15. Mittelfrankenschau Markt Bibart am 20.5.2023
Golden Retriever
Richterin Teresa Foreman, UK (Rüden u. Hündinnen)
Veteranenklasse - Rüden
Admiral H. Pizarro of Golden Celebration, VDH/DRC-G 1535300, 14.1.15, 276098104847045
Pudding de Terra di Siena - Cathalina Amylia like Milk and Honey
ZuE: Daniela Prehl
good size dog, in dark gold coat, straight front with nice feet, level topline and balanced outline, moved strong and true, Veteranensieger Mittelfranken
Baby-Klasse - Rüden
Calimero of Traces of Gold, VDH-GRC 23-0016, 15.1.23, 276093400984164
Double Willow Carpe Diem Vito - Love and Kisses of Creme Puff
Z: Jessica u. Patricia Werther, E: Oliver Ott
lovley baby, kind head, dark eye, good pigment, good straigth front, good bone, excellent rear angulation, level topline, moved well
Jüngstenklasse - Rüden
Kultakorvan Memory of Little Prince, FI58990/23, 20.11.22, 985141001462944
Lorinford Harlequin - Kultakorvan Heaven Can Wait
Z: Jani Vainikka, E: Evelyn Köster
beautiful balanced puppy, excellent front and rear angulation, midgold coat in great presentation, love everything about him
Glamorous Johnny Makes you happy, VDH/DRC-G 2246202, 28.9.22, 276098108626333
Golden Island of Love Giotto - Angel Lilo Makes you happy
Z: Angelika Hormel, E: Svenja Möller
another nice puppy, dark pigment, nice head, good reach of neck, good rear angulation, level topline, when settled moved well
Jugendklasse - Rüden
Hufflepuff Camian's, CLP/GR/23514, 26.12.21, 953010004652327
Good King Wenceslas Hogmanay - Madame Bovary du Bois de la Rayere
ZuE: Karolina Simunkova
strong mover, balanced outline, coat in excellent condition, level topline, short coupled, straight front, Jugendsieger Mittelfranken
Crystal Waters Golden All For Love Ray, VDH-GRC 22-0509, 14.6.22, 276093400938278
Golden Island Of Love Giotto - Bonett Bride Our Love LaBelle
ZuE: Karin u. Dieter Schneider
moved with purpose drive, balanced outline, excellent reach of neck, level topline, dark eye and pigment, beautiful head
Kelly F. James Golden Angels of Oberach, VDH-GRC 21-0908, 5.12.21, 276093400937748
Sweet Lucky Charme Off the hot summer Carl-Gustav - Feeling Olivia Golden Angels of Oberach
Z: Doris Lutz, E: Birgit Simon
dog in good size, dark pigment, good bone, straight frontlegs, good reach of neck, presenting a balanced outline
Baron T. Bonpland of Golden Celebration, VDH/DRC-G 2245531, 11.4.22, 276098108346628
Terra di Siena Kwa Zulu Natal - Amedea Yuno of Golden Celebration
ZuE: Daniela Prehl
happy mover, he moved with drive, kind head and expression, straight frontlegs, good rear angulation, happy showboy
Gentle Jameson of Graceful Delight, VDH/DRC-G 2245686, 6.5.22
Think Twice Tambourine Man - Ximona of Graceful Delight
Z: Birgit Rabe, E: Angelika Sichert
dark gold, in good coat, kind head and expression, good reach of neck, good rear angulation, level topline, moved well
Cross Meadows Golden Cooper, VDH-GRC 22-0290, 10.4.22, 276093400937536
Totally in Love of Sunshine's Valley - Cross Meadows Golden Betty
ZuE: Gerd u. Sonja Hofmann
pale cream dog, lovely head and kind expression, dark pigment end eye, excellent reach of neck, good rear angulation, moved with drive
Zwischenklasse - Rüden


