Golden Retriever Richterin Ana-Maria Darmanovic (Sunflower Valley), SRB und Frau Silvana Vuckovic (Swanavly), SRB |
Veteranenklasse - Rüden |
1. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. VCH CAC-V BV | D.CH, VDH.CH, Clubsieger Erinderry Night to Remember, VDH/DRC-G 0723628, 19.10.05 Marjamez Midnight Cowboy at Westervane - Erinderry Gaelic Breeze Z: C. Collins, E: S. u. U. Sponholz
Baby-Klasse - Rüden |
3. | vv1 Best Baby | Alvin Legend of White Angels, JR705977Zr, 12.1.14, 688038000006079 Evidog Nelson - Magic Mermaid Z: Pokorcki Kvietka , E: Johanna Wendorff-Damazyn
2. |
| Adonis Legend of white Angels, JR705978Zr, 12.1.14, 688038000005993 Evidog Nelson - Magic Mermaid Z: Kvietka Pokoracki, E: Sabrina Steinfeldt
Jüngstenklasse - Rüden |
4. | vv1
| Ray of Sunshine's Nordic Cloud Noca, VDH/GRC 13-0642, 8.9.13, 276094180109707 Ray of Sunshine's Fininally Felicity Filou - Ray of Sunshine's Heaven sent Hope Z: Iris Radbruch, E: Christina Gropp
5. | vv2
| Gembaek's 007, DK 17199/2013, 16.9.13, 208210000461856 Lawpark Spellcaster - Friendly Jane Della Grandi Ombre Z: Marianne Skott Jespersen, E: Andrea Giese
6. | vv3
| Golden Lille Bror vom Quellenthal, VDH/GRC 13-0639, 7.9.13, 276098104182842 Remington Rigoletto - Golden Elfie-Sue vom Quellenthal Z: Heike Sals, E: Angela Pleikies u. Sals, Heike
7. | vv4
| Thevenet Pep De Les Montanyes Catalanes, LOE 2182670, 16.10.13, 941000016164969 Thevenet Expansion By Sasha - Thevenet Rosa D'Abril Z: Santiago Gadea Castro, E: Petra Rolof
8. | vv
| Simply Wonderful Golden Davis, VDH-GRC 13-0749, 3.11.13, 276098104605457 Windwhirl Gambler Gang Gideon - Inja Simply Wonderful Golden of Calimeros Castle Z: Regina Glindemann, E: Nicole Stahl
Jugendklasse - Rüden |
9. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. JCH CAC-J | Touch of Magic Enjoy The Game, DK05009/2013, 16.3.13, 208246000144836 Majik Truth Or Dare - Jabbering Joy Aya Z: K. Laugesen, E: Birgit Christensen
20. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. JCH CAC-J-R | Gillbryan Hunterdean Leader, NHSB 2953826, 7.5.13 Gillbryan Trivelino - Gillbryan Vanda Mis Joaquim Z: Mr. DJ u. MB Lade, E: Rob v. d. Weiden u. Boll, Conni
11. | V3
| Ray of Sunshine's Mystery meets Mylow, VDH/GRC 13-0019, 19.1.13, 276094180109792 Frenchy-Boy du BOIS de la Rayere - Giddygold Summer Adventure Z: Iris Radbruch, E: Christina Gropp
15. | V4
| Golden Karli vom Quellenthal, VDH/GRC 13-0024, 21.1.13, 276098104170622 Haydn of the hellacious acres - Golden Herta-Sue vom Quellenthal Z: Heike Sals, E: Monika Stage
10. | V
| I'A Terra Antyda Marlo of Nordic History, EST-02302/13, 10.4.13, 981098102852700 Mibu Twister to Nenuoramos - Terra Antyda Sani Just a Magic Z: Mairi Siimon, E: Ina u. Thomas Mau
12. | V
| Winter sunset song of redpine, VDH/DRC-G 1232097, 18.12.12, 276098104586110 Dainty's foreign currency - Magic moments of redpine Z: S u. U. Sponholz, E: Silke Sohr
