4. Advents-Ausstellung Cloppenburg am 30.11.2013
Golden Retriever
Richterin Rüden: Sue Towers (Alibren), GB
Hündinnen: Anne Woodcock (Stanroph), GB
Baby-, Zwischen- u. Championklasse: Ruth Scholz (Golden Sunlights), D
Veteranenklasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt. VCH
Lux Ch, Suisse Ch
Ch.Cayto Of Sweetmeat's, LOSH 0937759, 15.5.03, 985120019665399
Tjarko Ter Rode Poort - Zara van het Hof Tenberge
Z: Mr Santy, E: Ivo Biesbrouck u. Kathy Vermeersch
Strong masculine head with good pigment, well of the bone. Nicely balanced with good bend of stifle. Moved true front and rear.


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. VCH
Jumbo the Best Baron, CLP/GR/9229, 12.8.04, 276097202019633
Goldsand's Charlie Drum - Cathrine Happy Sacadar
Z: Ing. Vladimir Melion Champion-Parade, E: Helgard Burow
Nice gentle expression and good lay back of shoulders and upper arm. Adequate bone. In good coat but moved a little close behind.
Ehrenklasse - Rüden


Int. Champion, Dt. Champion VDH&Club
Windwhirl Early Heart Even, VDH/DRC-G 0926814, 20.6.06, 756098100298869
Sokenlea Trendy in Tweed - Daily Rays Whisper of Wind
Z: Elsbeth Brüngger, E: Sabine Maier
Very nicely balanced, correct head with good upper arm. Good straight front legs, tight feet and short coupled, correct bend of stifle. Nice top-line and tail-set. Moved with ease, just felt he is carring a little weight. Overall a lovely dog.
Baby-Klasse - Rüden
TQ Light my Fire, VDH/DRC-G 1333066, 26.6.13, 276095600060522
Cheek to Cheek Florentino - Springlove's Touch of yes Naby
Z: Jana Oettel, E: Manuela Rossol
5 Monate , fröhliches Baby von vielversprechendem Typ, dem alter entsprechend entwickelt,schöner Kopf,mit freundl. Ausdruck, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie,ganz leicht abfallende Kruppe, vorzüglich gewinkelt, teils sehr gut entwickelter Brustkorb,kurze Lenden, kräftige Läufe vorn im Stand leicht ausgestellt, Katzenpfoten, schönes hellgoldenes Haarkleid,schöne flüssige raumgreifende Bewegung, noch lose in den Ellenbogen
Sanguinisch McGregor, NHSB 2931911, 16.7.13
Sanguinisch Braveheart - Sanguinisch Mingulay
Z: Gert u. Manita Busser, E: Manita Busser-Jager
4 Monate, schon vielversprechend entwickelter fröhlicher Rüde, schöner Kopf mit sanftem Ausdruck, muss in den Behang noch reinwachsen, korrekte Halslänge, gerader fester Rücken,vorzügliche Vorbrust, Brustkorbtiefe u.- Wölbung dem Alter entsprechend entwickelt, kurze Lenden, gerade kräftige Läufe, etwas weich im Vordermittelfuß, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, flüssiger Bewegungsablauf,
Ritzilyn British Bandit, KC AQ02565701, 19.7.13
Thornywait McShay at Ritzilyn JW - Ritzilyn Rinky Dink JW
Z: L. u. G. Hennessy, E: Dörthe Wiechmann
4 Monate bereits vielversprechend entwickleter fröhlicher Rüde, typischer Babykopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, berreits sehr gut entwickelter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden,vorzügliche Winkelungen, gerade kräftige Läufe, sehr weich im Vordermittelfuß,schönes mitgoldenes Haarkleid, flüssige Bewegung, noch lose Ellenbogen
4.n. ersch.
Sevenway Commander in Chief, VDH/DRC-G 1333002, 17.6.13, 276096909269033
Jako's Mystic Touch - Paz de Atrapasuenos
Z: Petra Haas, Pörnbach, E: Manuela u. Jörg Assmann
Xanthos Xavier, AQ 02412802, 2.7.13, 941000015360937
Shardanell Castaspell - Xanthos Givenchy JW
Z: HVG Morss, E: Brigit Vlaar
Jüngstenklasse - Rüden
Could be Magic Coisean of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 13-0335, 7.5.13, 276095600053819
Dunehill's Kind of Magic - Magic Triangle's Brdiget for Lesmona
ZuE: Anna Lise Bielefeld
Very nice type, gentle expression with good pigment. Nicely balanced, nothing overdone. Moved well with good stredes.
Gillbryan Hunterdean Leader, AQ01887801, 7.5.13
Gillbryan Trivelino - Gillbryan Vanda Mis Joaquim
Z: Mr. DJ en Mrs. MB Lade, E: Rob v. d. Weiden u. Conni Boll
A baby of 6 month, nicely balanced. Good flow of neck into level top-line. Nice straight legs. Good bend of stifle. Moves steady with plenty of drive.
Baltic Breeze of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 13-0315, 1.5.13, 276095600054860
Stanroph Snow Finch - Ulana of Lesmona
Z: Anna Lise Bielefeld, E: Ute Reher
Lovely puppy, very well balanced. Gentle expression and super shoulder and upper arm. Good bend of stifle, handler needs to be careful when moving the puppy as the tipbits spoil the puppys movement.
Tingledales Believe in me, VDH/DRC-G 1332469, 23.3.13
Goldzack Tom Jones - Tingledales Aroona
Z: P. u. M. Lockhoff, E: Dörthe Wiechmann
Lovely type with excellent pigment. Very attentive to handle and presents a very balanced picture thoughout. Good upper arm and moved true in front and rear.
I'm Terra Antyda Marlo of Nordic History, EST-02302/13, 10.4.13, 981098102852700
Milbu Twister to Nenuoramos - Terra Antyda Sani Just a Magic
Z: Mairi Siimon, E: Thomas Mau
Very big boy of 8 month, gentle head with lovely dark eye and excellent pigment. Good lenght of neck, good upper arm. Good bone and tight feet, Slightly slopping croup.
Brokaer-Golden With Or Without You, DK 04444/2013, 17.3.13, 208250000013576
Summeramba Last Orders - Gembaek's Mysterious Ways
Z: Bente Krogh Christiansen, E: Cornelia Büttner
A little long in foreface at the moment. Good neck lense and good lay back of shoulder. Nice bend of stifle, moved okay and straight when viewed from the rear. Front movement difficult to acess as puppy was very interested in the leash.
Sheldrick Kantu, VDH/GRC 13-0127, 25.3.13, 276098104581632
Golden's Hill-Side Join The Game - Ramchaine Mysterious
Z: Ute u. Olaf Heise, E: Sylvia Hildebrandt
Good dark eye and pigment. Nicely made front, straight in stifle at the moment but this could be due to growing. Moves close behind.
Chess Rey z Fatkovskeho dvora, VDH/GRC 13-0733, 24.5.13, 900032000491294
Zampanzar Blue Note - Beauty Yasmine Dagchells
Z: Lenka Kreplova, E: Astrid Platte
Just a baby, lovely lay back of shoulder and upper arm. Good bend of stifle. Good bone, moves true up the rear. Front legs turn out slightly, prefuse coat.
Caffé D'Amore of the Whisperhouse, NHSB 2916003, 9.3.13, 528140000524659
Ritzilyn Hurdy Gurdy - Augusta of the Whisperhouse
Z: R. J. J. M. van Berkel, E: Belma Engels
Big boy of 8 month, nicely balanced. Good neck flowing into level top-line and good tail-set. Nothing overdone, moved with ease and straight front and rear.
16.n. ersch.
Crauser's Xaro Sam, VDH/GRC 13-0407, 13.5.13, 276096100321516
Life isLife Keanu Wild - Crauser's Why not Buana
Z: Christel Stange Norderstraße 8 25566 Lägerdorf, E: Carmen Kuhlmann
Charley from Summerparadise, VDH/DRC-1332763, 4.5.13, 276096900394889
Non-Stop Jojo Mayer - Strawgold's Best Seller
Z: A.Tesch, E: Andreas Borowski
Sweet boy with good pigment, nicely balanced. Very good shoulder and upper arm placement. Nice bend of stifle. Handler spoils the out-line by the way he holds the tail, a good mover but again handler needs to be careful as to many tipbits spoil the movement.
Marvellous Lounes see the light of Day, VDH/GRC 13-0299, 1.5.13, 276096909247896
Le'Pet's Bernard - Happy Holiday see the light of Day
Z: Bettina Gonschior, E: Nadine Kirchhoff
This puppy needs time to fill his large frame, he has the balance but his feet need to tighten. Nice bends of stifle, erratic on the move.
Xanjo von der Lauensteiner Burg, VDH/DRC-G 1332879, 26.5.13, 276096100324118
Jumper of Golden Gambler - Carolin vom Giesebrink
Z: Petra Schlüter, E: Katrin u. Wilfried Pydd Behse
Balanced puppy of 6 month, good dark eye and nice expression. Correct shoulder and upper arm, nice bend of stifle. Needs to tighten in feet, moved okay.
Piko of Golden Gambler, VDH/GRC 13-0096, 17.3.13, 276098104394568
Lawpark Spellcaster - Ellis vom Allerblick
Z: Ute Ahlborn-Pollehn, E: Pia Baasen
A little narrow in head at prenest, but he is only ababy. Is presenting a very balanced picture. Straight legs and tight feet. Nicely bend stifle. Moves a little close behind at present and carries his tail a little high on the move.
21.n. ersch.
Clooney from Summerparadise, VDH/DRC-G 1332762, 4.5.13, 276096900397723
Non-Stop Jojo Mayer - Strawgold's Best Seller
Z: Andrea Tesch, E: Steffi u. Stephan Lehmann
Your Highness über den Wolken, VDH/GRC 13-0274, 25.4.13, 276094500046960
Dutch Consolidation Pioneer - Only You über den Wolken
Z: Gesche Rabeler, E: Jessica Müller-Seidel
Sweet head and expression with good pigment. Level top-line, nicely angulated front and rear. moves okay but holds his tail slightly high.
25.n. ersch.
True as a Soul Bodhi, VDH/DRC-G 1332877, 25.5.13, 276095600023905
Marybel Star Stream - Ashbury Eternal Love
Z: Annick u. Oliver Klauß, E: Anna Klauß
Jugendklasse - Rüden
VDH Anw. Dt. JCH
Mr. LookOLook Hidden in the Woods, NHSB 2897280, 15.9.12
Abinvale Traguardo - Moonlight Adaline Jewel of Laura
Z: N. M. Croon, E: Nathalie Croon
Happy boy with gentle expression. Lovel balanced picture, angulations correct in front and rear. Level top-line, good tail-set and moved well with lots of drive.
VDH Res. Anw. Dt. JCH
Dunehills Lifeguard, LOSH 1122187, 30.11.12, 985121013195628
Dunehills Kind of Magic - Xanthos Bumble Bee
Z: H. Morss, E: John De Zutter
Well balanced and short coupled boy. Lovely straight top-line and good bend of stifle. Good pigment, very happy boy, moved very well with lots of ring presents.
Wheatcroft Skyfull, AQ00773501, 22.1.13, 960011000098865
Alibren Best Mate to Westervane - Wheatcroft Golden Wanda
Z: Mr. G u. L. Kipps, E: Hermann Lutz
Lovely head and exression with good pigment and dark eye. Presents a really balanced picture. Tight at teh elbows, well muscled. Moved with drive and level top-line and good tail-set.
Evidog Rankin, SPKP 2785, 13.2.13, 941000015128785
Evidog Kasino - Yalta Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Z: E. Sikova, E: K. Kopfer
Nicely balanced dog with good lenght of neck and level top-line. Correct angles front and rear. Nice tight elbows, moved well when settled.
Arco Jenny's Boy of Thornfield Manor, VDH/GRC 13-0050, 11.2.13, 276098104599080
Fine Art Rudgieri Ganesh - Endless Love of Sunny Autumn
Z: A. u. A. Düster, E: Jenny Kuboth
Well balanced boy, nothing exaturated. Good pigment and nice flow of neck into level-top line. Good bend of stifle, moved with plenty of drive.
27.n. ersch.
Sweet lucky charm Elegant Diamond in the Sky, VDH/DRC-G 1332189, 17.1.13
Roxali Davinchi At Ritzilyn - Elysian Blonds Blackeyed Peace
Z: Bettina Krist, E: Florian Brandt
Conquering Hearts Kalamazoo, NHSB 2928698, 30.8.12, 276093400226564
Dainty's Foreign Currency - Conquering Hearts Here Comes Holly
Z: Cornelia Hergg, E: Meeuwes Jan Peetsma
Happy dog with a nice bend of stifle, good pigment. Handler spoils his out-line by pushing tipbits into his mouth. Tail-set a little high, which means he carries his tail to high on the move.
Winter Sunset Song of Redpine, VDH/DRC-G 1232097, 18.12.12, 276098104586110
Daintys Foreign Currency - Magic Moments of Redpine
Z: Sylvia Sponholz, E: Silke Sohr
Very nice type with good pigment. Nice front angulation, good level top-line. Prefuse coat, very attentive to handler, whould prefer a little bit more bend of stifle. Moved a little eratticly as he was watching his handler which made his front legs padle a little. Somthing the handler needs to watch out for. A nice dog overall.
Ray of Sunshine's Mystery meets Mylow, VDH/GRC 13-0019, 19.1.13, 276094180109792 deu
Frenchy Boy du Bois de la Rayere - Giddygold Summer Adventure
Z: Iris Radbruch, E: Christina Gropp
Dark eye and good pigment., nicely angulated in front and rear. Short coupled. Straight top-line, well muscled which helped him drive around the ring.
Thevenet Ramón y Cajal, LOE 2132753, 2.11.12
Remington Ringmaster - Thevenet Pétalo de Algodón
Z: Santiago Gadea-Castro, E: Maike Stapfer
Strong and masculine head with good bone and feet. Level top-line, nicely angulated front and rear. A little lengthy, moved well with his lenght evidence on the move.
Sheldrick Jar Jar Binks, VDH/GRC 12-0501, 18.7.12
Majik Truth or Dare - Sheldrick Bonjour Penelope
Z: U. u. O. Heise, E: Anja Tödter
Happy boy with dark eye and good pigment. Would prefer more lay back of shoulder to balance the picture. Good bend of stifle, moved eratticly due to use handler using tipbits. Dog would be much improve without.
Odin of Golden Gambler, VDH/GRC 12-0547, 22.8.12, 945000001120078
Patrylion über den Wolken - Mona Lisa of Golden Gambler
Z: Ute Ahlborn-Pollehn, E: Pia Baasen
Would prefer a little bit more muscle. Dark pigment and good lenght of neck, nice bend of stifle. Let himself down on the move and tail carriage was high.
Golden Kimmo vom Quellenthal, VDH/GRC 13-0027, 21.1.13, 276098104182360
Haydn of the Hellacious Acres - Golden Herta-Sue vom Quellenthal
Z: Heike Sals, E: Karin Gruner
A pleasant head and expression. Not a good bite, nice upper arm. Tents to slop in top-line and would prefer more bend of stifle. Moved okay.
Floprym Mr MockerNut, SE 21385/2013, 16.2.13, 968000010111532
Blackjon de Ria Vela - Floprym C Coco Nut
Z: Annette Strand, E: Cheryl Wennink
Very good dark eye and pigment. Good lenght of neck and level top-line. Would prefer slightly less angles and a little more lenght of neck. Moved out well.
39.n. ersch.
Non-Stop Mr. Simon Templar, DK 11242/2013, 11.11.12, 981020009501305
Dainty's Big Spender - Isadorable V.D. Beerse Hoeve
Z: Kerti Borbala, E: Conni Pallesen


