22. Münsterlandschau Beckum am 30.7.2022
Golden Retriever
Richterin Manuela Schär, CH und Frau Kathy Braeckman, B
Veteranenklasse - Rüden
VDH Anw. Dt.
Indiana Jones the Golden Light of Avalon, VDH-GRC 14-0269, 23.4.14, 276096909281978
Kapplandet's Shan Nan Ershier - Conquering Hearts Here Comes Rosie
Z: Christina Roßmann, E: Heike Moens
8 Jahre alter harmonisch gebauter goldener Rüde, kräftiger Kopf, mit typischem Ausdruck, vorzügliche Winkelungen, tiefe und breite Brust, kräftige Lenden, bewegt sich fließend mit Schub, gepflegtes Haarkleid.


VDH Res.Anw.
Golden Caius vom Krämerwald, VDH-GRC 14-0145, 22.3.14, 276096907034910
Majik Truth or Dare - Golden Ashley vom Krämerwald
Z: Sabine Brüssel, E: Heike Grubert
8 Jahre alter cremefarbener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf, mit freundlichem Ausdruck, korrekte Winkelungen, gute Brust, obere Linie fest und gerade, bewegt sich fließend, freundliches Wesen.
Simply Wonderful Golden Djuke, VDH-GRC 13-0753, 3.11.13, 276098104608507
Windwhirl Gambler Gang Gideon - Inja Simply Wonderful G. of Calimero's Castle
Z: Regina Glindemann, E: Dimitri Lust
8 1/2 Jahre alter harmonisch gebauter goldener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf, freundlicher Ausdruck, genügend langen Hals, etwas steile Vorhandwinkelung, etwas ausgedrehte Vorderläufe, fester und gerader Rücken, vorzügliche Nachhandwinkelungen, in der Bewegung fließend mit viel Temperament, gepflegtes leichtes Haarkleid.