13. | V
| Sevenway Chapter One, VDH/DRC-G 1333003, 17.6.13, 276096909269982 Jako's Mystic Touch - Paz de Atrapasuenos Z: Petra Haas, E: Marc u. Gabriele Fahlbusch
14. | V
| Middle of the sky's Cute Crack, VDH/GRC 13-0354, 10.5.13, 276097202284004 Remington Rigoletto - Kate of Green Alley Z: Karin Breitkreutz, E: Kathrin Reichel
16. | V
| Middle of the Sky's Come Together, VHD/GRC 13-0351, 10.5.13, 276097202276664 Remington Rigoletto - Kate of Green Alley Z: Karin Breitkreutz, E: Christian Sell
17. | V
| Phil of Golden Gambler, VDH/GRC 13-0095, 17.3.13, 276098104392862 Lawpark Spellcaster - Ellis vom Allerblick Z: Ute Fuhse, E: Christel Lammers
18. | V
| Evidog Sailor, SPKP 2855, 28.6.13, 941000015457916 Thornywait Aceymac - Angua Of Anavy Z: E. Sikova, E: Katja Heitmann u.Eva Sikova
19. | V
| Captain-Hitch of Golden Heathland, VDH/GRC 13-0084, 17.3.13, 276097202300979 Evidog Jeremy - Golden Sunlight's Polka Dot Z: Katja Heitmann, E: Sara Lemmermann
21. | V
| Xanthos Xavier, NHSB 2952328, 2.7.13, 941000015360937 Shardanell Castaspell - Xanthos Givenchy Z: H. V. G. Morss, E: BT Vlaar
Zwischenklasse - Rüden |
22. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. CH CAC | Dt. Jug. Ch., Poland Junior Winner 2013 Poseidon of the Morning Valley, VDH/GRC 12-0679, 9.6.12 Ashbury Deep Impact - Sheer Magic of the Morning Valley Z: Ans van Leeuwen, E: Katja u. Matthias Waldbauer
28. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH CAC-R | Nunsbrook Glen Deveron, AP03615901, 10.8.12, 981000004749336 Telkaro First Look - Nunsbrook Ptarmigan Z: Mr. u. Mrs. John u. Beryl Liggins, E: Arno u. Karin Weczerek
32. | V3
| Jch/Herbst-Jug.Sieger/Frühjarssieger'14 Utrish iz Sokolinogo Gnezda , RKF3359838, 20.6.12, 643094100158247 Ashbury Angel Heart - Cheremuha iz Sokolinogo Gnezda Z: Tatiana Sokolova, E: H. Toren
29. | V4
| Catequill Northern Tales, VDH/GRC 13-0632, 22.7.12, 941000013672478 Remingtin Razzle Dazzle - Dream Max Think Twice Z: Katarzyna Gas, E: Maike Gerding
23. | V
| Dolce Campagno Alessio L'homme Libre, VDH/DRC-G 1231853, 12.9.12, 276098104517157 Majk Truth or Dare - Vive la Vie Béarnice Z: Sara Birlenbach, E: Martina Stracke
24. | n. ersch.
| Preston of THE morning Valley, NHSB2908056, 23.12.12, 528140000520475 Majik truth or dare - Lady Apple of THE morning Valley ZuE: Ans van Leeuwen
25. | V
| Ray of Sunshine's Kindly Guardian Keeper, VDH/GRC 12-0624, 14.9.12, 276094180069386 Frenchy-Boy Du Bois De La Rayere - Ray of Sunshine's Forever Felicity Floris Z: Iris Radbruch, E: Bernd Baumgärtel
26. | V
| Sheldrick Jar Jar Binks, VDH/GRC 12-0501, 18.7.12, 276098104521878 Majik Truth or Dare - Sheldrick Bonjour Penelope Z: Ute Heise, E: Anja Tödter
27. | V
| Jugendchampion Sequins Sgamati, VDH/GRC 13-0713, 21.6.12, 528140000495675 Inassicas Coriander - Sequins Sadiya Z: C. Th. J. M. Knippenborg, E: Anja u. Tino Klimpel
30. | n. ersch.