Herbst Jugend Sieger 2013
Utrish iz Sokolinogo Gnezda (Imp.Ru), NHSB 2926657, 20.6.12, 643094100158247
Ashbury Angel Heart - Cheremuha iz Sokolinogo
Z: Tatiana Sokolova, E: H. a Toren
Good gentle expression and good pigment, Level top-line with correct tail-set. Well muscled. Lacking in coat today, rear movement a little close. Today just a very good but I would like to see him in full coat.
Preston of the Morning Valley, NHSB 2908056, 23.12.12, 528140000520465
Majik truth or dare - Lady Apple of the morning Valley
ZuE: Ans van Leeuwen
Good pigment and level top-line. Very heavy bone which looks more due to thick coat and would prefer straighter front legs. Moved a little close behind.
Zwischenklasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
DJCH.Saarlandjugendsieger, Rheinlandjuge
O' Connor v.'t Keijsershof, NHSB 2884443, 28.5.12, 528140000502536
Lochtaymor King Of Diamonds - Rayleas Annabella
ZuE: P. T. A. de Haar
19 Monate, vorzüglich entwickelter freundl. Rüde, schöner maskuliner Kopf, pechschwarzes Pigment, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linien, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich entwickelter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, schönes dunkelgoldenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit gutem Schub
VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Catequill Northern Tales, VDH/GRC 13-0632, 22.7.12, 941000013672478
Remingtin Razzle Dazzle - Dream Max Think Twice
Z: Katarzyna Gas, E: Maike Gerding
16 Monate, freundlich vorzüglich entwickelter Rüde, schöner maskuliner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linien, vorzügliche Vorbrust, tiefer breiter Brustkorb, etwas lang in den Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade gestellte kräftige Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, flüssige raumgreifende Bewegung, vorn noch etwas lose.


Sieger Rostock, Brugspr., Markpr
Mango Wizz v.d.Beerse Hoeve, DK 02985/2013, 17.2.12, 52810000475111
Thiss Will Doo v.d.Beerse Hoeve - Milky Way v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Z: M. Gerritsen, E: Mette Stougaard
20 Monate, vorzüglich entwickelter freundlicher Rüde, schöner maskuliner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linien , ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, kurze kompakte Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, gepflegtes mitgoldenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung, noch etwas lose in der Front.
Swanavly Diamonds'n Sparks, NHSB 2887571, 28.3.12
Swanavly Imperial Emerald - Swanavly Nordic Breeze
Z: S. u. V. Vuckovic, E: D. Koopman
20 Monate, freundlicher vorzüglich entwickelter Rüde, schöner maskuliner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und oberen Linien, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich entwickelter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung vorn und hinten etwas zeheneng.


Fdw, BHP-A, B, DP-A m.S.
Zapotequan Zhaaniyaa of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 12-0011, 8.1.12, 276095600034155
Romida's o'Pirce Lance - Magic Triangle's Bridget for Lesmona
Z: Anna Lise Bielefeld, E: Ilka u. Anna Lise Bielefeld
22 Monate, sehr gut aufgebauter freundlicher Rüde,schöner typischer maskuliner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, beide I1 auf Zange, korrekte Halslänge, gerader kräftiger Rücken, leicht abfallende Kruppe, sehr gute Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, etwas kurzem Oberarm , korrekt gewinkelte Hinterhand, gerade Läufe, in Front eng gestellt und Pfoten etwas nach außen gedreht, schönes dunkelgoldenes Haarkleid, in der Bewegung mit recht kurzem Tritt
Aerosmith new Begin of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 12-0196, 27.4.12, 276095600022995
Veni Vidi Vici of Lesmona - Ulana of lesmona
Z: Anna Lise Bielefeld, E: Cornelia Rappat
19 Monate, bereits sehr gut entwickelter fröhlicher Rüde, schöner maskuliner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, sehr gute Halslänge, gerader fester Rücken, sehr gute Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb , etwas lang in den Lenden, etwas kurzen Oberarm, Hinterhand vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, gepflegtes goldenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit fröhlich getragener Rute.