Niatross of the Hellacious Acres, VDH-GRC 12-0050, 22.3.11, 528140000435593
Dewmist Servantes - Philomena of the Helacious Acres
Z: Bart Van Maren, E: Sabine Ruhnau
11 1/2 Jahre alter cremefarbener Rüde. vorzügliche Größe Schöner Kopf mit freundlichen Ausdruck, klare Augen, gute Halslänge, etwas steile Vorhandwinkelung,, gerader Rücken, vorzügliche Nachhandwineklung, bewegt sich für sein Alter noch fließend, freundliches Wesen.
Baby-Klasse - Rüden
Best Baby
Glitters Vanguard, LOSH 01348995, 26.3.22
Dewmist Decorativo - Glitters Regal Rose
Z: Kathy Braeckman, E: Gloria Blaauwendraat
4 Monate altes Hundekind, cremefarben, schöner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, vorzüglich gewinkelt, bereits gut entwickelte Brust, kurze Lenden, korrekt angesetzte Rute, etwas fröhlich getragen, fließende Bewegung mit Schub, vorzügliche Präsentation, sehr freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Jüngstenklasse - Rüden
Best Puppy
Wild Pepper Quizzmaster, VDH-GRC 21-0864, 24.11.21
Je suis Vicent Willi Junior from Misty Veil - Wild Pepper Killer Queen
ZuE: Ulrike Stahl
freundlichem Ausdruck, dunkles Pigment, gute Halslänge, korrekte Winkelungen, runder Brustkorb, kurze und kräftige Lenden, in der Hinterhand leider etwas kuhhässig, fließende Bewegung, hinten etwas Pfoteneng, vorzüglich angesetzt und getragene Rute, dichtes und gepflegtes Haarkleid, sehr freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Scorch Trails at DW, ROI 22/2800, 2.11.21, 380260160167809
Double Willow Silver River - Gingolds Zulema for Double Willow
Z: Martina Rudelli, E: Claudia Büttner
8 Monate alter harmonisch gebauter dunkelgoldener Rüde, schöner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, vorzügliche Winkelungen, bereits gut entwickelte Brust, runder Brustkorb, gute und kräftige Lenden, leicht runde Kruppe, bewegt sich fließend, gepflegtes Haarkleid, freundliches Wesen.
Happiness for Future Kenny Finnley, SHSB 787020, 30.12.21, 756095310087656
Van Dave of High Hopes - Sevenway Icing Sugar
Z: Claudia u. Mario Schmocker , E: Nicole Anders
7 Monate alter dunkelgoldener Rüde, bereits kräftig gebaut, gute Größe, maskuliner Kopf mit dunklem Pigment, schöne Halslänge, vorzügliche Winkelungen, bereits tiefe Brust, runder Brustkorb, kurze Lenden, bewegt sich fließend mit viel Temperament, gepflegtes dichtes Haarkleid, fröhliches und freundliches Wesen.
Wild Pepper Quicksilver, VDH-GRC 21-0863, 24.11.21, 276093400937703
Je Suis Vicent Willi Junior from Misty Veil - Wild Pepper Killer Queen
Z: Ulrike Stahl, E: Anja Paetschke
8 Monate alter cremefarbener Rüde, bereits von guter Größe, schöner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, korrekte Winkelungen, Brust muss sich noch etwas entwickeln, kräftige Lenden, korrekt angesetzt und getragene Rute, bewegt sich fließend mit Schwung, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Legends Never Die Of Purple Bell Flower, VDH-GRC 21-0915, 17.12.21, 276093400937755
Dewmist Decorativo - Emerald Bay Of Purple Bell Flower
Z: Michelle Goldermann, E: Katja u. Dimitri Lust
7 Monate alter cremefarbener Rüde, schöner Kopf mi freundlichem Ausdruck, dunkles Pigment, vorzügliche Halslänge, gute Winkelungen, Brustkorb etwas flach, gerade obere Linie, bewegt sich fließend mit Temperament, sehr freundliches und fröhliches Wesen. Heute zeigt er ein offenes Scherengebiss.
Jugendklasse - Rüden
VDH Anw. Dt
Northern Star Of The Morning Valley, VDH/DRC-G 2245124, 2.4.21, 528140000821707
Brright Sky Rozmachany Ogon - Santa Monika Of The Morning Valley
Z: J. A. M. Schuurman, E: Hedwig Besuch
16 Monate alter großräumiger cremefarbener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, langer Hals, vorzügliche Winkelungen, gut entwickelte Brust, kräftige kurze Lenden, korrekt angesetzte Rute, in der Bewegung fröhlich getragen, bewegt sich mit Schub, vorzüglich präsentiert.
VDH Res.Anw.
King Arthur the Golden Light of Avalon, VDH-GRC 21-0314, 10.5.21, 968000011294894
Tramin Lotto - Indigo Peaches the Golden Light of Avalon
Z: Christina Roßmann, E: Marcel Stirblies u. Schwender, Nadine
14 Monate alter harmonisch gebauter goldener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf mit typischem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, passende Winkelungen, gut gewölbter Brustkorb, Brust muss sich noch etwas entwickeln, sehr kurze Lenden, bewegt sich fließend mit Schwung, mit fröhlich getragener Rute, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Golden Keeper Silas vom Krämerwald, VDH-GRC 21-0766, 21.10.21, 276093400937611
Golden Offspring Pedro - Golden Hannah vom Krämerwald
Z: Sabine Brüssel, E: Heike Grubert
9 Monate alter gut entwickelter cremefarbener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, dunkles Pigment, vorzügliche Winkelungen, gut entwickelte Brust, hervorragend anliegende Ellenbogen, obere Linie gerade, bewegt sich mit Schwung, parallel im Kommen, gepflegtes Sommerkleid, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Brooklyn of Millroad, VDH-GRC 21-0347, 16.5.21, 968000011284798
l'm Terra Antyda Marlo of Nordic History - Tinkerbell of Millroad
Z: Maike u. Ralf Gerding, E: Alena Hinnenkamp
14 Monate alter cremefarbener Rüde, gute Größe, schöner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, dunkles Pigment, gute Halslänge, etwas steile Vorhandwinkelung, Brustbreite muss sich noch entwickeln, in der Bewegung Rücken noch nicht ganz fest, korrekte Nachhandwinkelung, bewegt sich fließend mit Schub, gepflegtes Sommerkleid, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Black Jack of Millroad , VDH-GRC 21-0345, 16.5.21, 968000011283962
I'm Terra Antyda Marlo of Nordic History - Tinkerbell of Millroad
Z: Maike u. Ralf Gerding, E: Céline Franzkoch
14 Monate alter cremefarbener Rüde, etwas elegant gebaut, gute Größe, Kopf mit intelligentem Ausdruck, dunkles Pigment, Vorderwinkelung etwas steil, Brustkorb muss sich noch etwas entwickeln, sehr schöne feste obere Linie, korrekte Nachhandwinkelung, bewegt sich fließend, hinten etwas eng, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Zwischenklasse - Rüden
VDH Anw. Dt
Glitters To The Top, NHSB 3219096, 6.10.20
Benton Back To Base Camp - Glitters Regal Rose
Z: Kathy Braeckman, E: Gloria Blaauwendraat
21 Monate alter harmonisch gebauter cremefarbener Rüde, vorzüglicher Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, etwas große Ohren, langer Hals, mit vorzüglichen Winkelungen, gut entwickelte Brust, kräftige und kurze Lenden, gerade obere Linie, gut angesetzte Rute in der Bewegung fröhlich getragen, gepflegtes Haarkleid, freundliches und aufmerksames Wesen.