| Thevenet Ramón y Cajal, VDH/DRC-G 1333556, 2.11.12 Remington Ringmaster - Thevenet Petalo de Algodon Z: Santiago Gadea-Castro, E: Maike Stapfer
31. | V
| Golden Google vom Allerblick, VDH/GRC 12-0806, 18.11.12, 2760945000051769 Roxali Davinchi AT Ritzilyn - Uncanny Sweet Lucy vom Allerblick Z: Iris Severloh, E: Iris u. Milena Severloh
Champion-Klasse - Rüden |
33. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. CH BOS CAC BR | Dt. Champion VDH & Club, ÖKV Champion, Little Violet's Zucchero, VDH/GRC 12-0735, 11.12.10, 04009780944636 Mad About You de Ria Vela - Sequins Speedwell Z: Arminger u. John, E: Sabine Rödig-Brauch
35. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH CAC-R | LUX-VDH Guldruschen's No One Like Me, SE46920/2010, 7.6.10, 752098100481377 Multi CH Endicott Caballero - Serendipity La Grande Damme Z: Runberg MadeleineChampion-Parade, E: Willy-Conny-Madeleine De Meester-De Man-Runberg
37. | V3
| Int. Ch. Ch. Serbien, SK Ch Evidog Jeremy, VDH/GRC 12-0311, 12.11.09, 941000011244768 Shardanell Showstopper - Excellent Magic is Friendly Z: E. SikovaChampion-Parade, E: Katja Heitmann
38. | V4
| Dt. Jg. Ch. VDH, Dt. Ch. VDH, Pl. Ch., D Haydn of the Hellacious Acres, VDH/GRC 10-0525, 20.11.09, 528140000390518 Dewmist Silk Symphony - Philomena of the Hellacious Acres Z: H. B. van Maren, E: Sven u. Alexandra Budde
34. | V
| Dt. Champion, Sieger Brandenburg 2013 Daydream Ben of Old Ash Avenue, VDH/DRC-G 0824917, 30.3.08, 276096900326637 Visconti über den Wolken - April-Lee of Old Ash Avenue Z: Frank Scholz, E: Katja u. Matthias Waldbauer
36. | V
| VDH Champion Sequins Saur, VDH/GRC 10-0144., 21.4.08, 528140000323561 Artic Light Du Pays De Boheme - Rossmix Out Of Reach Z: C. Th. J. M. Knippenborg, E: Anja u. Tino Klimpel
Gebrauchshundklasse - Rüden |
41. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. CH CAC | Evidog Jeffrey, SPKP 2382/11, 12.11.09, 941000011244476 Shardanell Showstopper - Excellent Magic is Friendly Z: E. Sikova, E: Eva Sikova
42. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH CAC-R | Dt.J.Ch.VDH, Dt.Jgd. Ch. Club,JP/R Sequins Savus, NHSB 2851587, 18.8.11 Basic Blend v.d. Beerse Hoeve - Sequins Supremes Z: C. Knippenborg, E: Knippenborg Casper
40. | V3
| DKRLCH West End's Action Man, DK 04604/2010, 1.3.10 Sea Pimpernel Flying Touch Of Music - West End's Private Dancer Z: Gitte S., E: Naja Andersen
39. | V4
| WT, BHP A, Langschl. 800/1200m, BLP, ZZL Elwood Unique from cheerful House, VDH/DRC-G 0926224, 7.2.09, 276098102409345 Private Collection v.d. Beerse Hoeve - Consequence of Love from cheerful House Z: Birgit Kuhlmann, E: Ralf Lewandrowski
43. | n. ersch.