Dt.Jgd.CH Club
Tamsbrook Tee Rex, VDH/GRC 13-0681, 15.4.12, 958000001880937
Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell JW - Tavasar Tiarella to Tamsbrook JW
Z: Pat Tuck GB, E: Angela Rose
19 Monate, freundlicher Rüde vom vorzüglichen Typ, schöner maskuliner Kopf, mit freundl. Ausdruck, korrekte Halslänge, etwas Kehlhaut, gerader fester Rücken, sehr gute Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, etwas kurzem Oberarm, Hinterhand korrekt gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, flüssiger Bewegungsablauf mit fröhlich getragener Rute.
Conquering Hearts Just follow your Nose, VDH/GRC 12-0260, 14.5.12, 276093400226481
Summeramba Last Orders - Gembaek's Melody of Music
Z: Cornelia Hergg, E: Melanie Schipper
19 Monate, freundlicher vorzüglich entwickelter Rüde, maskuliner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, beide I1 auf Zange, oben rechts P1 doppelt,korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie, vorzügliche Vorbrust , Brustkorbtiefe u.Brustkorbbreite, lang in den Lenden,vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes mitgoldenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit sehr freundlich getragener Rute
Champion-Klasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
ICH, MultiCH, MultiJCh
Pinkerly Quien Sabe, CLP/GR/12376, 18.10.06, 968000004015546
Matador v.d.Beerse Hoeve - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy
Z: Valentina ZaniniChampion-Parade, E: Eva Hubikova
freundlicher vorzüglich aufgebauter Rüde, typischen Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, korrekt angesetzt und getragener Behang, vorzügliche Halslänge, etwas Kehlhaut, vorzügliche obere Linie und Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich entwickelter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzügliche Winkelungen, kräftige gerade gestellte Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, gepflegtes mitgoldenes sich im Wechsel befindliches Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit viel Schub.


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Dt. CH Club/VDH, Dt. JCH, Lux. JCH
Victor über den Wolken, VDH/GRC 06-0127, 24.3.06
Ritzilyn Jokers Wild - Moonshine Raggae über den Wolken
Z: G. u. Dr. J. Rabeler, E: Dörthe Wiechmann
vorzügliche Erscheinung, freundl. schöner maskuliner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge, gerader fester Rücken, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, vorn etwas ausgestellt, schönes mitgoldenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit viel Schub


Fine Art Rudgieri Heros, LOSH 1056256, 24.10.08
Xanthos Gryffindor - Fine Art Rudgieri Estrella
Z: Tamara Ignatieva, E: Dorine Debergh-Coppens
vorzüglich aufgebauter würdiger Champion, schöner maskuliner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linien, vorzügliche Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, gepflegtes , sich im Wechsel befindliches goldenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit viel Schub.


Dt. Ch. VDH, WT. BHP B, Langschleppe 800
Vive la Vie Bruno, VDH/DRC-G 0926712, 19.5.09, 276098102765313
Rosselle Keanu for Romidas - Ashbury Vive la Vie
Z: Daniela Will, E: Hedwig Besuch
vorzügliche Gesamterscheinung, freundl. ,schöner Rüdenkopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, Lenden kompakt, vorzüglich gewinkelt, kräftige gerade gestellte Läufe, Katzenpfoten, gepflegtes goldenes Haarkleid, flüssiger Bewegungsablauf mit gutem Schub.


Dt.CH Club, Dt.CH VDH, GRC Jubi+Club Sg
Tavasar Wheat Beer, VDH/GRC 08-0588, 15.5.07, 958000001094084
Shardanell Talk o'the Town at Ipcress JW - Tamsbrook Tawnyday Lily of Tavasar JW
Z: Therese Clear GB Champion-Parade, E: Angela Rose
vorzüglicher Körperbau, trägt leider viel zu viel Gewicht, maskuliner Kopf mi freundlichem Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge , etwas lose Kehlhaut, gerader fester Rücken, vorzügliche Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzügliche Winkelungen, gerade kräftige Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, korrekte etwas träge Bewegung , auf Grund des Gewichtes leider nur sehr gut.


Dt. Jg. Ch. VDH, Dt. Ch. VDH, Pl. Ch., D
Haydn of the Hellacious Acres, VDH/GRC 10-0525, 20.11.09, 528140000390518
Dewmist Silk Symphony - Philomena of the Hellacious Acres
Z: H. B. van Maren, E: Sven u. Alexandra Budde
vorzüglich aufgebauter freundlicher Rüde, schöner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, beide I1 auf Zange, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie,ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade gestellte kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes hellgoldenes Haarkleid, flüssige raumgreifende Bewegungen.
Gebrauchshundklasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Dt. Ch. VDH+Club, Sieger Thüringen '13
Figo du Bois de la Rayère, VDH/DRC-G 1130289, 31.5.10
Stormerick Solomon's Seal - Very Irresistible du Bois de la Rayère
Z: Bruno Facq, E: Maike Stapfer
Well shisseled head with kind expression. Good lay back of shoulder, good bone and tight feet. Level top-line and nice bend of stifle. Moved well but needs a little more enthusiasm.


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Champion VDH
Autumn Breeze A New Adventure, VDH/DRC-G 1027969, 1.7.09
Trekronor Limited Edition - My Winter Paradise Autumn Breeze
Z: M. u. N. Schneidereit Champion-Parade, E: Birgit Junghans
Very nicely balanced dog and lovely angles front and rear. Good top-line and tail-set. Lovely movement with good drive from well musceled quarters.


Murdock's Houston-We have a Problem, VDH/DRC-G0521851, 18.9.05
Ultime Mistral du Pays Sauvage - Ripley Murdock of Graceful Delight
Z: Dr. Susanne Bona, E: Katrin Wurft
Super happy boy with such a gentle expression. Nicely balanced with good bone. Lacking a little in coat today. Moved well and showing his happy disposition.


Evidog Jeffrey, SPKP 2382/11, 12.11.09
Shardanell Showstopper - Excellent Magic is Friendly
ZuE: Eva Sikova
Well balanced with good bone and lovely cat-like feet. Masculine but gentle head. Nice angles both front and rear. Moved okay, level top-line and well muscled.


n. ersch.
Ch. PL
Catch the Wind Yukon, VDH/DRC-G 1129470, 19.3.11, 276094100154157
Majik Truth or Dare - Catch the Wind Pebbles
Z: Jutta Wolf, E: Stefanie Lehmann
TQ James Bond 007, VDH/DRC-G 1231433, 4.6.12
Giltedge Blackwatch - Heartwarming Beaquoy of Graceful Delight
ZuE: Jana Oettel
Good type with very pleasant head. Nicely balanced with good bone and feet. Nice bend of stifle, level top-line and good tail-set. Moved well but a little wide in front.


WT, BHP A, Langschleppe 800m, BLP, ZZL
Elwood Unique from cheerful House, VDH/DRC-G 0926224, 7.2.09, 276098102409345
Private Collection v.d. Beerse Hoeve - Consequence of Love from cheerful House
Z: Kuhlmann, E: Ralf Lewandrowski
Masculine head with well defined stopp. Good pigment and nice bone and level top-line and correct tail-set. Moved well and true in front and rear, just holding his tail a little high.


n. ersch.
Landesjugendsieger Bayern 2013
True as a soul Aston Lui, VDH/DRC-G 1130500, 19.11.11, 276095600020976
Basic Blend v.d. Beerse Hoeve - Ashbury Eternal Love
Z: Annick u. Oliver Klauss, E: Manuela u. Jörg Assmann
I'm Amigo of Don's Cottage, VDH/DRC-G 0825846, 25.9.08, 945000000650855
Keke-Wuk von Tobi's golden Lana - Dana of Don's Cottage
Z: Birgit Fohler, E: Detlev Moll
Very happy boy with good dark pigment. Needs a little more angulations both ends. Carriend a little bit to much weight today. As he was so happy that unfortunately that affected his movemet which was a bit choppy insteed of driving.


n. ersch.
Dt.Club Ch, VDH Ch, Belgium Ch, Int.Ch
Rayleas My Guy, KC AG03090901, 16.6.06, 250269600853358
Stanroph Squadron Leader - Rayleas Treacle Tart
Z: Mrs Zingg, E: Wim Bernaert


Swanavly Royal Cardamon, JR 83978 ZR, 11.1.10, 688050000565715
Mitcharron Love Bug - Swanavly Nordic Breeze
ZuE: S. u. V. Vuckovic
Super dark eye and pigment, good lenght of neck into lovely shoulder and upper arm. Level top-line, nice bone and moved okay. Straight in front and rear.


working certificate
Stanroph Spot On, KCREG AJ05172901, 16.11.08, 958000001387980
Stanroph So What Will Be (AI) (JW) - Stanroph She's Got The Looks
Z: Mrs Woodcock, E: Ivo Biesbrouck u. Kathy Vermeersch
Very tall boy with good pigment and nicely balanced. Level top-line, head a little strong which affects his expression. Moved true front and rear.
Offene Klasse - Rüden


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
NJK,, Eurjsg.12
Noah of the Hellacious Acres, NHSB 2831972, 22.3.11, 528140000448950
Dewmist Servantes - Philomena of the Hellacious Acres
Z: H. B. van Maren, E: Charmaine u. Bart van Maren
Very gentle expression well shisseled head and good pigment. Nicely angles at both ends. Super bone and feet, level top-line and good tail-set. Moved true front and rear, with good long steps.


