Dizzy vom Krämerwald, VDH/GRC 14-0873, 22.12.14, 276096907076420
Majik Truth or Dare - Rabbit's Mountains born to be wild Rose
Z: Sabine Brüssel, E: Stephan Sonntag
Feminine bitch with lovely head and expression, good neck and front, well-ribbed, good rear angulation, good coat and condition, moved ok, a little loose in front.
On The Catwalk No Hills, LOSH 1161898, 16.5.15, 981100004137609
House Calls vd Beerse Hoeve - Hille No Hills
Z: Peeters-Van Nunen, E: Ilse u. Dirk Peeters-Van Nunen
Quality bitch, lovely type, beautiful head and expression, very good neck and shoulders, good bone and feet, well-ribbed body, level topline, strong well developed quarters, lovely coat and condition, very stylish on the move, but a little close behind.


Fyllas Sweet Jolly Joy, DK04617/2015, 11.2.15
Mitcharron Billy Elliot - Respons Spralliga Subret-ten
Z: Mrs. Mette Stougaard, E: Mette Stougaard
Pretty bitch, soft expression, good neck and front, well balanced with good rear angulation, level topline, needs time to develop in body, moved ok.
Abby von Klanjamira's Golden, VDH/GRC 12-0372, 6.6.12, 276098104454579
Sequins Suvan - Raggle-Taggle of the crow valley
Z: Stieber, E: Anja Stieber
Feminine head and expression, would prefer more neck and front angulation, good bone, level topline, good rear angulation, in good coat and condition, movement needs to tighten all around.


Catch the Wind Brooklyn, VDH/DRC-G 1231452, 6.6.12, 276093400257213
Cheek to Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha - Catch the Wind Pebbles
Z: J. Wolf, E: Jessica u. Thomas Hölger
Feminine head and expression, good neck and shoulders, good bone and feet, good rear angulation, well balanced, good coat and condition, movement needs to tighten all around.
Sanguinisch Cross my Heart, NHSB 2839210, 12.5.11
Commander in Chief v. Flolain - Sanguinisch Showgirl
ZuE: Manita u. Gert Busser
Quality bitch of lovely type, lovely head and expression, very good neck and front, good bone and feet, well balanced, deep well-ribbed body, good rear angulation, lovely coat and condition, moved well, but feeling the heat.
Sequins Sabiha, NHSB 2996150, 3.3.15, 528140000596171
Majik Finders Keepers - Sequins Seccombe
ZuE: C. Th. J. M. Knippenborg
Pretty bitch, lovely type, lovely head and expression, very good neck and front, good bone and feet, very well balanced, level topline, strong quarters, lovely coat and condition, moved very well.

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