| Pol. Ch Catch the Wind Yukon, VDH/DRC-G 1129470, 19.3.11, 276094100154157 Majik Truth or Dare - Catch the Wind Pebbles Z: Jutta Wolf, E: Stefanie Lehmann
Offene Klasse - Rüden |
44. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. CH CAC | Dutch Consolidation Songwriter, DK16043/2012, 30.3.12, 528140000485706 Majik Truth Or Dare - Dutch Consolidation Londonderry Z: K. Wibbelink, E: Kirsten Laugesen
50. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH CAC-R | Rosegrove Let It Be Me, KC AM02438802, 14.6.11, 985154000134478 Shardanell Castaspell - Rosegrove Follow Your Dream Z: Campbell Lynn u. Frances, E: Ilse u. Lynn Peeters-Van Nunen-Campbell
59. | V3
| Markpr Mango Wizz v.d.Beerse Hoeve, DK 02985/2013, 17.2.12 This Will Doo v.d. Beerse Hoeve - Milky Way v.d. Beerse Hoeve Z: M. Gerritsen, E: Mette Stougaard
55. | V4
| DJch, CJS, ZZL, BHP A, FdW Ceysands Clooney but not George, VDH/GRC 10-0663, 25.6.10 Shardanell Showstopper - Evita über den Wolken Z: Sabine Wiehl, E: Stephanie Löcken
45. | V
| Golden Sunlight's Knockin' on Heaven's Door, VDH/GRC 08-0491, 17.6.08, 276097200925119 Golden Countryside's Rolex Triumph - Golden Sunlight's Tutti Frutty Z: Ruth u. Frank Scholz, E: Regina Kötting
46. | V
| Frenchy Boy du Bois de la Rayére, VDH/GRC 10-0567, 6.8.10, 250269500373975 Ramchaine Snap to Jako's - Bouquet Imperial du Bois de la Rayére Z: Bruno Facq, E: Ina u. Thomas Mau
47. | V
| Swanavly Diamonds'n Sparks, NHSB 2887571, 28.3.12, 688052000020096 Swanavly Imperial Emerald - Swanavly Nordic Breeze Z: S. u. V. Vuckovic, E: D. Koopman
48. | V
| Schlottes Kalle, VDH/DRC-G 1129974, 10.6.11, 276098104196823 Stormerick Salomon's Seal - Aurélie von der Lübbelau Z: Dr. Charlotte Kiepker, E: Birthe u. Volker Mensing
49. | V
| Impossible of Golden orf, LOSH 1064304, 17.7.09, 967000002023425 Guldruschen's Winter Collection - Donna Van Artésendal Z: De Meester-De Man, E: Chris De Meyer
51. | V
| Ray of Sunshine's Heaven sent Haakon, VDH/GRC 10-0747, 15.7.10 Golden Countryside's Border Song - Golden Countryside's As Good As New Z: Iris Radbruch, E: Imke Dudde
52. | V
| Dt. Jgd. Ch. Club Ray of Sunshine's Ice Imp Iven, VDH/GRC 11-0550, 25.8.11, 276094180069272 Abinvale Traguardo - Giddygold Summer Adventure Z: Iris Radbruch, E: Sina Burmeister
53. | V
| Gracedale's Kronos John-Boy, VDH/DRC-G 1027905, 2.3.10, 276098102852113 Forrest Gump vom Syenvenn - Gracedale's Halimede Z: Rainer Berson, E: Andrea Giese
54. | V
| Keaton of Golden Gambler, VDH/GRC 08-0681, 10.9.08, 276094190018338 Trekronor Limited Edition - Shakira vom Allerblick Z: Ute Ahlborn Pollehn, E: Astrid Geppert
56. | V
| Ray of Sunshine's Finally Felicity Filou, VDH/GRC 10-0087, 19.2.10, 276093400039707 Non-Stop Jojo Mayer - Giddygold Summer Adventure ZuE: Iris Radbruch
57. | V
| Dt.Jgd.CH Club, Jgd.Sieger Rostock 2013 Tamsbrook Tee Rex, VDH/GRC 13-0681, 15.4.12 Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell JW - Tavasar Tiarella to Tamsbrook JW Z: Pat Tuck GB, E: Angela Rose
58. | V
| Ramchaine Motif, NHSB2880678, 25.11.09, 956000001657687 Barnum of the Hellacious Acres - Ramchaine Essential Z: Mrs C. T. Ennis van Maren, E: Rosita Putters
60. | n. ersch.