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Djch.,njch, bjs,Ejw
Kiss Kiss v.'t Keijsershof, NHSB 2799096, 16.6.10, 528140000414770
Rosselle Keanu For Romidas - Sequins Semine
ZuE: P. T. A. de Haar
Good pigment, with lovely dark eye, super lenght of neck into level top-line and good tail-set. Correct angulation front and rear good bone and feet. A little longer cast, moves with style and good drive, good front and rear.
Fly to Fletcher du Bois de la Rayere, NHSB 2817120, 6.8.10, 250269500362180
Ramchaine Snap to Jako's - Bouquet Imperial du Bois de la Rayere
Z: Bruno Facq, E: Yvonne Neuteboom-Borger
Soft and gentle expression with dark pigment. Big boy nicely balanced throuthout, level top-line and good tail-set. Moved around the ring well with good steps ans straight front and rear.
Remington Rigoletto, VDH/GRC 12-0811, 28.10.11, 9560 0000 8365 165
Jobeka Jeremiel - Remington Rudbeckia
Z: P. Gowland u. P. Gibbons,UK, E: Katja u. Matthias Wiegand
Very well balanced dog with adequate bone and tight feet. Lovely bend of stifle, good top-line and tail-set. Moved very well and covering the ground with ease.
69.n. ersch.
Lightning Dreams Good Luck Glenn, VDH/DRC-G 1028527, 20.6.10, 941000011432412
Rosselle Keanu for Romidas - Lighning Dreams Beauty Cleo
Z: Petra Stößel, E: Karl-Heinz Ludewig
Frenchy Boy du Bois de la Rayére, VDH/GRC 10-0567 , 6.8.10, 250269500373975
Ramchaine Snap to Jako's - Bouquet Imperial du Bois de la Rayére
Z: Bruno Facq, E: Ina u. Thomas Mau
Well balanced dog, good pigment and nice neck into level top-line. Good angles front and rear, bite a little tight. Moved well with good lenght of streight.
Van Baalen's Golden Earl Connor, VDH/GRC 07-0684, 28.8.07, 276097200768278
Daily Rays Touch of Sun - Rising Sun Lilly Golden Angels of Oberach
Z: Gudrun van Baalen, E: Renate u. Helmut Prisett
Very nicely balanced dog, with well shisseled head, good bone and straight front legs. Not overdone, level top-line and correct tail-set. Moved with good longs steps, covering the ground well.
My Winter Paradise Endless Emotion, VDH/DRC-G 0824740, 31.3.07
Tenfield Border Rambler - Wedding Day of Redpine
Z: C. Winter, E: Birgit Junghans
Very nicely balanced dog with lovely and gentle expression, dark pigment. Good bone and tight feet. Short coupled, good straight hocks and moved around the ring with presents and drive.
Never Say Never Again v.'t Keijsershof, NHSB 2857742, 20.10.11
Rayleas Macintosh - Beloved-Posh Design v.'t Keijsershof
Z: P. T. A de Haar, E: Burnie Nieuwland-Witteveen
Happy boy with good pigment and nice bone. Tight feet, lacking a little depth in muscle and out of coat , so moved with tail slightly high. So for today just a very good. Lovely dog overall.


Deutscher Jugendchampion VDH
Meallan Allanmore, VDH/DRC-G 1130018, 17.6.11, 276098104269360
Top Gun de Ria Vela - Cappuccino & Cream A Midnight Kiss for Meallan
Z: Bianca Kiermeier, E: Silke Miterski
Pleasant head of very friendly dog. Nice lenght of neck, good angles front and rear. Nice bone and moved true from front and rear.


n. ersch.
Brokaer-Golden Blue Hawaii, DK 13462/2011, 22.7.11
Summeramba Last Order - Marjazza's Agnetha
Z: Bente Krogh Christiansen, E: Cornelia Büttner
Jazzman of Millroad, VDH/GRC 11-0084, 21.2.11
Golden William vom Wacholderpark - Estefania van Artesendal
Z: Maike u. Ralf Gerding, E: Martina Bangert
Nice dog who at first glance seems to be very heavy, he is not so heavy as you get your hands on hin as he has such a prefuse coat, triming would benefit. Very nicely balanced with gentle expression good bend of stifle. Lovely movement with correct action in front and rear.


Enjoy Emile von der Linzer Höhe, VDH/DRC-G 1028779, 31.7.10, 276098510292006
Top Gun de Ria Vela - Abigail of Spicy Meadow
Z: Uschi Klein, E: Andrea Eicker
Kind dog with level top-line and I would prefer a little bit more angualtions in front. Good bend of stifle and good tail-set. Moved well with straight action in front and rear. Unfortunalely due to the lack of coat just a very good today. Overall a nice dog.
Black Prince Flores Vitae, VDH/GRC 12-0610, 4.7.11, 276097202400564
Extra Bonus Danako - Afrodité Flores Vitae
Z: V. Hubiková, E: Adrienne u. Sybille Fischell
Good front angulations, nice bone and good lenght of neck. Good top-line and tail-set. Very happy on the move but she did true.
Faithful Heart Garth Brooks, VDH/DRC-G 1130352, 9.10.11, 276098102876651
Vaillant des Fields de Mauny - Faithful Heart Fine Frenzy
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Kerstin Berger
A naught boy who just wants to take his handler to a walk, when settled a nice boy, he presens a balanced picture. Nice bone and tight feet. Unfortunalely unable to acess his movement today and therefore very good.
81.n. ersch.
Faithful Heart Frank Sinatra, VDH/DRC-G 0825982, 2.11.08, 2760981025791251125
Taram Du Bois De La Rayere - Faithful Heart Alanis Morisette
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Inge Kaiser
Dunehills Kindfmagic, NHSB 2874623, 2.6.11, 982000161087709
Captain Finn at Steval - Daily Rays Midnight Queen
Z: John de Zutter, E: Anja Waebeke-Neve
Nice type, very attentive to handler, well shisseled head. Presents a balanced picture, good bone and feet. Moved out well with good straights.
Fine Art Rudgieri King of Hope, LOSH 1100201, 27.6.11, 982000161021750
Xanthos Gryffindor - Fine Art Rudgieri Estrella
ZuE: Tamara Ignatieva u. Peter Heiremans
Nice type with very good pigment. Would prefer a little more depth of muscle. Presents a very nice balanced picture with a happy waagy tail. Good angels front and rear. Moved well just carriend a touch much weight today.


Murdock's Leaving Las Vegas, VDH/DRC-G 1027957, 14.3.10
Vaillant des Fields de Mauny - Murdock's Illussion of Indiana
Z: Dr. Susanne Bona, E: Katrin Wurft
Gentle expression with dark eye, nice angulation front and rear. Good bone and feet. Moved out well with long streights. Nice dog overall.
Denzel of Golden domestic happiness, VDH/DRC-G 1029229, 21.12.10, 945000001094048
Nahjus von Tobi's golden Lana - Jam of Hunter's Point
Z: Dagmar Albert, E: Maren Breitung
Happy boy with excellent pigment. Very well muscled quarters, lacking in bone and would prefer more bend of stifle. And lacking in coat today.
Cream Sensation Milow My Incredible Golden, VDH/GRC 11-0702, 11.11.11, 276097202180042
Golden Heartbeat's Eyecatcher Eyk - Incredible Chayenne See The Light Of Day
Z: Christiane Keßling, E: Ina Krusenbaum
Happy dog who is determent to leave the ring rather that having his movement acessed, nice bend of stifle. Would prefer more upper arm and a more level top-line.
Never Ending Emotion Hutch, VDH/DRC-G 1130407, 22.10.11, 276095600020271
Inassicas Coriander - Ashbury Eternal Passion
Z: Desiré Müller, E: Carmen Herkenrath
Pleasant dog with good bone and good rear angulation. I would prefer more lay back of shoulder and he has a slight heavyness on the shoulders, he moved out well with long steps. Lacking a little coat unterneath today.
Orinocho of the Hellacious Acres, NHSB 2789848, 9.4.10
Barnum of the Hellacious Acres - Moondust Ophelia
Z: Bart van Maren, E: Nathalie Croon
Kindly head with excellent pigment. He presents a balanced picture with good flow into level top-line. Nice angles front and rear. Moved well around the ring a little close behind.
Veni Vidi Vici of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 09-0720, 30.10.09, 276096100255142
Solstrimmans Wild Fiesta - Magic Triangle's Bridget for Lesmona
Z: Anna-Lise Bielefeld, E: Pia Baasen
Strong masculine head with excellent pigment and good straight front legs and tight feet. Good level top-line, well masclued quarters, would prefer slightly more bend of stifle. Moved well but not with long steps because he was looking at handler instead of watching his step.
Largymore Lagavulin, VDH/GRC 10-0214, 24.11.08, 977200007351502
Largymore Marcus - Largymore Tui
Z: A. M. Scott, E: Daniela Lagoda
Lovely head with really dark pigmenmt. Nicely made under the perfuse coat which would benefit of trimming. Nothing overdone. Moved with good streights but a little proud of his tail on the move.
Golden Sunlight's Knockin' on Heaven's Door, VDH/GRC 08-0491, 17.6.08, 276097200925119
Golden Countryside's Rolex Triumph - Golden Sunlight'sTutti Frutty
Z: Ruth u. Frank Scholz, E: Regina Kötting
This boy is so happy. He presents a nicely balanced picture with good angles front and rear. Moved well.