VDH Res.Anw.
Love Me If You Can Of Golden Nature, NHSB 3221069, 9.1.21, 528140000814311
Gorgeous Chavez Of Golden Nature - Sequins Sinope
ZuE: Jolanda u. Roger Kremer
18 Monate alter cremfarbener harmonisch gebauter Rüde, kräftiger Kopf, dunkles Pigment, vorzügliche Halslänge, vorzügliche Winkelungen, gut entwickelte Brust, gerade obere Linie, kräftige Lenden, korrekt angesetzt und getragene Rute, bewegt sich mit viel Schub, freundliches Wesen.
Keep Calm Keno of golden Mountain Lake, VDH/DRC-G 2043357, 14.10.20, 276098108096732
Jewelhope Pyrat XO - Faithful Friend Amber Glow of golden Mountain
Z: Renate Bremer, E: Manuela Lütkemeier
21 Monate alter goldener Rüde von vorzüglicher Größe, maskuliner Kopf mit typischem Ausdruck, dunkles Pigment, Vorhandwinkelung etwas steil, Brusttiefe und Breite dürfte mehr sein, gut gewölbter Brustkorb, gute Lenden, vorzügliche Nachhandwinkelung, leicht runde Kruppe, bewegt sich fließend, gepflegtes dichtes Haarkleid, freundliches und aufmerksames Wesen.
Champion-Klasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt
Golden Glenn Vom Krämerwald, VDH-GRC 18-0276, 15.4.18, 276093400780592
Elysian Blonds Denzel - Golden Cookie Vom Krämerwald
Z: Brüssel Sabine, E: Sven Friedberg
4 Jahre alter harmonisch gebauter cremefarbener Rüde, vorzügliche Größe, maskuliner Kopf mit intelligentem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, vorzügliche Winkelungen, gut gewölbter Brustkorb, kräftige Lenden, korrekt angesetzt und getragene Rute, bewegt sich mit Schub und Energie, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen. Bester Rüde.


VDH Res.Anw.
Gorgeous Chavez Of Golden Nature, NHSB 3118036, 8.4.18, 528140000717008
Maybe Forever The One and Only - Sequins Slimane
ZuE: Jolanda u. Roger Kremer
4 Jahre alter kräftig und harmonisch gebauter goldener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf mit typischem Ausdruck, vorzügliche Winkelungen, tiefe und breite Brust, gerade Läufe, kompakte Pfoten, kräftige Lenden, etwas runde Kruppe, in der Bewegung fließend mit Schub, vorzüglich getragene Rute, sehr dunkles und dichtes Haarkleid, freundliches Wesen.


Schlottes Optimus Prime, VDH-GRC 16-0568, 11.6.15, 276098106047198
Herwildy's Michelangelo - Aurelie von Lübbelau
Z: Dr. Charlotte Kiepker, E: Sabine Ruhnau
7 Jahre alter harmonisch gebauter cremefarbener Rüde, typischer Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, vorzügliche Winkelungen, tiefe und breite Brust, etwas weiches Vordermittelfußgelenk, kurzer Rücken mit kräftigen Lenden, vorzüglich angesetzt und getragene Rute, kompakte Pfoten, bewegt sich fließend mit Energie, sehr freundliches Wesen.
Gebrauchshundklasse - Rüden
VDH Anw. Dt
Zaboú Kiss of Calimero's Castle, VDH/DRC-G 1840040, 2.5.18, 276098106685592
O' Connor v.'t Keijserhof - Krispy Kiss of Calimero's Castle
Z: Wilhelm u. Claudia Büttner, E: Claudia Büttner
4 Jahre alter harmonisch gebauter goldender Rüde, typischer Kopf mit weichem Ausdruck, dunkles Pigment, gute Halslänge, vorzügliche Winkelungen, gut gebaute Brust, kräftiger Rücken, vorzüglich angesetzte und getragene Rute, bewegt sich mit Schwung und Energie, sehr freundliches und fröhliches Wesen, vorzüglich präsentiert.
Offene Klasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt
JCh. VDH, Frühjahr Jugendsieger 2016
Magavin of the Morning Valley, NHSB 2985489, 12.11.14, 528140000590704
Majik Truth or Dare - Tinkerbell of the Morning Valley
Z: Ans Schuurman, E: Ronald Wezel
7 Jahre alter kompakt gebauter cremefarbener Rüde, vorzügliche Größe, maskuliner Kopf, mit dunklem Pigment, vorzügliche Halslänge, korrekte Winkelungen, tiefe und breite Brust, gut gewölbter Brustkorb, kräftige Lenden, vorzüglich angesetzt und getragene Rute, bewegt sich frei mit Schub, dichtes Haarkleid, freundliches und aufmerksames Wesen.


VDH Res.Anw.
Dutch Consolidation Duas Quintas, NHSB 3080796, 24.4.17, 528140000684903
Majik Truth or Dare - Landking Here Comes the Sun
Z: Kelly Wibbelink, E: Heike Grubert
5 Jahre alter harmonisch gebauter cremefarbener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf, gute Halslänge, vorzügliche Winkelungen, gut entwickelte Brust, kurze und kräftige Lenden, korrekt angesetzte Rute, bewegt sich frei und fließend, etwas pfoteneng im gehen, fröhlich getragene Rute, gepflegte Haarkleid, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.