C.I.B.-J, Dt.JCh VDH,DRC,Belg. JCh., JSg. Hoisdorf’22 DRC, Alpen-JSg.’22,JSg. Ba-Wü‘22
Golden Keeper Silas vom Krämerwald, VDH-GRC 21-0766, 21.10.21, 276093400937611
Golden Offspring Pedro - Golden Hannah vom Krämerwald
Z: Sabine Brüssel, E: Heike Grubert
balacend outline, table topline, good angulation front and rear, well presented cream coat, kind head and expression
Kelly F.Angelo Golden Angels of Oberach, VDH-GRC 21-0906, 5.12.21, 276093400937746
Sweet Lucky Charm Off the Hot Summer Carl-Gustav - Feeling Olivia Golden Angels of Oberach
ZuE: Doris Lutz
beautiful balanced outline, good angulation front and rear, short coupled, deep through the heart, good reach of neck, moved with purpose and drive
Animus Vox Do You Believe In Love Dario, VDH-GRC 21-0821, 5.11.21, 968000011283724
Melgowd Dangerously In Love - Animus Vox Anch-Su-Namun
Z: Ina Roß, E: Cornelia Bruch
great mover, driving from front and rear, balaned outline, correct tailset, showing level topline, great rear angulation, lovely head and expression, happy showboy
Sweet Golden Temptation Admiral Highball, VDH/DRC-G 2144618, 28.7.21, 276098108385369
Soul Sacrifice of Amity Hills - Cappuccino&Creme Night Coffee Sweet Toffee
Z: Meike u. Kerstin Friedrich, E: Laura Eisenhauer
balanced dog, in prefuse creme wavy coat, good rear anguation, level topline, moved well
You Are the One Gate Of East, VDH-GRC 22-0890, 21.9.21, 616094501026151
Majik Chuffy Chuffnell - I'm Terra Antyda Just Juliet
Z: Jaroslaw Ruszcak, E: Doris Lutz u. Kaufmann, Torsten
balanced outline, level topline, kind head and expression, straigth frontlegs, good feet, moved well
Champion-Klasse - Rüden


BiH Ch
Inverness Golden High Five, VDH/DRC-G 2144022, 2.4.21, 276098108305741
Vofcit's Showstopper - Inverness Golden Coconut Cupcake
ZuE: Friederike Daniels
a masculine dog, short in body, deep throuth the heart, level topline with great tailset, good rear angulation, kind masculine head, moved well, Sieger Mittelfranken


Int.Ch, HR Ch, ACh, Dt Ch. GRC, JCS GRC'18
Little Violet's Gin Tonic, ÖHZB GR 8078, 16.5.17, 978000040037265
Terra Antyda Sunny New Princ of Heart - Little Violet's Quizzy Dizzy
Z: Arminger u. John, E: Sabine Rödig-Brauch
presented in excellent condition, with great ring presence, balanced outline, level topline, short coupled, good rear angulation


Dt. Ch. VDH,GRC,DRC, Slo. Ch, Dt. JCh VDH, JSg.-Leipzig'18, CS'19 GRC, Sg. Rostock’21, Sg. Neuss‘22
Daily Rays Hero of Heart, VDH/DRC-G 1940969, 4.11.17, 985113001441508
Terra Antyda Sani New Princ of Heart - Amandiina's Dream Sweetheart
Z: Helena Varjamo u. Heini Wiik-Blafield, E: Evelyn Köster
a worthy champion, beautiful boy, presenting a balanced outline, strong but kind masculine head, good reach of neck, good topline, great ring presence


Golden Island Of Love I Believe In You Dylan, VDH-GRC 18-0059, 28.1.18, 276093400690751
Maybe Forever The One And Only - Aida De Ria Vela
Z: Ljiljana Weiß, E: Karin u. Dieter Schneider
dog of good size, kind head and expression, straight frontlegs, tight feet, good rear angulation, level topline,