Daily Rays Dream Maker, CLP/GR/15564, 24.12.11, 981098104003959
Gillbryan Joseph's Dream - Terra Antyda Sani New Princess of Heart
Z: Helena Varjamo, E: Eva Hubikova
Good pigment and would prefer a little more lenght of neck and lay back of shoulder. Good bone and level top-line. Very happy boy with nice bend of stifle. A little short of coat underneath and a little proud of his tail on the move.
96.n. ersch.
Cameo de Ria Vela, VDH/DRC-G 1333472, 31.10.11
Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay - Sailor Moon de Ria Vela
Z: Antonio Lopez, E: Sandra Grzybek


Mitcharron Billy Elliot, DK 13334/2011, 9.3.11, 98517000101849
Mitcharron Memphis Milton - Caelavek Sweet Caroline to Mitcharron
Z: D. u. P. V. Parry, E: Mette Stougaard
Good coat and good bone and good feet. Level top-line and good tail-set. Would prefer a little more lenght of neck. A little less forechest as movement was a little wide in front.
Veteranenklasse - Hündinnen


VDH Cha, Club (GRC) Cha
Dailuaine Fields of Gold, VDH/GRC 04-0349, 11.6.04, 276098100554252
Trewater Latino at Gowergold - Amirene Dream On
Z: Christine Bugiel Champion-Parade, E: Christine Bugiel
nice type of bitch, very fit for her age, super topline and tailset, good turn of stifle, apealing head and expression, moved well, excellent


Dt.Ch, Dt.Vet-Ch.,Dt.VDH-Ch.,G. Vet.Win.
Herma Ness Fearless Flann, VDH/DRC-G 0420752, 15.11.04
Risedale Rajah by Stanroph - Herma Ness Boundless Brittany
Z: B. u. T. Schwarz, E: Petra u. Marcus Lockhoff
very sprity for her 9 years age, move very well holding her level topline, in good cloth and condition; showed well;excellent


EVS' 13
Corneley Blush v.d. Golden Angels, NHSB 2532724, 12.11.04
Solstrimmans Blue Znowball - Saxon Blush v.d. Golden Angels
Z: Y. Borger, E: Regien Wilbrink
happyshow girl, super level topline and correct tailset, presented in lovely coat and condition, free standing, showing herself well, very attentive to handler, excellent


Deutscher Champion Club u. VDH
Faithful Heart Beady Belle, VDH/DRC-G 0420612, 7.9.04, 276098100720986
Joyous Nothing to Declare - Faithful Heart Alanis Morisette
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Kerstin Berger
nice type of bitch, with well chisled head, balanced outline, good bend of stifle, nice straight front, moved well, excellent


n. ersch.
Faithful Heart Alanis Morisette, VDH/DRC-G 0116246, 29.1.01
Kavanagh of Graceful Delight - Schlottes Bridget
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Lutz u. Silke Hohmann
Gembaek's Melody of Music, VDH/GRC 05-0482, 13.5.04
Gembaek's Smoke on the Water - Gembaek's Pure Passion of Music
Z: Marianne Scott Jespersen, DK, E: Cornelia Hergg
lovely eye and soft expression, with prefered more angle of upper arm, and more angulation behind, moved a little close behind, very good
Ehrenklasse - Hündinnen


Int.Ch., Int Sh Ch, A, Lux,
Hayissa Of Cay's Happiness, LOSH 1044391, 29.8.08, 981100002073181
Spencheal Ziggystar - Rayleas Mirabelle
Z: Ivo Biesbrouck u. Kathy Vermeersch Champion-Parade, E: Ivo Biesbrouck u. Kathy Vermeersch
very well balanced throughout, super front and forechest, standing with her footlegs well under body, moved freely with drive, excellent
Baby-Klasse - Hündinnen
Best Baby
TQ Lyness, VDH/DRC-G 1333071, 26.6.13, 276095600061339
Cheek to Cheek Florentino - Springlove's Touch of yes Naby
Z: Jana Oettel, E: Simone Kaidat
5 Monate, bereits vielversprechend entwickelte freundl. Hündin, schöner femininer Babykopf, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, dem Alter entsprechend entwickelter Brustkorb , kurze Lenden, korrekte Winkelungen, gerade kräftige Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, schönes hellgoldenes Haarkleid, flüssige Bewegung, noch etwas lose im Ellenbogen .
Elysian Blonds Fatal Attraction, VDH/GRC 13-0528, 21.6.13, 276097202222982
Majik Truth Or Dare - Zampanzar I Love Paris
Z: Simone Nester, E: Angela Rose
5 Monate, freundliche , bereits vielversprechend entwickelte Hündin, schöner Kopf, mit freundl. Ausdruck, etwas kurzer Hals mit etwas Kehlhaut, gerader kräftiger Rücken, korrekt angesetzt und getragene Rute, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, etwas kurzen Oberarm, tiefer bereits sehr gut entwickelter Brustkorb, kurze Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelte Hinterhand, gerade kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, flüssige raumgreifende Bewegung mit gutem Schub, sollte nicht mehr Gewicht tragen.
I'M Terra Antyda Perla, EST-03615/13, 1.6.13, 981098102852057
Golden Tunes Rocket Man-DK09663/2012 - I'M Terra Antyda Alabama-EST-04051/09
Z: Mairi Simon, Estland, E: Gesche Rabeler
fast 6 Monate freundliche vielversprechend aufgebaute Hündin, schöner femininer Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linie, korrekt angesetzt und getragene Rute, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, bereits tiefer sehr gut gewölbter Brustkorb, etwas lang in den Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, etwas weich im Vordermittelfuß, schönes hellgoldenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit gutem Schub.
Magic Moment Of Sunny Autumn, VDH/GRC 13-0579, 16.7.13, 276098104633709
My Winter Paradise Endless Emotion - Deevana Of Sunny Autumn
ZuE: Michaela Herbst
4 1/2 Monate, ein"Spring ins Feld", femininer Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, dem Alter entsprechend entwickelter Brutkorb, kurze Lenden, korrekte Winkelungen, gerade kräftige Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, fröhliche aber korrekte Bewegung.
Alina Sternenstaub vom Erntegrund, VDH/GRC 13-0530, 24.6.13, 276097202364222
Henry von der Ivangsheide - Abigaile especial event of golden
ZuE: Gabriele u. Jochen Bich
5 Monate,vielversprechend entwickelte freundliche Hündin, schöner femininer Kopf mit gutem Ausdruck, noch etwas großer Behang, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie, schöne Vorbrust, dem Alter entsprechend entwickelter Brustkorb, kurze Lenden, korrekte Winkelungen, gerade kräftige Läufe, schönes hellgoldenes Haarkleid, sehr lebhafte Bewegung aber korrekt.
Elysian Blonds Fleur de Lys, VDH/GRC 13-0529, 21.6.13, 276097202226185
Majik Truth or Dare - Zampanzar I Love Paris
Z: Simone Nester, E: Sylvana Jacobs
5 Monate, etwas beeindruckt von der Situation heute, sonst vielversprechend aufgebaut, schöner Babykopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie, sehr gute Vorbrust, dem alter entsprechend entwickelter Brustkorb, kurze Lenden, korrekte Winkelungen, gerade gestellte kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid , flüssiger Bewegungsablauf, auf Grund des Verhaltens "leider nur" versprechend
Sequins Sleque, NHSB 2927573, 7.6.13, 528140000522270
Artic Light du Pays de Boheme - Non-Stop Jam Session
Z: C. Knippenborg, E: Heike Lewandrowski
5 1/2 Monate, freundl. Hündin ,bereits vielversprechend entwickelt, schöner femininer Kopf mit sanftem Ausdruck, korrekte Halslänge, gerader Rücken, abfallende Kruppe, korrekt gewinkelt ,Brustkorb mit guter Tiefe und Wölbung, kurze Lenden, gerade Läufe, etwas weich im Vordermittelfuß, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, flüssige Bewegung mit gutem Schub
Glenenamour An Unique Hihglight Leilani, VDH/GRC 13-0585, 18.7.13, 276094180101313
Alibren Some Other Guy - Vinni Vanadis Of Lesmona
ZuE: Claudia Meier
4 1/2 Monate, bereits vielversprechend entwickelt, fröhlich, schöner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, schönes Pigment, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, Brustkorb bereits sehr gut entwickelt, kurze Lenden, korrekte Winkelungen, gerade Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, schönes dunkelgoldenes Haarkleid, flüssiges Gangwerk mit gutem Schub.
Jüngstenklasse - Hündinnen
Best Puppy
Truly Madly Deeply v.d. Golden Angels, NHSB 2925803, 25.5.13, 528140000537338
MultiCh Majik Truth or Dare - Saxon Bonnie Belle v.d. Golden Angels
ZuE: Yvonne Neuteboom-Borger
a balanced picture throughout, good angulation fore and aft, presented in lovely coat and condition, super lenght of neck, topline and correct tailset, well of for bone, would prefer tighter elbows
Choose Me Of Golden Heathland, VDH/GRC 13-0090, 17.3.13, 276097202295167
Evidog Jeremy - Golden Sunlight's Polka Dot
ZuE: Katja Heitmann
mature for her age, does not need to carry any more weight, super bone and correct feet, good forechest, frontlegs set well under her body, happy show girl, free stood, moved well
Could be Magic Caileen of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 13-0336, 7.5.13, 276095600055606
Dunehill's Kind of Magic - Magic Triangle's Brdiget for Lesmona
ZuE: Anna Lise Bielefeld
very sweet baby of just 6 month, very balanced and in proportion, super dark eyes and well chisled head, good neck into correct shoulder angulation, moved steadily
Tresor of Remy Martin Goldens, NHSB 2923886, 11.5.13
Elliot of Remy Martin Goldens - Nouveau D'or of Remy Martin Goldens
ZuE: Rob v. d. Weiden
nice type of puppy, very much a baby, lovely dark eye and super pigment, good length and flow of neck into level topline, would prefer tighter feet, moved steadily
Lady Maggie of Don's Cottage, VDH/DRC-G 1332730, 29.4.13, 276098104458984
I'm Amigo of Don's Cottage - Golden Infant Diana vom Quellenthal
ZuE: Birgit Fohler
presents a balanced outline, good bone, adequate angulation, would prefer a better tailset, happy temperamt,
Ramchaine Pink Paradise, NHSB 2920233, 12.4.13, 528140000531655
Thornywait Aceymac - Ramchaine Moonstruck
Z: C. T. Ennis Van Maren, E: Rosita Putters
presents a nice picture when viewed fromt he side on the moved, super level topline and correct tailset, a little long in the loin and little narrow in the front, super pigmentation, apealing expression
Gembaek's When Love Comes To Town, DK 04873/2013, 4.3.13
Lawpark Spellcaster - Harmony is Friendly
Z: Marianne Scott Jespersen, DK, E: Cornelia Hergg
sweet head and expression, hjappy temperament, will take time to mature and fill her frame, would prefer more angile of upper arm, moved okay
Jillion's Bright Future, VDH-GRC 13-0079, 9.3.13, 276098104314227
Majik Truth or Dare - Dutch Consolidation Cup of Tea
Z: Claudia Letschert, E: Maja Kruse
in lovely coat and condition, deep in the chest for her age, would prefer a better tailset and she tends to rise over the croup, moved happily
Tingledales Bubbles, VDH/DRC-G 1332474, 23.3.13
Goldzack Tom Jones - Herma Ness Fearless Flann
ZuE: Petra u. Marcus Lockhoff
nervous temperament, would prefer bone and substance, a little narrow in the head, nice dark eye, movement difficult to assess
Tetzlaff's Samara, VDH/GRC 13-0142, 29.3.13, 276094500043710
Dutch Consolidation Pioneer - Tetzlaff's Queena
Z: A. u. W. Tetzlaff, E: Gesche Rabeler
a very balanced and in proportion, super coat and condition, good bone,deep chest, hold herself well when moving, nice dark eye and well chisled head,
Chanel from Summerparadise, VDH/DRC-G 1332769, 4.5.13
Non-Stop Jojo Mayer - Strawgold's Best Seller
Z: A. Tesch, E: Anja Peters
very sweet, with good temperament, would benefit from some more training, nicely proportioned, moved okay
Jugendklasse - Hündinnen
VDH Anw. Dt. JCH
Everlasting Love Flores Vitae, CLP/GR/15791, 12.12.12, 900008800280641
Fashion du Bois de La Rayere - Afrodite Flores Vitae
Z: Veronika Hubikova, E: Eva Hubikova
very clean elegant outline, will take time to fill her frame, super float neck into topline, shown and handled well, moved freely