Sheldrick Travis, VDH-GRC 18-0644, 6.10.18, 276093400780941
Elysian Blonds Denzel - Morcheeba Maldita
Z: Ute u. Olaf Heise, E: Heike Moens
3 Jahre alter harmonisch gebauter cremefarbener Rüde, vorzügliche Größe, schöner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, vorzügliche Winkelungen, tiefe Brust, gerade obere Linie mit kräftigen Lenden, er bewegt sich mit viel Schwung, dichtes und gepflegtes Haarkleid, sehr freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Rowdydow v.d. Beerse Hoeve, VDH/DRC-G 2042875, 14.5.20, 528140000778672
Dutchtab v.d. Beerse Hoeve - Coming Close v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Z: M. Geritsen, E: Lucia Peters
2 Jahre alter goldener Rüde von guter Größe, schöner Kopf mit typischem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, etwas ausgedrehte Vorderläufe, vorzügliche Winkelungen, stark anliegende Ellenbogen, gerade obere Linie mit langer Lende, gut angesetzte Rute, in der Bewegung fröhlich getragen, bewegt sich frei mit Schub, hinten etwas pfoteneng, gepflegtes Haarkleid, fröhliches und freundliches Wesen.
Dreamcatcher von Friduren, VDH-GRC 17-0353, 12.6.17, 276093400690152
Satin and Silk v.d. Golden Angels - Bet on it von Friduren
Z: I. Huesmann, E: Ina van Alst
5 Jahre alter cremefarbener Rüde, vorzügliche Größe, schöner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, korrekte Winkelungen, runder Brustkorb, kurze und kräftige Lenden, leicht runde Kruppe, in der Bewegung frei mit fröhlich getragener Rute, dichtes Haarkleid, freundliches Wesen.
Elated Jonte Makes you happy, VDH/DRC-G 2042782, 3.5.20, 276098108074396deu
Golden Offspring Pedro - Angel Lilo Makes you happy
Z: Angelika Hormel, E: Tamara Rist
2 Jahre alter cremefarbener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf mit intelligentem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, etwas steile Vorhandwinkelung, gut gewölbter Brustkorb, leicht ausgedrehte Vorderläufe, kräftige Lenden, vorzügliche Hinterhandwinkelung, bewegt sich frei mit fröhlich getragener Rute, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Golden Dreamstory Nice Boy Basti, VDH-GRC 18-0690, 3.11.18, 040098100514124
Dutch ConsolidationSpy vs Spy - Voice of Art Golden Gaj
Z: Monika u. Gerhard Kovarik, E: Volker Manhold
3 Jahre alter goldener Rüde, harmonisch gebaut, maskuliner Kopf mit typischem Ausdruck, korrekte Winkelungen, gerade Vorderläufe, kurze und kräftige Lenden, gut angesetzte Rute, in der Bewegung sehr fröhlich getragen, bewegt sich frei mit Schub, gepflegtes und dichtes Haarkleid, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Applecote Hearts Afire, AX01291803, 17.2.20, 981000010805194
Terra Di Siena Invictus Du Bois De La Rayere - Applecote Delights The Eye
Z: Layland, E: Petra Kindler
2,5 Jahre alter goldener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf mit freundlichem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, korrekte Winkelungen, Vorläufe etwas ausgedreht, kräftige Lenden, hinten leider etwas kuhhässig, korrekt angesetzte Rute, fließende Bewegung, dichtes und gepflegtes Haarkleid, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Elated Sully Makes you happy, VDH/DRC-G 2042780, 3.5.20, 276098108074560
Golden Offspring Pedro - Angel Lilo Makes you happy
Z: Angelika Hormel, E: Sandra Sange
2 Jahre alter cremefarbener Rüde. vorzügliche Größe, kräftiger Kopf mit typischem Ausdruck, gute Halslänge, korrekte Winkelungen, tiefe Brust, etwas ausgedrehte Vorderläufe, kräftige Lenden, korrekt abgesetzte Rute, fließende und freie Bewegung, dichtes und gepflegtes Haarkleid, freundliches und fröhliches Wesen.
Bosse Heartbreaker vom goldenen Fuchsbau, VDH/DRC-G 1840557, 27.8.18, 276095610406092
Le' Pet's Bernard - Dreamlike Malou vom Ahbachtal
Z: Manuela Fuchs, E: Reiner Auge
fast 4 Jahre alter cremefarbener Rüde, maskuliner Kopf, dunkles Pigment, gute Halslänge, korrekte Winkelungen, tiefe Brust, kurze und kräftige Lenden, korrekt angesetzte Rute, fließende Bewegung, gepflegtes Haarkleid, heute nicht ganz im Fell, freundliches Wesen.
33.n. ersch.
Golden Gentleman v.d. Tender Bende, NHSB 3047368, 9.6.16, 528140000657179
Zick Zack v.d Tender Bende - Dewy Dawn v. Golden Promise
ZuE: Bianca van Vliet-van Santen
Veteranenklasse - Hündinnen
VDH Anw. Dt.
Big Sugar of Palace Mountain, VDH-GRC 14-0452, 18.7.14, 276098104920847
Catequill Northern Tales - Cheerful of Millroad
Z: Karin Schipper, E: Maike Gerding
eight years young happy and balanced girl, both standing and on the move, lovely head and expression, long neck, super front and back, short strong and deep body, good bone, level topline and tailset, super coat and condition, moved very well with easy and long strides, very beautiful lady for her age
VDH Res.Anw.
Elated Mira von der Soester Börde, VDH/DRC-G 1231592, 28.6.12, 276098104508313
Ashbury Deep Impact - Kleine Paula vom Tor zur Egge
Z: Dieter Hesse, E: Angelika Hormel
ten years young, very balanced bitch, who looks beautiful standing, feminin head and expression long neck, super front and back, strong and deep body, level topline, lovely coat and bone, moved well for her age, very well presented and in lovely condition, a beauty for her age
Tess vom Gehrenfeld, VDH/DRC-G 1333460, 10.10.13, 276095600075227
Zephyr iz Doliny Solnca - Milla vom Gehrenfeld
ZuE: Ursula Wagner-Thier
nine years young happy girl, who looks at her best moving through the ring, with long and easy strides, a lovely head and expression, could have a little bit front and hind angulation, nice body for her age, lovely coat and condition, good bone, level topline, very well presented, looked very happy and attentiv to her owner
Baby-Klasse - Hündinnen
Feel the Sun of Frisian bright Hope, VDH/DRC-G 2245229, 31.1.22, 276098800283776
Crack Of Dawn New Quest - Amazing A ˋCapella of Frisian bright Hope
Z: Sven Lass, E: Bärbel Schnatmeyer
six months young happy and extroverted girl, who is already well grown for her age, excellent length of leg, lovely head and expression, long neck, would prefer a little bit more front angulation, a lovely body for her age, well muscled hind quarters, just enough bone, level topline, would prefer a better tailset, coat is okay for her age, in strong muscular condition for her age, moved well, but will tighten with age
Jüngstenklasse - Hündinnen
Marisilver December Whisper, VDH-GRC 21-0891, 1.12.21, 276093400937731
Majik Call me Ishmael - Marisilver Absolutly Mine
ZuE: Mareike Ahrens
seven months old happy and confident girl, who already showed very well for her owner, gorgeous head and expression, just enough length of neck, excellent front and back, strong and deep body for her age, could be a little bit shorter in line, level topline and tailset, super bone, super coat and condition, moved very well for her age, one to watch for the future
Siri Soul Belle, VDH/DRC-G 2145107, 23.12.21
Meddmel Wonderful Time - Faithful Heart Orange Blue
ZuE: Sidonie Lippert
seven months old happy and bouncy puppy, who enjoyes her time out in the ring, she is already well grown for her age, i hope she doesnt grow a lot any longer, feminine head and expression, super neck, excellent front and hind angulation, short strong and deep body, excellent length of leg, level topline and tailset, lovely bone, watch out for her bite at this moment it is more oder less level, lovley coat and condition for her age, moved very well when settled
Jugendklasse - Hündinnen