n. ersch.
Slo.JCh., BiH Ch.
Highlands Hope of Loyal Gold, VDH/DRC-G 2042877, 11.5.19, 990000002943291
Berrymeade Grand Central - Sodelight Cher Ami Golden Lady
Z: N. Kowalska, E: Sandra Grzybek
Gebrauchshundklasse - Rüden
Sevenway I am Legend, VDH/DRC-G 2042284, 2.1.20, 276095610645585
Terra di Siena Invictus du Bois de la Rayére - Sevenway Dizzy Miss Lizzy
Z: Petra Haas, E: Daniela Will
lovely balanced boy, shown in excellent coat and condition, presenting a very balanced outline, kind masculine head, good reach of neck, good angulation, moved well
Dauntless Lennox of Toboggan Run, VDH/DRC-G 1941825, 15.7.19, 276098106566946
Zampanzar Blue Note - Catch A Smile of Toboggan Run
Z: Monika Tannert, E: Daniela Will
lovely male, presented in prefuse creme coat, straight frontlegs, good rear angulation, level topline, moved well
Offene Klasse - Rüden
I'm Terra Antyda Happy Goldenangels, VDH-GRC 18-0638, 8.9.17, 981098106411924
Clearing Ponds David Beckham - I'm Terra Antyda Real Sweety
Z: Mairi Simon, E: Doris Lutz
a very balanced compact boy, not overdone in anyway, great angulation front and rear, loved his overall confirmtion, dark eye and kind expression
Magavin of the Morning Valley, NHSB 2985489, 12.11.14, 528140000590704
Majik truth or dare - Tinkberbell of the Morning Valley
Z: Ans van Leuwen Schuurman, E: Ronald Wezel
lovely confirmtion, great front and rear angulation, with good reach of neck, level topline, lovely straight frontlegs, lovely boy
Inverness Golden Eternity, VDH/DRC-G 1637852, 17.9.16, 276098106315867
Inverness Golden Cracker Jack - Inverness Golden Blue Moon
ZuE: Friederike Daniels
good steady movement, covering the ground well, good reach of neck, good rear angulation, kind masculine head
Applecote Hearts Afire, AX 01291803 GRC 22-0814, 17.2.20
Terra di Siena Invictus du Bois de la Rayere - Applecote Delights the Eye
Z: Mr. M. L., Mrs. T u. Miss L. Layland, E: Petra Kindler
a balanced dark gold boy, with creme feathern, good reach of neck into level topline, with good angulation
Grundmühle Aramis, VDH-GRC 21-0307, 10.5.21, 968000011284480
Catch the Wind O'Connor - Golden Dreamlines Kylie
Z: Oliver Hill, E: Oliver Ott
good mover, moves strong and accurate, straight frontlegs, neat feet, good rear angulation and level topline,
Shine Your Way Sweet Goldenangels, VDH-GRC 22-0714, 27.5.21, 250269100285363
Navilis Nonpareil - Shine Your Way Now When I See You Again
Z: Laurianne Bagarre, E: Doris Lutz
kind masculine head with dark pigment and eye, good reach of neck, level topline, moved with drive, covering the ground well, sadly his tailcarriage is to high
Veteranenklasse - Hündinnen


C.I.E., Multi Ch.
Sevenway Dizzy Miss Lizzy, VDH/DRC-G 1435244, 8.12.14
Bonett Bride Energy Source - Paz de Atrapasuenos
Z: Petra Haas, E: Robert u. Petra Haas
lovely bitch, beautifully constructed, overall balanced very good, level topline, presenting a lovely picture, Veteranensiegerin Mittelfranken
Golden Island of Love Cleopatra, VDH-GRC 14-0161, 22.3.14, 276098104792418
Ritzilyn Deal Me In - Pocket Rocket Terra Magica
Z: LjiljanaWeiss, E: Ina Roß
lovely feminine bitch, good reach of neck, good confirmtion, happy showgirl
Elated Mira von der Soester Börde, VDH/DRC-G 1231592, 28.6.12, 276098104508313
Ashbury Deep Impact - Kleine Paula vom Tor zur Egge
Z: Dieter Hesse, E: Angelika Hormel
good movement, covering her ground well, lovely balanced outline, pretty feminine head, in good coat


Slo.Ch, Slo VCh, VSg. Kvarner
Faithful Heart Jennifer Lopez, VDH/DRC-G 1434071, 26.3.14
Jako's Musthave - Faithful Heart Fine Frenzy
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Sidonie Lippert
pretty bitch, with lovely confirmation, presenting very balanced outline, very nice bitch


Dt.VCh., VDH VCh., Lux.VCh., VSg. BW
Cappuccino&Creme Emma G Nation, VDH/DRC-G 1029014, 11.10.10, 276098104074126
Every-Where-Around-Hugo du Bois de la Rayère - Cappuccino&Creme A Desert Queen Priscilla
Z: Petra Theurer, E: Werner u. Meike Friedrich
appriciate of her age her movement is unsound, her balance is good with good rear angulation, happy showgirl