| Zephyr iz Doliny Solnca, VDH/DRC-G 1231302, 20.5.11 Kovesh Trevor - Allegra Moe Sokrovische Z: Sergey Ivaniukov, E: Maike Stapfer
61. | V
| VDH/NL-Jch/Jug.Sieger/Rheinl.PfalzSieger Evidog Kartago, NHSB 2816309, 8.6.10, 939000010115461 Highlander of Bridge Four - Angua of Anavy Z: Eva Sikova, E: H. Toren
62. | V
| FdW, ZZL Zampanzar Charleston Chef, VDH/GRC 13-0723, 20.5.12 Dewmist Silver Zampanzar - Zampanzar Milky Way Z: Paco, Garcia-Mendoza, E: Stephanie Löcken
Veteranenklasse - Hündinnen |
63. | 1 CAC-V | Ingina vom Weesrieser Gehölz, VDH/GRC 04-0673, 22.11.04, 276098100716107 Eplegutten av Vervik - Fenja vom Weesrieser Gehölz Z: Gertrud Adamczyk, E: Gertrud u. Paul Adamczyk
Jüngstenklasse - Hündinnen |
67. | vv1 Best Puppy | Golden Sunlight's Woola Malu, VDH/GRC 13-0661, 7.9.13, 276097202393728 Golden Countryside's Border Song - Golden Sunlight's Kitty Hawk ZuE: Ruth Scholz
65. | vv2
| Sequins Sweat, NHSB 2936832, 1.9.13, 528140000549395 Sequins Sandeman - Mathilda of the Hellacious Acres Z: C. Knippenborg, E: Cornelia Behnke
64. | vv3
| Ray of Sunshine's Nordic Star Nari, VDH/GRC 13-0651, 8.9.13, 276094180109739 Ray of Sunshine's Finally Felicity Filou - Ray of Sunshine's Heaven sent Hope ZuE: Iris Radbruch
66. | vsp4
| Golden Lilla Lyckan vom Quellenthal, VDH/GRC 13-0641, 7.9.13, 276098104180601 Remington Rigoletto - Golden Elfie-Sue vom Quellenthal Z: Heike Sals, E: Heinke Wichmann
Jugendklasse - Hündinnen |
68. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. JCH CAC-J | Touch of Magic Enjoy The Moment, DK05012/2013, 16.3.13, 208246000144621 Majik Truth Or Dare - Jabbering Joy Aya ZuE: Kirsten Laugesen
78. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. JCH CAC-J-R | Ramchaine Pink Paradise, NHSB 2920233, 12.4.13, 528140000531655 Thornywait Aceymac - Ramchaine Moonstruck Z: Mrs C. T. Ennis van Maren, E: Rosita Putters
79. | V3
| Choose Me Of Golden Heathland, VDH/GRC 13-0090, 17.3.13, 276097202295167 Evidog Jeremy - Golden Sunlight's Polka Dot Z: K. Heitmann, E: Katja Heitmann
71. | V4
| Sevenway Chasing Dreams, VDH/DRC-G 1333007, 17.6.13, 276096909266152 Jako's Mystic Touch - Paz de Atrapasuenos ZuE: Petra Haas
69. | SG
| Tetzlaff's Swantje, VDH/GRC 13-0147, 29.3.13, 276094500044528 Dutch Consolidation Pioneer - Tetzlaff's Queena Z: A u. W Tetzlaff, E: Angelika u. Wolfgang Tetzlaff
70. | SG
| Sequins Sleque, NHSB 2927573, 7.6.13, 528140000522270 Artic Light du Pays de Boheme - Non-Stop Jam Session Z: C. TH. J. M. Knippenborg, E: Heike Lewandrowski
72. | V
| Golden Heartbeat's Kind of Magic Kylie, VDH/GRC 13-0014, 6.1.13, 276098104567865 Erinderry Night of Delight - Sanguisch Gwendolyn Z: Nadine Blödorn, E: Martina u. r. Andreas Otto
73. | SG
| Yuma über den Wolken, VDH/GRC 13-0282, 25.4.13, 276094500043813 Dutch Consolidation Pioneer - Only You über den Wolken Z: Gesche Rabeler, E: Heinz-Otto u. Tanja Chilko
74. | SG
| Simply Wonderful Golden Caja, VDH/GRC 13-0612, 25.7.13 Ray of Sunshine's Finally Felicity Filou - Van Baalen's Golden Fiona Z: R. Glindemann, E: Cordula Anklam
75. | V
| Julana's Finest Adorable Nika, VDH/GRC 13-0560, 8.7.13, 276098104609305 Fly to Fletcher du Bois de la Rayere - AS Jula vom Goldenen Kleeblatt ZuE: Aracea Mews
76. | V
| Elysian Blonds Fatal Attraction, VDH/GRC 13-0528, 21.6.13 Majik Truth Or Dare - Zampanzar I Love Paris Z: Simone Nester, E: Angela Rose
77. | SG
| Magic Moment Of Sunny Autumn, VDH/GRC 13-0579, 16.7.13, 276098104633709 My Winter Paradise Endless Emotion - Deevana Of Sunny Autumn ZuE: Michaela Herbst
80. | V
| Rayleas Irresistible Idun, LOF 8 RET,GOL 133783/0, 15.7.13 Rayleas Valentino - Megarvey Mimi At Rayleas Z: M. MME. Catherine u. Sven u. Emilie Zingg, E: Mette Stougaard
81. | n. ersch.