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. JCH
Dt.jgd.Ch.VDH u.Club
Barrier's Golden Best Fellow Brooke, VDH/DRC-G 1231513, 14.6.12, 276098104493299
Majik Truth or Dare - Timeless Golden Especial Event
ZuE: Lydia Münnich
presents a lovely picture when stood and moving, balanced short coupled body, totally in proportion, super strong hocks and good width of stifle, strong muscular neck flowing into dead level topline, well handeled and shown


Maplewind Bright Little Star of Bali, VDH/DRC-G 1231999, 9.11.12, 276096909172785
Shardanell Castaspell - Maplewind Apple Blossom
Z: Judith u. Hiroki Tsuge, E: Judith Tsuge
balanced short coupled, no exagerations, super firm topline and correct tailset, stands well on her feet, good bone, moved well
Ray of Sunshine's Lost in Love Lynn, VDH/GRC 12-0881, 31.12.12, 276094160109711
Ray of Sunsshine'Finally Felicity Filou - Ray of Sunshine'sHeaven sent Hope
Z: Iris Radbruch, E: Susanna Walter
bitch with a lot of substance for her age, with mature deep body, adequate angulation front and rear, sweet feminin head, strong muscular neck, moved soundly
124.n. ersch.
Putjade Pacific Beauty, AQ00831905, 2.2.13, 956000001507128
Kapplandets Shan Nan Ershiyi - Thornywait Pink Sparkle With Putjade
Z: Sue Loach (GB), E: Karl-Heinz Ludewig
Rayleas Homemade Chutney, LOF 8 Ret. Hol 129186/0, 26.12.12, 250269802116646
Rayleas Mr. Copper - Rayleas Cotton Candy
Z: Mrs. C. E. Zingg, E: Helmut Berkemeier
very happy temperament, sweet head and expression, would prefer a better tailset and straighter frontfeet, moved happy
Faithful Heart Ivy Queen, VDH-DRC-G 1231739, 10.8.12
Partylion über den Wolken - Faithful Heart Belinda Carlisle
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Lutz u. Silke Hohmann
good length of neck and turn of stiple, a little long in the loin and a bit erratic on the move, would prefer a longer free flowing stride
Lavender's Generation Jazzy Bell, VDH/DRC-G 1231945, 14.9.12, 276098104464093
Highlander of Bridge Four - Lavender's Generation Hip-Hop Mercy
Z: Margit Urbanski, E: Antje Lucka
pretty feminin head with lovely dark eyes, adequate angulation and good firm topline, needs time for her ribs to spring and mature,
Bond Girl Golden vom Desenberg, VDH/GRC 12-0704, 8.10.12, 276096907001409
Windwhirl Gmbler Gang Gideon - Amber
Z: Astrid Hahn-Platte, E: Astrid Platte
nice type of golden in lovely coat and condition, kind eye and expression, good topline and tailset, moved okay
130.n. ersch.
Claime to Fame Flame of Desire, VDH/GRC 12-0640, 15.9.12, 276093400288267
Largymore Lagavulin - My Winter Pradise Claime to Fame
Z: Lagoda, D., E: Jan Winter
Tribute to Tweedmouth Summer Sun, NHSB 2889086, 28.6.12, 528140000502892
Kiss Kiss v.'t Keijsershof - Tribute to Tweedmouth Harry's Dream
ZuE: Veronique Hulshof-Budde
coat in good condition, super length and flowed neck into level topline, correct tailset, good stand of stiple, would prefer more shoulder angulation, needs to settle more on the move
Bella Luna Golden Touch of Mozart, VDH/GRC 12-0749, 30.10.12, 27609810458151
Windwhirl Gambler Gang Gideon - Frantic über den Wolken
Z: Uwe u. Imke Hannigk, E: Britta Porst
carrying too much weight, good bone, deep chest, short in the loin, nice bend of stifles, would prefer more angulation of upper arm, moved steadily
Miss Hubba Bubba Hidden in the Woods, NHSB 2897278, 15.9.12
Abinvale Traguardo - Moonlight Adaline Jewel of Laura
Z: N. M. Croon, E: Nathalie Croon
presented a nice picture when moving, good length of neck and strong topline, needs time to deepen in the body, would prefer more angulation of upper arm and a better bend of stifle, showed and handled well
Abby von Klanjamira's Golden, VDH/GRC 12-0372, 6.6.12, 276098104454579
Sequins Suvan - Raggle-Taggle of the crow Valley
ZuE: Anja Stieber
moved steadiliy holding herself well with good head carriage, a little close behind when moving, needs more angulation of upper arm and a better lay-back of shoulder, tends to turn her front feet out
136.n. ersch.
Ophelia of Golden Gambler, VDH/GRC 12-0555, 22.8.12, 945000000879250
Partylion über den Wolken - Mona Lisa of Golden Gambler
ZuE: Ute Ahlborn-Pollehn
139.n. ersch.
Non-Stop Mata Hari, NHSB 2924995, 11.11.12, 900182000339536
Dainty's Big Spender - Isadorable v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Z: B. Kerti, E: D. Koopman
Homage De La Cote Des Hortensias, LOF 126965/0, 6.11.12, 2502687109472
Double You Des Jardins D'Epona - Exclusivite 2009 De La Cote Des Hortensias
Z: M. Frattini, E: M. Kopfer
happy temperament,good pigment and nice dark eyes, would prefer more angulation front and rear and a better topline, tends to slope over the croup, a bit erratic on the move
Tribute to Tweedmouth Dad's Spell, NHSB 2906420, 25.11.12, 528140000505639
Kiss Kiss v.'t Keijsershof - Tribute to Tweedmouth Spell on You
ZuE: Veronique Hulshof-Budde
super pigment and correct ear set, a rich golden coat in good condition, would prefer more angule of upper arm and straighter hocks, moved okay
142.n. ersch.
Feli Fey First Lady, NHSB 2908853, 1.1.13
Xanthos Mondriaan - Goldstrike Wild Cherry
Z: BT Vlaar, E: Brigit Vlaar
Zwischenklasse - Hündinnen


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres, NHSB 2889070, 28.6.12, 528140000489203
Beethoven of the Hellacious Ac - Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres
Z: H. B. van Maren, E: Charmaine u. Bart van Maren
17 Monate, vorzüglich aufgebaute fröhliche Hündin, schöner femininer Kopf mit sanftem Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge , gerader fester Rücken, vorzüglich angesetzt und getragene Rute, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, vorzüglich entwickelter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzügliche Winkelungen, gerade kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, sehr schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit viel Schub


VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Clubjugendsiegerin 2012, BHP A, FdW
Golden Buffy vom Krämerwald, VDH/GRC 11-0768, 13.12.11, 276098104344116
Ashbury Deep Impact - Rabbit Mountain's
ZuE: Sabine Brüssel
23 Monate, vorzügliche Erscheinung , sehr freundlich, schöner femininer Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer bereits vorzüglich entwickelter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, kräftige gerade Läufe, Katzenpfoten, gepflegtes hellgoldenes Haarkleid, flüssige Bewegung, noch etwas lose in den Ellenbogen
Sheldrick Icecream, VDH/GRC 12-0065, 25.2.12, 276098104409904
Golden's Hill-Side Join the Game - Sheldrick Fortuna
Z: Ute Heise, E: Kirsten Cooke
21 Monate, vorzüglich entwickelt, freundliche Hündin mit schönem Kopf und freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linie , vorzügliche Vorbrust, tiefer breiter Brustkorb , etwas lang in den Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, gepflegtes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, flüssige raumgreifende Bewegung.
Woodland Paradise Abigail, NHSB 2882081, 13.5.12, 52814000095322
Rayleas Just A Joker - Inassicas Savage Rose
ZuE: Elisabeth Stevens
18 1/2 Monate, vorzüglich aufgebaute freundliche Hündin, schöner Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, vorzüglich entwickelter Brustkorb, etwas lang in den Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, kräftige gerade Läufe, geschlossenen Pfoten, schönes mitgoldenes Haarkleid, flüssiger Bewegungsablauf
144.n. ersch.
Nordic History Madita of Avalon, VDH/GRC 11-0759, 7.12.11
Frenchy Boy du Bois de la Rayére - Nordic History Fenja of Avalon
ZuE: Ina u. Thomas Mau
Zaida Zhaaniyaa of Lesmona, VDH/GRC-12-0015, 8.1.12, 276095600034001
Romida's O'Pirce Lance - Magic Triangle's Bridget for Lesmona
ZuE: Anna Lise Bielefeld
22 Monate, vorzüglich aufgebaut, freundl. femininer Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie, abfallende Kruppe, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, vorzüglich entwickelter Brustkorb, kurze kompakte Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten vorn leicht ausgestellt, schönes dunkelgoldenes Haarkleid, flüssiger Bewegungsablauf


Jugendsieger Neumünster
Herzogin Huberta von Schnellenberg, VDH/GRC 12-0041, 29.1.12, 2760 9810 4148 060
Golden Countryside's Border Song - Xenia von Schnellenberg
ZuE: Katja Wiegand
22 Monate, vorzüglich entwickelte freundliche Hündin, femininer schöner Kopf, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, Brustkorb von vorzüglicher Tiefe und Wölbung, kurze kompakte Lenden, gerade gestellte kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, flüssige raumgreifende Bewegung mit gutem Schub.
Claim to Fame English Sweetheart, VDH/GRC 12-0006, 3.1.12, 276093400256071
Largymore Lagavulin - Claim to Fame All my Dreams Amy-Lee
ZuE: Daniela Lagoda
22 Monate, bereits sehr gut entwickelt, freundlich, schöner femininer Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, korrekte Halslänge und obere Linie ,sehr gute Vorbrust, Brustkorb von guter Tiefe , sehr gute Wölbung, etwas lang in den Lenden, Hinterhand korrekt gewinkelt, kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes sich im Aufbau befindliches dunkelgoldenes Haarkleid, flüssige raumgreifende Bewegung
Amy of Golden Heathland, VDH/GRC 12-0337, 24.5.12, 276097202078796
Trebell Taken By Storm - Agaath
Z: Katja Heitmann, E: Andrea Drübber
18 Monate, vorzügliche Gesamterscheinung von etwas leichterem Typ, schöner femininer Kopf, korrekte Halslänge, gerader fester Rücken, vorzügliche Vorbrust, Brustkorb von sehr guter Tiefe und Wölbung, kurze Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade gestellte Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes goldenes Haarkleid, flüssige Bewegung hinten etwas eng.
Yukley's After Midnight, VDH/DRC-G 1130608, 14.12.11
Majik Truth or Dare - Darjeeling du Bois de la Rayere
ZuE: Claudia Schmitz
23 Monate, vorzüglich entwickelt, freundlich, schöner femininer Kopf mit sanftem Ausdruck,vorzügliche Halslänge, gerader fester Rücken, abfallende Kruppe, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer breiter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzügliche Winkelungen, kräftige gerade Läufe,hinten werden die Pfoten leicht ausgestellt, geschlossene Pfoten, schöne cremefarbenes Haarkleid, flüssige Bewegung,bei der die Hinterhandpfoten auch leicht ausgestellt werden.
Champion-Klasse - Hündinnen


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
NL.Ch,, VDH Ch
Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts, NHSB 2780410, 4.11.07, 956000000708558
Lochtaymor King of Diamonds - Remington Requisite of Ramchaine
Z: C. T. Ennis van Maren, E: Charmaine u. Bart van Maren
vorzügliche freundliche Championhündin,schöner typischer Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und oberen Linien, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer vorzüglich gewölbter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, gerade kräftige Läufe, Katzenpfoten, schönes gepflegtes mitgoldenes Haarkleid, raumgreifende Bewegung mit viel Schub


VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Dt.Ch.VDH u.Club,Jubiläumssieger 2013
Timeless Golden Especial Event, VDH/DRC-G 0724197, 16.8.07, 276098102327421
Shardanell Talk'The Town at Ipcress - Timeless Golden Copyright by Nela
Z: Mirjam Fuchs, E: Lydia Münnich
vorzügliche Gesamterscheinung, freundlich, schöner Hündinnenkopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Halslänge und obere Linien, vorzügliche Vorbrust, Brusttiefe und Wölbung, etwas lang in den Lenden, vorzüglich gewinkelt, gerade kräftige Läufe , geschlossene Pfoten, gepflegtes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, schöne raumgreifende Bewegung mit viel Schub


Jun.Ch. VDH&Club und VDH Ch
Sanguinisch Arianrhod, NHSB 2752385, 1.6.09
Joystep's so smart - Sanguinisch Absolutely Fabulous
Z: Gert u. Manita Busser Champion-Parade, E: Manita Busser-Jager
vorzügliche Gesamterscheinung, schöner femininer Kopf mit freundl. Ausdruck, vorzügliche Hals- und obere Linie, ausgeprägte Vorbrust, tiefer , breiter Brustkorb, kompakte Lenden, vorzügliche Winkelung, kräftige gerade Läufe, geschlossene Pfoten, schönes gepflegtes cremefarbenes Haarkleid, raumgreifendes Gangwerk.


n. ersch.
DT.CH,, DtJgd.CH.,Clubs
Dèjà Vu über den Wolken, VDH/GRC 07-0797, 14.10.07, 941000002359803
Rayleas Mister Copper - Ritzilyn Passing Glance
Z: Gesche Rabeler Champion-Parade, E: Gesche Rabeler
Gebrauchshundklasse - Hündinnen
VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Steval Xcellance, LOSH 9135773, 17.6.09, 978101080217640
Canaleigh Hot Gospel - Steval The X-Factor
Z: V. Tregaskis, E: John De Zutter
very balanced no exagerations, lovely construction, happy temperament, short in the loin, moved positively with drive
VDH Res. Anw. Dt. CH
Respons Spralliga Subrett-Ten, DK 11400/2012, 21.9.11
Respons Kramiga Kamrat-Ten - Respons Qryddiga Qvickrot-Ten
Z: M. Törnblom, E: Mette Stougaard
lovely typical golden, presented in super coat and condition, happy show girl with tail wagging, very balanced with good forechest, front legs well set under body, covered the gound easily when moving


Sieger Bayern 2013
Barrier's Golden Adventurous Abigail, VDH/DRC-G 1028098, 18.4.10, 276098102839588
Tallygold Big Surprise - Timeless Golden Especial Event
ZuE: Lydia Münnich
beautyful head and expression, super dark eye, balanced short coupled body proportions, looks a picture when standing and also on the move, present in super coat and condition, moved very well with drive


working certificate
Lavinya Of Cay's Happiness, LOSH 1114390, 31.5.12, 981100002771007
Cayto Of Sweetmeat's - Rayleas Mirabelle
ZuE: Ivo Biesbrouck u. Kathy Vermeersch
moved well with long free flowing stride, strong straight hocks, short in the couplings, balanced outline, needs more angle of upper arm


VDH, Jubil.jgdsgr.09,VDH-Ch.,Dt
Faithful Heart Fine Frenzy, VDH/DRC-G 0825984, 2.11.08
Taram Du Bois De La Rayere - Faithful Heart Alanis Morisette
Z: Silke Hohmann, E: Lutz u. Silke Hohmann
clean elegant outline, good lentgh and flow of neck, lovely head and expression, good forechest and bend of stifle, super topline and tailset, moved freely
Arany of Amber Glow, VDH/DRC-G 1027801, 10.2.10, 276098102901149
Xanthos Gryffindor - Choice of fading Light
ZuE: Michaela Rose
balanced body proportions,good forechest, strong muscular neck, deep chest and firm loing, moved happily
Gowan in May's Jacksonville Sun, VDH/DRC-G 1129828, 14.5.11, 276097202160484
Chinnordale Skydiver - Gowan in May's Hunting high and low
ZuE: Horst u. Petra Thürling
good sized bitch with gentle head and kind expression, a little long in the loin, would prefer more driving action behind when moving, would prefer stronger hocks
Golden Infant Diana vom Quellenthal, VDH/DRC-G 1130623, 7.11.10, 276098102615843
Non-Stop Jojo Mayer - Golden Elfie-Sue vom Quellenthal
Z: Heike Sals, E: Birgit Fohler
needs more angulation of upper arm and a better lay-back of shoulder, quite a strong head for a bitch, kind gentle eyes and moved okay
162.n. ersch.
Ginger Gold de Ria Vela, LOE 2066219, 31.10.11, 981098104080814
Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay - Sailor Monn de Ria Vela
Z: Antonio Lopez, E: Friederike Daniels