VDH Anw. Dt
D(u)JCH, Dts Jug CH DRC, Dts Jug CH VDH
Tanishtagh Euphoria, NHSB 3240208, 2.6.21
Angelonato Grandioso - Tanishtagh Just the Right Note
ZuE: Gloria Blaauwendraat
thirteen months old calm and confitdent girl, who persents herself very well, shows super balanced both standing and on the move, she has the most gorgeous head and expression, long neck, super front and back, deep body for her age, super bone, level topline and tailset, moved like she owned the ring, very well presented, definitely one to watch for the future
VDH Res.Anw.
L.A. Rechardon's Lumi Tilda, VDH-GRC 21-0805, 25.10.21
Vestafjell's Quite Knight - A sense of Diamond Joyful Holly
ZuE: Marina Langenscheidt
nine months old, balanced and happy girl, who already shows a lot of balance, both standing and on the move, well grown for her age, super head and expression, long neck, excellent front and back, super body for her age, level topline and tailset, good bone could have tighter feet, in excellent coat and condition, moved well when settled, well presented, one to watch for the future
Wild Pepper Pâquerette, VDH-GRC 21-0157, 30.3.21, 968000011284277
Shardanell Theo - Wild Pepper Live Love Laugh
Z: Ulrike Stahl, E: Natalie Stöter
sixteen months old calm and confident girl, who presented herself very well, gives a balanced outline both standing and on the move, lovely head and expression, long neck, good front and back, correct body for her age, lovely bone, would prefer tighter feet, level topline, carried her tail a little bit high on the move, not in the best coat today, but is in strong muscular condition, moved very well with easy and long strides, well presented
Glamorous Girl of faithful Goldendreams, VDH/DRC-G 2144628, 29.7.21, 276095610845199
Back to the Future de lar de Casanova - Dare you Liz of faithful Goldendreams
Z: S. Roßmöller, E: Britta Reintjes Brendgen
one year old, calm and confident girl, who looks very balanced, both standing and on the move, stronger expression, long neck, could have a little bit more front and hind angulation, short strong and deep body, be careful to not overfeed her, super bone, level topline and tailset, super coat, moved very well for her age, well presented
40.n. ersch.
Sequins Sabrina, NHSB 3240676, 4.6.21, 528140000841838
Sequins Sung - Sequins Samahat
Z: C. TH. J. M. Knippenborg, E: Andrea Gompf
Animated Amira of Darcys Garden, VDH-GRC 21-0286, 3.5.21, 968000011294641
Angel Like You V.'T Keijsershof - Eurfryn Destini Darcy
ZuE: Aloisia Diesler
fourteen months old, calm and confident girl who needs a bit more time to develop her body, feminine head and expression, good length of neck, excellent shoulders, but could have more upper arm angulation, body needs time to deepen, well angulated and strong hind quarters, lovely bone, lovely coat and condition, well presented, level topline, but would prefer a better tailset, moved okay for her age, but needs more time strengthen
A wonder of you April of Millroad, VDH-GRC 21-0172, 13.4.21, 968000011284858
I'm Terra Antyda Marlo of Nordic History - Big Sugar of Palace Mountain
Z: Maike u. Ralf Gerding, E: Sabrina Franzkoch
fifteen months old calm and confident girl, who needs a lot more time to develop, a beautiful head and expression, long neck, i would like to see a better front and hind angulation, her body needs more time to develop, would prefer to see her shorter in loin, excellent length of leg, just enough bone for her size, would prefer tighter feet, level topline but would prefer a better tailset, at this moment she moves with shorter steps and needs more drive, well presented, needs more coat, but in excellent muscular condition
Everything I wanted of frisian bright Hope, VDH/DRC-G 2144360, 22.5.21, 276098800264422
Crack Of Dawn New Quest - Cheek to Cheek Lemon Tonic
Z: Sven Lass, E: Petra Werthenbach
fouteen months old very happy and bouncy girl, who with a little bit more training will present a better picture of herself, lovely head and condition, lovely front and back, short strong and deep body for her age, lovely bone, level topline and tailset, in lovely coat and condition, moved well when settled, presents a very balanced outline
46.n. ersch.
Sheldrick Yoko Ono, VDH-GRC 21-0481, 13.6.21, 968000011283540
Elysian Blonds Ice Cube - Sheldrick Nikita
Z: Ute u. Olaf Heise, E: Ute Heise
Fascinating Selma Makes you happy, VDH/DRC-G 2144460, 20.6.21, 276098108378127
Zabou Kiss of Calimero's Castle - Angel Lilo Makes you happy
ZuE: Angelika Hormel
thirteen months old happy and confident girl who was presented very well in the ring, feminine head and expression, good neck, i would like to see a better front and back, her body needs more time to develop, just enough bone, level topline, caried her tail rather high on the move, moved with drive but with short steps, lovely coat and condition, she needs more time to develop, so therefore today a very good
Fascinating Pyper Makes you happy, VDH/DRC-G 2144456, 20.6.21, 27609800316677
Zabou Kiss of Calimero's Castle - Angel Lilo Makes you happy
Z: Angelika Hormel, E: Sandra Sange
thirteen months old happy and confident girl, who needs more time to develop in body, and who is today not in the best coat, lovely head and expression, excellent length of neck, could have more front and hind angulation, body needs more time to develop, good bone, level topline and tailset, moved okay, but will get stronger by age, today a very good but i am sure she will get better in the future, well presented
Jeppedys Ode to Banksy, VDH-GRC 21-0542, 21.6.21, 968000011284445
Elysian Blonds Ice Cube - Jeppedys Ice Ice Baby
Z: Martin Kopfer, E: Doreen Hangmann
one year old happy and confident girl, who needs a bit more time to develop in body and to grow her coat back, stronger head and expression, good neck, would prefer more front and hind angulation, super bone, level topline and tailset, in strong muscular condition, moved okay when settled, but would prefer longer steps, today a very good
51.n. ersch.
Glowing Future of faithful Goldendreams, VDH/DRC-G 2144629, 29.7.21, 276095610862586
Back to the Future de Lar de Casanova - Dare you Liz of faithful Goldendreams
ZuE: Stephanie Roßmöller
Kalea Winter the Golden Light of Avalon, VDH-GRC 21-0316, 10.5.21, 968000011293993
Tramin Lotto - Indigo Peaches the Golden Light of Avalon
ZuE: Christina Roßmann
fourteen months old calm girl, who looked best on the move, stronger head and expression, good neck, would like to see a better front, short strong and deep body, strong and well angulated hind quarters, good bone, level topline, but tailset is low, lovely coat, be careful no to overfeed her, moved well, could have a little bit more drive and longer steps, well presented
Life Light Lilly of Golden domestic happines, VDH/DRC-G 2144187, 9.5.21, 276094502206432
Zabou' Kiss of Calimero's Castle - Hej Hermine of Golden domestic happines
Z: Dagmar Albert, E: Lena-Marie Schoedon
fourteen months old calm girl, who did her best to present herself very well, would like to see a more soft expression, long neck, would like to see a better front, her body needs more time to develop, strong and well angulated hind quarters, excellent length of leg, just enough bone for her size, level topline, not in the best coat today, but otherwise in strong muscular condition, moved a bit sluggish today, needs more drive and longer strides, so therefore today a good
Zwischenklasse - Hündinnen
VDH Anw. Dt
A sense of Diamond Limoncello, VDH-GRC 20-0848, 27.12.20, 968000011283525
Dutchtab van de Beerse Hoeve - A sense of Diamond Ice Ice Baby
ZuE: Christina Meschede
nineteen monts calm and confident girl, who presented herself very well and gives a very balanced outline, both standing and on the move, gorgeous head and expression, long neck, super front and back, strong and deep body, to be very critical i would prefer her to be a little bit shorter in loin, but nobody is perfect, level topline and tailset, lovely bone, moved well with easy and long strides and moved like a real queen through the ring, very well presented
VDH Res.Anw.
A Wonder of you Ella of Millroad, VDH-GRC 21-0173, 13.4.21, 968000011284834
l'm Terra Antyda Marlo of Nordic History - Big Sugar of Palace Mountain
Z: Maike u. Ralf Gerding, E: Maike Gerding
fifteen months old girl, who is very well developed for her age already, super had and expression, long neck, super front, deep body, but would prefer to see her shorter in loin, strong and well angulated hind quarters, super bone, would like to see her higher on the leg, level topline and tailset, super coat and condition, moved very well with easy and long strides, very well presented
Sunbeam Gentle Sunday Morning, VDH/DRC-G 2144008, 2.4.21, 27609880295137
Monty von der Ivangsheide - Sunbeam Gentle Limited Edition
ZuE: Beate Willeke-Pemöller
fifteen months old calm and confident girl, who gives a balanced outline standing, lovely head and expression, long neck, super front, very well developed body for her age, well angulated back, level topline, but would prefer a better tailset wich is also visible on the move, good bone, would prefer tighter feet, lovely coat, be careful not to overfeed her, moved okay for her age, but needs to strengthen her back to give herself more drive, well presented