| Jinx of Moonlight Meadows, VDH/DRC-G 1333227, 22.7.13 Figo du Bois de la Rayère - Feliz Navidad of Moonlight Meadows ZuE: Maike Stapfer
Zwischenklasse - Hündinnen |
91. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. CH CAC BH BOB | Lightning Of Bridge Four, LOSH.1112923, 3.7.12, 967000009445534 Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell JW - Highlight Of Bridge Four Z: Borgmans-Canters, E: Karel-Marleen Borgmans-Canters
90. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH CAC-R | dt.Jgd.Ch.VDHu.Club,Clubjgdsieger2013 Barrier's Golden Best Fellow Brooke, VDH/DRC-G1231513, 14.6.12 Majik Truth or Dare - Timeless Golden Especial Event ZuE: Lydia Münnich
89. | V3
| Nunsbrook Gaelic Passion, AP03615904, 10.8.12, 981000004876126 Telkaro First Look - Nunsbrook Ptarmigan Z: Mr u. Mrs. John u. Beryl Liggins, E: Arno u. Karin Weczerek
87. | V4
| Gembaek's Live And Let Die, DKK 12832/2012, 6.7.12, 208250000004978 Summeramba Last Orders - Friendly Jane Delle Grandi Ombre Z: M. Skott Jespersen, E: Karin Breitkreutz
82. | V
| Maplewind Bright Little Star of Bali, VDH/DRC-G 1231999, 9.11.12, 276096909172785 Shardanell Castaspell - Maplewind Apple Blossom ZuE: Judith u. Hiroki Tsuge
83. | V
| Autumn's Golden Amber vom Domänental, VDH/GRC 12-0648, 15.9.12, 276098104394747 Majik Truth Or Dare - Cathy von der Südermarsch ZuE: Manuela Kortum
84. | n. ersch.
| Passionate of the Morning Valley, NHSB 2908063, 23.12.12, 528140000525130 Majik truth or dare - Lady Apple of THE morning Valley Z: Ans van leeuwen, E: Ans van Leeuwen
85. | V
| Lavender's Generation Jazzy Bell, VDH/DRC-G 1231945, 14.9.12, 276098104464093 Highlander of Bridge Four - Lavender's Generation Hip-Hop Mercy Z: Margit Urbanski, E: Antje Lucka
86. | n. ersch.
| Charism 'N Style of Deer's Corner, VDH/DRC 1231888, 3.10.12, 276098104420047 Ramchaine Snap to Jako's - Fallin from Heaven of Graceful Delight ZuE: Carena Rehwinkel
88. | V
| Flame of Heart Forever and Ever, VDH/GRC 12-0742, 28.10.12, 276098104557100 Golden Countryside's Rolex Triumph - Every Day of Graceful Delight ZuE: Cornelia Flatau
Champion-Klasse - Hündinnen |
95. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. CH CAC | Uk Champ Highlight Of Bridge Four, LOSH 1040067, 7.4.08, 967000000969098 Taram du Bois de la Rayere - Gatchells promise of Pearls Z: Borgmans-Canters, E: Karel-Marleen Borgmans-Canters
92. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH CAC-R | Dt. Champion VDH Cathy von der Südermarsch, VDH/GRC 08-0704, 9.10.08, 276097200985911 Mulfield Lewis - Golden Sunlight's O'Happy Day Z: Angelika Jüngerhans, E: Manuela Kortum
93. | V3
| Dt.Ch. VDH, Dt.Ch. Club Paz de Atrapasuenos, VDH/DRC-G 1130455, 10.10.10, 941000012402272 Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay - Heart of Eternity de Ria Vela Z: Leandro Costumero, E: Petra Haas
94. | V4
| Deutscher Champion Club, CJS 2012 (DRC) Golden Buffy vom Krämerwald, VDH/GRC 11-0768, 13.12.11 Ashbury Deep Impact - Rabbit Mountain's Born to be wild Rose ZuE: Sabine Brüssel
96. | V
| VDH Champion, Club Champion DE Goldstrike Wild Cherry, NHSB 2819680, 4.12.10 Majik Truth or Dare - String of Pearls Frou-Frou Z: P. Brienen, E: BT Vlaar