n. ersch.
Dt.Ch.VDH, Sgr. Thüringen'18
Catch A Smile of Toboggan Run, VDH/DRC-G 1333468, 13.10.13, 276094500065726
Shardanell Stargazer - Beany Giggle Giny of Toboggan Run
ZuE: Monika Tannert
Baby-Klasse - Hündinnen
Bestes Baby
Dailuaine Red Ribbons 'n' Bows, VDh-GRC 22-0895, 12.12.22, 276093400984128
Unstoppeble Heartbreaker From Brithness - Rock 'n' Creek Going Home To Dailuaine
ZuE: Christine Bugiel
very promissing puppy, beautiful confirmation, moved very well, very pretty
Little Violet's Say Malfy, ÖHZB GR 10140, 2.12.22, 040098100650283
I'm Terra Antyda Right One - Little Voilet's Unchain My Heart
Z: Verena Arminger u. Katharine John, E: Katja u. Dimitri Lust
very promissing puppy, happy confident showgirl, excellent confirmation, great mover
Tashora Coppermoon Christmas Carol, CKC-KY4228165, 24.12.22, 956000011160232
Iker du Bois de la Rayere - Coppermoon Tashora Memory Lane
Z: Shannon Flynn u. Louise Battley, E: Karolina Simunkova
another very nice puppy, moved confidently, with accuracy and drive, happy disposition, balanced outline
37.n. ersch.
Inverness Golden Jelly Belly, VDH/DRC-G 2346481, 17.1.23, 276095611208571
Dutch Consolidation Spy vs Spy - Inverness Golden Easy Lover
Z: Friederike Daniels, E: Friederike Daniels u. Frey, Mona
Jüngstenklasse - Hündinnen
Golden Maybel vom Krämerwald, VDH-GRC 22-0732, 24.9.22, 276093400938482
Vestafjell's Quite Knight - Golden Hannah vom Krämerwald
ZuE: Sabine Brüssel
very promissing puppy, with lovely confirmation, pretty feminine head with dark eyes and pigment, great overall construction, moved well
Flowering Dogwoods Beloved Bellis, VDH/DRC-G 2246133, 27.8.22, 276095611020593
Angelonato Grandioso - Sevenway Glitter like Gold
ZuE: Stephanie Klein
elegant pale bitch, lovely overall balanced, excellent confirmation, moved well
Hunting Goldens Beloved Ivy, VDH-GRC 22-0834, 13.11.22, 276093400984076
Little Violet's Gin Tonic - Olivia zum Schwarzen Gold
Z: Dimitri u. Katja Lust, E: Dimitri u. Katja Lust
young puppy exuberant personality, promissing confirmation, moved very well
Glamorous Abby Makes you happy, VDH/DRC-G 2246206, 28.9.22, 27609810862603
Golden Island of Love Giotto - Angel Lilo Makes you happy
Z: Angelika Hormel, E: Michael Hohmeyer
pretty blonde feminine bitch, needed time to settle, with benefits for some trimming, just needs time
Jugendklasse - Hündinnen
Crystal Waters Golden Adorable Wilma, VDH-GRC 22-0514, 14.6.22, 276093400938283
Golden Island Of Love Giotto - Bonett Bride Our Love LaBelle
Z: Krisztina Süli, E: Karin u. Dieter Schneider
another feminine bitch, very balanced outline, good reach of neck, level topline, sweet feminine head, good pigment and dark eye, moved with drive, Jugendsiegerin Mittelfranken
A sense of Diamond Malibu Beach, VDH-GRC 22-0508, 12.6.22, 276093400938277
Angelonato Grandioso - A sense of Diamond Ice Ice Baby
ZuE: Christina Meschede
pretty feminine bitch, excellent balanced and confirmation, pretty head, dark pigment and eye, moved well
Cross Meadows Golden Celina, VDH-GRC 22-0292, 10.4.22, 276093400937537
Totally in Love of Sunshine's Valley - Cross Meadows Golden Betty
ZuE: Gerd u. Sonja Hofmann
beautiful feminine bitch, presenting an elegant outline, great confirmation, moved really well
Little Violet's Legendary Lissabon, ÖHZB GR 9825, 22.1.22, 978000040079376
Enterprise Oligarchia - Little Violet's All I Want
Z: Arminger u. John, E: Sabine Rödig-Brauch
good size bitch, excellent reach of neck, level topline, good rear angulation, straight hocks, very attentive to her handler, moved well
Bonita Olaya of Golden Celebration, VDH/DRC-G 2245532, 11.4.22, 276098108346761
Terra di Siena Kwa Zulu Natal - Amedea Yuno of Golden Celebration
ZuE: Daniela Prehl
pretty bitch, a level topline, good rear angulation, moved well
Zwischenklasse - Hündinnen
Georgine Alene Camian's, CLP/GR/23291, 18.8.21, 900203000055509
Iker du Bois de la Rayere - Bothille Camian's
ZuE: Karolina Simunkova
feminine pale gold bitch, good confirmation, excellent rear angulation, feminine head and kind expression, moved with drive