Jugendsieger Rostock
Ihnetals Golden Amazing Amber, VDH/DRC-G 2043510, 29.11.20, 276098108284044
Vestafjell's Quite Knight - Cross Meadows Golden Betsy
ZuE: Manuela Quiter
twenty months old calm and confident girl, who is already very well developed for her age, super head and expression, long neck, just enough front angulation, strong and deep body, strong and well angulated hind quarters, super coat and condition, just enough bone, level topline but low tailset, which is unfortunately very visible on the move, nevertheless she moved very well for her age, well presented, so therefore an excellent
56.n. ersch.
Baronesse Maila von Schnellenberg, VDH-GRC 20-0583, 26.8.20, 968000011294868
Sheldrick Travis - Jane von Schnellenberg
Z: Katja Wiegand, E: Fabienne Stille
Golden Angel Alyssa The Dream Is Born, VDH-GRC 20-0688, 13.10.20, 968000011293321
Xanthos Bullet Proof - Jillion's Keep It Simple
Z: Elke u. Klaus Dohmen, E: Klaus Dohmen months old bitch, who needs more time and training to present herself better, would like more musle, long neck, would like to see a better front and back, her body needs more time to develop, level topline, but low tailset, just enough bone, but would prefer tighter feet, not in the best coat today, needs more drive on the move and longer steps, time is by her side, i am sure she will get better with age
60.n. ersch.
Sherly's Golden Joyce, VDH-GRC 21-0058, 6.2.21, 968000011294178
Tramin Love of Life - Sherly's Golden Artemis
ZuE: Heidi Ahlers
Champion-Klasse - Hündinnen