Gebrauchshundklasse - Hündinnen |
101. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. CH CAC | Clubsieger mit Arbeitsprüfung 2013 Barrier's Golden Adventurous Abigail, VDH/DRC-G1028098, 18.4.10, 276098102839588 Tallygold Big Surprise - Timeless Golden Especial Event ZuE: Lydia Münnich
100. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH CAC-R | Catch the Wind Venice, VDH/DRC-G 0926858, 6.6.09, 276097202002196 Inassicas Coriander - Catch the Wind Pebbles Z: Jutta Wolf, E: Jessica Hölger
97. | V3
| Maplewind Apple Blossom, VDH/DRC-G 0926200, 20.1.09, 276098102650783 Travis of Graceful Delight - Ghirali’s Butterfly Z: Hiroki Tsuge, E: Judith u. Hiroki Tsuge
98. | V4
| Alana Kindness of Honey Hill, VDH/DRC-G 0723774, 24.5.07, 941000001989996 Chrisper Captain Corelli - Faithful Heart Bonnie Bianco ZuE: Petra Rolof
99. | SG
| Blanche Kindness of Honey Hill, VDH/DRC-G 0825832, 15.9.08, 276098102530714 Fiddle-De-Dee's Rolex - Faithful Heart Bonnie Bianco ZuE: Petra Rolof
Offene Klasse - Hündinnen |
103. | V1 VDH Anw. Dt. CH CAC | Kadootje No Hills, LOSH 1102424, 11.10.11, 981100002684637 Chicago Down Town vd Beerse Hoeve - Hotline No Hills Z: Peeters-Van Nunen Dirk u. Ilse, E: Ilse u. Dirk Peeters-Van Nunen
110. | V2 VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH CAC-R | Heideles Golden Chanée Maya, VDH/GRC 12-0022, 15.1.12, 276098104319915 Golden William vom Wacholderpark - Golden Diana vom Ferrenberg ZuE: Heidele Peters
106. | V3
| Jugend Champion Morcheeba Maldita, VDH/GRC 11-0605, 4.10.11, 276096909115282 Morcheeba Galiano - Morcheeba Estrella Z: S. Hümmer, E: Simone Nester
109. | V4
| Jenna vom Weesrieser Gehölz, VDH/GRC 08-0389, 22.5.08, 276098102458531 Mulfield Lewis - Ingina vom Weesrieser Gehölz Z: Gertrud Adamczyk, E: Gertrud u. Paul Adamczyk
102. | V
| Nordic History Madita of Avalon, VDH/GRC 11-0759, 7.12.11, 276093400255873 Frenchy Boy du Bois de la Rayére - Nordic History Fenja of Avalon ZuE: Ina u. Thomas Mau
104. | V
| Kenya of Graceful Delight, VDH/DRC-G 0927020, 9.7.09, 276098102776742 Travis of Graceful Delight - Easy Livin of Graceful Delight Z: Birgit Rabe, E: Isolde Schrage
105. | V
| Golden Abigail vom Krämerwald, VDH/GRC 10-0845, 18.9.10, 276098510285754 Ashbury Deep Impact - Rabbit Mountain's Born to be wild Rose ZuE: Sabine Brüssel
107. | V
| Kiss Me Kianga Of Sunny Autumn, VDH/GRC 11-0617, 17.10.11, 276098104246739 Trekronor Limited Edition - Wind Of Sunny Autumn Über Den Wolken ZuE: Michaela Herbst
108. | V
| Unlimited Light of Redpine, VDH/DRC-G 1231202, 30.4.12, 276098104435055 Erinderry Night to Remember - Joyride of Redpine Z: S. u. U. Sponholz,, E: S. u. U. Sponholz
111. | SG
| Heideles Golden Damyanti Jule, VDH/GRC 12-0202, 28.4.12, 276098104366016 Golden William vom Wacholderpark - Cherilynn of Millroad ZuE: Heidele Peters
112. | n. ersch.
| Dt. Jgd. Ch. VDH, Jugendsieger Thüringen Feliz Navidad of Moonlight Meadows, VDH/DRC-G 1029244, 24.12.10 Race the Sun de Ria Vela - Crazy Girl of Moonlight Meadows ZuE: Maike Stapfer
113. | V
| Golden Countryside's Beat It, VDH/GRC 10-0544, 30.8.09, 276097200918497 Fiddle-De-Dee's Rolex - Golden Sunlight's Girl In The Mirror Z: A. u. B. Rasmussen, DK, E: Ruth Scholz