Dt.JCh DRC, Dt.JCh VDH, Slo.Ch
Sevenway Just The Way You Are, VDH/DRC-G 2144547, 9.7.21
Back To The Future De Lar De Casanova - Sevenway Good Day Sunshine
Z: Petra Haas, E: Robert u. Petra Haas
beautifully constructed bitch, sligthly long in the body, very good reach of neck, excellent level topline, pretty head and expression, moved well
Siri Soul Belle, VDH/DRC-G 2145107, 23.12.21
Meddmel Wonderful Time - Faithful Heart Orange Blue
ZuE: Sidonie Lippert
balanced girl, short coupled with good reach of neck, good rear angulation, level topline, moved and showed well
Dailuaine One To Love, VDH-GRC 21-0756, 15.10.21, 276093400937601
O'Connor v.'t Keijsershof - Dailuaine Brown-Eyed Girl
Z: Christine Bugiel, E: Nicole Schwab
pretty feminine bitch, medium gold coat, good angulation front and rear, good reach of neck, moved well
Sweet Golden Temptation Afterglow Delight, VDH/DRC-G 2144622, 28.7.21, 276098108385509
Soul Sacrifice of Amity Hills - Cappuccino&Creme Night Coffee Sweet Toffee
ZuE: Kerstin u. Meike Friedrich
pretty bitch, good reach of neck, balanced outline, level topline, good rear angulation, shown and presented well
Sweet Golden Temptation Amber Moon Hailey, VDH/DRC-G 2144620, 28.7.21, 276098108385432
Soul Sacrifice of Amity Hills - Cappuccino &Creme Night Coffee Sweet Toffee
Z: Meike u. Kerstin Friedrich, E: Janine Clarke
blonde girl, in pretty coat, feminine head with dark eye, good rear angulation, straight hocks
Fascinating Selma Makes you happy, VDH/DRC-G 2144460, 20.6.21, 276098108378127
Zabou Kiss of Calimero's Castle - Angel Lilo Makes you happy
ZuE: Angelika Hormel
midgold bitch, slightly longer in body, good reach of neck, level topline, good rear angulation, moved with drive
Champion-Klasse - Hündinnen


Dt. Ch.VDH, Dt.Ch GRC
Sevenway Glitter like Gold, VDH/DRC-G 1839892, 7.4.18, 276095610375353
House Calls v.d. Beerse Hoeve - Sevenway Dizzy Miss Lizzy
Z: Petra Haas, E: Stephanie Klein
beautiful midgold bitch, balanced outline, good reach of neck, level topline, good angulation, moved well, Siegerin Mittelfranken


Dt.Ch.VDH,GRC,DRC, Dt.JCh.GRC,VDH, GRC-Jg.-Jubisg.’19, Alpen-JSg.’19, JSg. Meisdorf’19, CJS’19 GRC
Golden Ginger vom Krämerwald, VDH-GRC 18-0278, 15.4.18, 276 093400 780594
Elysian Blonds Denzel - Golden Cookie vom Krämerwald
ZuE: Sabine Brüssel
pretty bitch in excellent midgold coat, presented in excellent condition, good construction, good reach of neck, kind head and expression


C.I.E.,Dt.Ch.VDH,GRC,DRC, HR Ch., Slo.Ch., Dt. JCh VDH,GRC, Frühj.JSg.’18, Celje-Winter Winner‘20
Cross Meadows Golden Betty, VDH-GRC 16-0860, 30.11.16, 276093400690460
Majik Truth or Dare - Shyra's Golden Fine
ZuE: Gerd u. Sonja Hofmann
great movement with front reach and rear drive, balanced outline standing, excellent reach of neck, level topline


Dt.Ch., VDH Ch,, Sg. Ortenau/Alpen'19, Sg. Ba-Wü-Alpen’21, VSg. Saarland‘22
Cappuccino&Creme I wanna Dance, VDH/DRC-G 1434434, 7.6.14, 276093410313644
Fenwood Ell Paco - Lacasitos de Atrapasueños
Z: Petra Theurer, E: Werner u. Meike Friedrich
moved with reach and drive, happy showgirl, presenting a balanced outline, good confirmation