VDH Anw. Dt
Faithful Heart Leona Lewis, VDH/DRC-G 1637704, 24.7.16
Zampanzar Say It Agian Shardanell - Faithful Heart Ivy Queen
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Lutz u. Silke Hohmann
six years old well trained bitch, who really deserves her place in this class, feminine head and expression, super neck, front and back, short strong and deep body, what is so nice about this bitch is that she also has a good length of leg, level topline, super coat and condition, moved with easy and long strides and a good drive, very well presented


VDH Res.Anw.
BiH Ch.
Cross Meadows Golden Betsy, VDH/DRC-G 1738739, 30.11.16, 276093400690459
Majik Truth of Dare - Shyra's Golden Fine
Z: Gerd u. Sonja Hofmann, E: Manuela Quiter
five years old bitch, who looked best on the move, super head and expression, long neck, super front, strong body, but would prefer her a bit shorter in loin, strong and well angulated hind quarters, just enough bone, would like to see tighter feet, level topline, not in the best coat today, moved very well with easy and long strides and lots of drive, deserves her place in this class, well presented


Faithful Heart Orange Blue, VDH/DRC-G 1941537, 9.5.19
Solstrimmans Serengeti - Faithful Heart Jennifer Lopez
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Sidonie Lippert
three years old calm and confident girl, she is rather big and i believe she needs more time to fill the frame better, i would like to see a softer head and expression, excellent neck, i would like to see more front and hind angulation, deep body for her age, just enough bone for her seize, would like to see tighter feet, level topline and tailset, moved okay, but needs to strengthen on the move, because of her balanced standing an excellent today, well presented
Gebrauchshundklasse - Hündinnen


VDH Anw. Dt
Faithful Heart Pia Mia, VDH/DRC-G 2042572, 21.3.20
Tamniarn Pepper Pot - Faithful Heart Leona Lewis
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Lutz u. Silke Hohmann
two years old calm and well confident bitch, who presents a balanced outline, both standing and on the move, super head and expression, long neck, super front and back, just enough body for her age, lovely bone, level topline and tailset, totaly out of coat, but in a strong muscular condition, moved very well with easy and long steps and lots of drive, well presented
Offene Klasse - Hündinnen


VDH Anw. Dt
Wild Pepper Live Love Laugh, VDH-GRC 19-0523, 12.1.18
Monty von der Ivangsheide - Wild Pepper Elixir D'amour
ZuE: Ulrike Stahl
four years old calm and well trained girl, who looks very balanced, especially on the move, lovely head and expression, just enough length of neck, super front, for me personally a bit too much hind angulation, short strong and deep body, would like to see her a little bit higher on the leg, super bone, level topline and tailset, on the move she looks really beautiful with long and easy strides and a lot of drive, very well presented


VDH Res.Anw.
GRC Clubsieger 2019
Olivia zum schwarzen Gold, VDH-GRC 17-0538, 8.10.17, 276093400690527
Elysian Blonds Ice Cube - Wild Pepper Greatest Day
Z: Ute Berger, E: Katja u. Dimitri Lust
four and a half years old, well trained and happy girl, who looked balanced, both standing and on the move, quiet a strong head and expression, long neck, super front and back, short strong and deep body, but make sure not to overfeed her, good length of leg, enough bone for her size, would like to see tighter feet, level topline and tailset, moved with easy and long steps and enough drive, not in the best coat today, but in a strong and muscular condition, very well presented
Sanguinisch I Pink I Love You, NHSB 3156280, 24.4.19
I'm Terra Antyda Marlo of Nordic History - Sanguinisch Snow White
ZuE: Manita Busser-Jager
three years old, very well developed for her age, a beautiful head and expression, good length of neck, super front and back, deep body, make sure not to overfeed her, lovely bone, level topline and tailset, coat is still looking okay today, moved very well in the front, but needs more drive from the back, very well presented
Ranmarch Danbi, VDH-GRC 20-0274, 14.5.20, 276093400840784
Jewelhope Pirat XO - Ranmarch Amber
Z: Renate Janz, E: Jan Winter
two years old, confident and calm bitch, who looks very balanced both standing and on the move, a beautiful head and expression, long neck, super front and back, strong and deep body for her age, just enough bone, in super coat and condition, level topline, but would prefer a more leveled tailset, moved very well with easy and long strides and a good drive, she would look better with a more experienced handler
Baronesse Babou Bluna vom goldenen Fuchsbau, VDH-GRC 21-0224, 27.8.18, 276095610426988
Le ' Pet's Bernard - Dreamlike Malou vom Ahbachtal
ZuE: Manuela Fuchs
four years old, calm and confident bitch, who with a little bit more training and trimming would make a better picture of herself, lovely head and expression, good neck, excellent front and back, good body, lovely bone, level topline and tailset, today not in the best coat, moved with enthusiasm, but needs to become stronger and more parallel, therefore today a very good
Golden Coconut behind Auyan Tepui, VDH-GRC 20-0328, 21.5.20, 276093400840837
Angel like you v't Keijserhof - Heideles Golden Icecream Kiwi
ZuE: Denise Lindner
two years old, well trained and confident girl, who looked best on the move, would like to see more musle, long neck, would prefer more front angulation, good body for her age, strong and well angulated hindquaters, lovely bone, level topline and tailset, not in the best coat today, moved with easy strides, but would prefer to see more drive, very well presented
Golden Alemee Papaya behind Auyan Tepui, VDH-GRC 17-0458, 24.7.17, 276093400690847
Alibren Romeo - Heideles Golden Charmaine
ZuE: Denise Lindner
five years old happy and confident girl, not in the best coat and condition today, lovely head and expression, long neck, would prefer to see a better front angulation, for this age i would like to see a stronger body, well angulated and strong hindquarters, just enough bone, level topline and tailset, moved light and easy, but would prefer to see a little more drive and strength, so therefore today a very good
70.n. ersch.
Palma von der Ivangsheide, VDH-GRC 18-0717, 10.11.18, 276093400780997
Vestafjell's Quite Knight - Mila von der Ivangsheide
ZuE: Sabine Mergemeier
Sunbeam Gentle One Way Ticket, VDH/DRC-G 1637841, 13.9.16, 276098009140289
Festival's Slumdog Millionaire - Sunbeam Gentle Limited Edition
ZuE: Beate Willeke-Pemöller
five years old happy and confident girl, who presented herself very well, feminine head and expression, just enough length of neck, good front and hind angulation, short strong and deep body, but carries to much weight which is also visible on the move, good bone, level topline and tailset, would like to see tighter feed, excellent coat, moved okay, but needs more width in the back
Golden Charlie behind Auyan Tepui, VDH-GRC 20-0325, 21.5.20, 276093400840834
Angel Like You v.'t Keijsershof - Heideles Golden Icecream Kiwi
Z: Denise Lindner, E: Heidele Peters
twenty-six months old calm and well trained girl, lovely head, would like to see a longer neck and a better front angulation, strong and deep body, but make sure not to overfeed her, strong and well angulated hind quarters, would like to see more bone and tighter feet, level topline and tailset, in lovely coat, moved lightly, but needs more strength in the back, therefore today a very good, very well presented
Georgia on My Mind vom Plixholz, VDH/DRC-G 1942052, 12.10.19, 276094500629375
Inverness Golden Cracker Jack - Finally a Girl vom Plixholz
ZuE: Katharina Velte
two and a half years old calm and well trained bitch, who looked lovely on the move, quiet a strong expression and would like to see a better pigmentation, good length of neck, just enough front and hind angulation, short strong and deep body, just enough bone for her size, level topline and tailset, lovely coat, make sure not to overfeed her, moved well, needs a little bit more drive from the back, but nevertheless an excellent today

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