n. ersch.
Multi Ch
Pawesome's Dream Team, ÖHZB GR 8600, 4.4.19, 978000040049100
Diablo of the famous family - Little Violet's at Pawesome's
Z: Susanne Prager, E: Ulrike Raunig
Gebrauchshundklasse - Hündinnen
Dutch Consolidation Bellbird, VDH/DRC-G 1839602, 19.10.17, 528140000693086
Dutch Consolidation Moonwalker - Dutch Consolidation Sunbird
Z: Kelly Wibbelink, E: Daniela Will
a very pretty bitch, presented in excellent condition, good angulation front and rear, good reach of neck, lovely outline
Blueberry Hill of Purple Bell Flower, VDH/DRC-G 1638034, 28.11.16, 276098106114647
Meiepere Quite a Delight - Never Ending Emotion Lovely Flower
Z: Michelle Goldermann, E: Martina Braun
moved well, covering the ground with purpose and drive, slightly out of coat, good rear angulation, level topline
Offene Klasse - Hündinnen
Darling Ella Makes you happy, VDH/DRC-G 1942066, 16.10.19, 276095300027425
Vestafjell's Quite Knight - Elated Mira von der Soester Börde
Z: Angelika Hormel, E: Elke Debus
a beautiful bitch, with great front and rear angulation, pretty head with kind expression, dark eye and nose, moved very well


Bonett Bride Our Love LaBelle, VDH-GRC 20-0042, 1.6.19, 900182001868607
Shamrock The Mynydd Margam - Bonett Bride Jingle Voice
Z: Krisztina Süli, E: Karin u. Dieter Schneider
elegant bitch, presented in lovely coat and condition, great reach of neck, balanced outline, level topline, moved well


Sevenway Follow your Heart, VDH/DRC-G 1839883, 5.4.18
Terra Antyda Sani New Princ of Heart - Sevenway Chasing Dreams
Z: Petra Haas, E: Robert u. Petra Haas
elegant bitch of good size, covered the ground well, good angulation front and rear, presenting in great condition
Juwel Leonie Golden Angels of Oberach, VDH-GRC 21-0333, 11.5.21, 968000011290105
Golden Offspring Pedro - Voice Megan of Moss-Lake
ZuE: Doris Lutz
pretty pale compact bich, presenting a balanced oultine, good angulation front and rear, presenting in excellent condition
Honeybee Of Purple Bell Flower, VDH/DRC-G 2042723, 18.4.20, 941000023076285
Terra Di Siena Invictus Du Bois De La Rayère - All that she wants of purple Bell Flower
Z: Michelle Goldermann, E: Natalie Köhler
great movement, covering the ground with good reach in front and rear drive, good angulation front and rear, good topline, slighlty long in body, nice bitch
Dailuaine Nostalgic Noblesse, VDH-GRC 20-0246, 8.5.20, 276093400840756
Dailuaine Judge 'n' Jury - Dailuaine Definitely Meant To Be
ZuE: Christine Bugiel
little unsettled on the move, pretty midgold coat, good rear angulation, level topline, kind head and expression
Cappuccino&Creme Night Coffee Sweet Toffee, VDH/DRC-G 1739265, 1.10.17, 276093410016664
Fenwood Ell Paco - Cupcake to CC from Misty Veil
Z: Petra Theurer, E: Kerstin u. Meike Friedrich
covered the ground well, moving with reach and drive, lacking in coat, great showgirl
Life Light Oriana of Golden domestic happiness, VDH/DRC-G 2144185, 9.5.21
Zaboú Kiss of Calimero's Castle - Hej Hermine of Golden domestic happiness
Z: Dagmar Albert, E: Anika Damouche
moved very well, covering the ground well, slightly long in body, shown in excellent coat and conditon
Georgia on My Mind vom Plixholz, VDH/DRC-G 1942052, 12.10.19, 276094500629375
Inverness Golden Cracker Jack - Finally a Girl vom Plixholz
ZuE: Katharina Velte
great front and rear angulation, level topline, good reach of neck, great tailset, presenting an overall balanced picture
68.n. ersch.
Moments of Love Elements, VDH-GRC 21-0261, 1.5.21, 968000011284492
Milbu Twister to Nenuoramos - Tanishtagh Dancing in the rain
Z: Simone Studer, E: Kathrin u. Frank Ecker
69.n. ersch.
Along Came Ella my mystical Souldog, ÖHZB GR 8715, 11.6.19
Whispering Oaks Aranck - Clever Forever Fullmoon Suri-May
Z: Nicole Besenböck, E: Ina Schwarzenau
73.n. ersch.
Dunwich Yellow Rose of Toboggan Run, VDH/DRC-G 1941831, 15.7.19, 276094500691294
Zampanzar Blue Note - Catch A Smile of Toboggan Run
ZuE: Monika Tannert

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