Lenda Moura Soul, L.O.E.1783399, 29.2.08, 941000002800052
Zampanzar Step By Step - Lenda Moura Dixilan
Z: Perez RivasChampion-Parade, E: Eva Hubikova
presented in a rich golden coat in good condition, strong muscular neck and good forechest, would prefer stronger hocks and more carriage when moving
Offene Klasse - Hündinnen
VDH Anw. Dt. CH
Fine Art Rudgieri Key To Magic, LOSH 1100205, 26.6.11
Xanthos Gryffindor - Fine Art Rudgieri Estrella
Z: Tamara Ignatieva, E: Dorine Debergh-Coppens
beautiful presentation, in full coat which is gleaming in condition, well constructed in front and rear, moved freely with good carriage, mature in body, carrying the correcht amount of weight
VDH Res. Anw. Dt. Ch.
Naughty But Nice v.'t Keijsershof, NHSB 2857744, 20.10.11, 528140000468550
Rayleas Macintosh - Beloved-Posh Design v.'t Keijsershof
ZuE: P. T. A. de Haar
lovely breed type, balanced and well put togheter, lovely straight front and hocks, no exagorations, moved soundly
Phyllis of the Hellacious Acres, NHSB 2677063, 22.10.07, 528140000298039
Taram du Boris de la Rayere - Ramchaine Green Glitter
Z: H. B. Van Maren, E: Sabina Beentjes
pleasing body proportions, ribs well sprung, good forchest, streight frontlegs, prefer more style when moving
Golden Sunlight's Polka Dot, VDH/GRC 10-0324, 20.4.10, 276097202024170
Golden Countryside's Border Song - Golden Sunlight's I'm Flora Danca
Z: R u. F Scholz, E: Katja Heitmann
in beautiful coat and condition, correctly trimmed, good body proportions, deep mature chest, strong in the loin, lovely temperament, moved very well


n. ersch.
Bijou From Summerparadise, VDH/DRC-G 1129994, 15.6.11, 276096900394108
Tallygold Big Surprise - Strawgold's Best Seller
Z: A. Tesch Strohbrück, E: Andrea Tesch
Golden Abigail vom Krämerwald, VDH/GRC 10-0845, 18.9.10, 276098510285754
Ashbury Deep Impact - Rabbit Mountain's Born to be wild Rose
ZuE: Sabine Brüssel
presented in profuse pell creamcoat, deep chest short in the couplins, good forechest, strong hocks, carrying for to much weight, resulted in her rolling when moving
Bonett Bride Dance all Night, MET.Gold.r.188/11, 16.5.11, 972274000054447
Baron of Stanroph du Domaine des Rives de - Bossa Nova de Ria Vela
Z: Krisztina Süli, E: Katinka Pethö
well handled and shown, strong muscular neck, flowing into level topline and correcgt tellset, well of for bone, balanced outline moved well


FdW, BHP-A,B, DP-A m.S.
Xanaa of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 10-0539, 31.5.10, 276096100255006
Rayleas my Guy - Ulana of Lesmona
Z: Anna Lise Bielefeld, E: Ilka u. Anna Lise Bielefeld
lively temperamnet, dark eyed and kind expression, carrying to much weight, moved happily, prefer more lenght of upper arm
Ulana of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 08-0408, 29.5.08, 276097200913319
Matador v.d Beerse Hoeve - Now or never of Lesmona
ZuE: Anna Lise Bielefeld
pleasing head and expression, in clean condition, would prefer more lenght of upper arm and better tail set
Xenica of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 10-0542, 31.5.10, 276096100256779
Rayleas My Guy - Ulana of Lesmona
Z: Anna Lise Bielefeld, E: Claudia Koch
well presented and shown, good head shape, pleasing to the eye when viewed from the side when moving, a little wide in front when coming towrards you, a little loose in elbows
Cesarka It's Magic, AM03406504, 30.7.11, 981000004384160
Floprym Rivaldo - Cesarka Ellie-May
Z: Mr. E. E. u. Mrs. P. C. Williams, E: Sabine Maier
nice type of bitch, well handled, moved correctly, would prefer a little more style, would prefer more angle and lenght of upper arm, lacking in coat


Helly von der Ivangsheide, VDH/GRC 11-0319, 25.5.11, 276096909107110
Majik Truth or Dare - Debby von der Ivangsheide
Z: Sabine Mergemeier, E: Sabine Schatz
lively feminin head, with super pigment and dark eyes, pleasing body proportions, correct weight and condition, well handled, moved elegant
Xynthia of Lesmona, VDH/GRC 10-0543, 31.5.10, 276096100256204
Rayleas My Guy - Ulana of Lesmona
Z: A. L. Bielefeld, E: Mareike Rehhagen
lovely breed type, balance should couple outline, well shaped head, moved happily, deep chest, nice straight hocks


WT, BHP A+B, APD A, div. Workingtests A
Tingledales Aroona, VDH/DRC-G 0825952, 20.10.08
Vaillant des Fields de Mauny - Herma Ness Fearless Flann
ZuE: Petra u. Marcus Lockhoff
sweet bitch, with lovely temperament, covered the ground with ease and free flowing straight, lacking in angulation in upper arm and upright in shoulder


Jgd. Sieger Rheinland-Pfalz '12
Stracciatella de Ria Vela, VDH/DRC-G 1231275, 10.4.11
Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay - Romanza de Ria Vela
Z: Antonio Lopez, E: Maike Stapfer
carrying too much weight, wich resulted in her rolling in her move, good front construction and super fore chest, strong muscular neck into level topline and correct tailset,
Tribute to Tweedmouth Just for Me, NHSB 2782963, 18.2.10, 528140000401249
Makuuni Rockkari - Tribute To Tweedmouth Harry's Dream
ZuE: Veronique Hulshof-Budde
well handled , lovely temperament, needs more angulation front and rear and a better tailset
Fine Art Rudgieri Kiss of Luck, LOSH 1100204, 27.6.11, 982000161090307
Xanthos Gryffindor - Fine Art Rudgieri Estrella
ZuE: Tamara Ignatieva u. Peter Heiremans
lovely bitch, when viewed from any angle,balanced onced outline, super quarters, dead level topline and correcct , moved with ease and drive, well handled and shown,
Golden I am Ilara von den Warnen, VDH/GRC 10-0731, 7.7.10, 2760 9810 2934 183
Abinvale Traguardo - Nele von Schnellenberg
Z: Manuela Menzel, E: Katja Wiegand
moved well with good lenght of stride, needs more angulation of upper arm, i would prefer more straighter hocks , lovely dark eyes and kind expression
Claim to Fame Dancing Queen, VDH/GRC 11-0465, 29.6.11, 276098510291980
Largymore Lagavulin - My Winter Paradise Claim to Fame
ZuE: Daniela Lagoda
happy disposition, nice kind of dark eye, lacking in angulation in upper arm, and a little upright shoulder, moving a little close behind
Easy Freckle Kindness of Honey Hill, VDH/DRC-G 1231445, 6.6.12, 276093400324061
Bonett Bride Double Decker - Faithful Heart Bonnie Bianco
Z: Petra Rolof, E: Gabriele Hoffmann
presented in clean condition, needs more carry more weight, a little long inline, adequate angulation,
Easy Great Kindness of Honey Hill, VDH/DRC-G 1231443, 6.6.12
Bonett Bridge Double Decker - Faithful Heart Bonnie Bianco
Z: P. Rolof, E: Heike Sproßmann
very happy temperament, lovely dark eye, needs more frontangulation, i would prefer a better tailset
Ramchaine Monkeynut, NHSB 2790761, 14.4.10, 528140000409065
Barnum of the Hellacious Acres - Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts
Z: C. T. Ennis van Maren, E: Charmaine u. Bart van Maren
well balanced bitch, well constructed with super topline, well up on her toes, not in her best coat, would prefer more free flowing stride when moving
Herwildy's Coconut, NHSB 2707117, 27.5.08, 000000000
Taram du Bois de la Rayère - Herwildy's Sugar Sugar Baby NJK JW '05 CW '07
Z: Herma de Wit-Van der Kolk, E: Mary-Ann Wennink-De Wit
lovely balanced bitch of correcht proportions, super front construction and strong quarters, super level topline, moved well, i would prefer a darker eye
Seafront Hilarious Neala, VDH/GRC 10-0711, 30.6.10, 945000000772412
Beachcomber Billy - Brass Tacks Maiwen Virginia at Seafront
ZuE: Martina Brandt
nice bitch in good clean condition, adaquate angulation, would prefer better feet and more up on her toes, would prefer more width behind and moving a little close
I'm Terra Antyda Ilyssa, NHSB 2872238, 9.10.11
Ritzilyn Blues Brother - Terra Antyda Sani Together True Love
Z: M. Siimon, E: Rob v. d. Weiden
nice type of bitch, well put togheter, with good angulation and front and rear, no exagorations, lively eye and expression, would like to see a longe stride when moving
Dream of Golden Gloria, VDH/GRC 11-0487, 20.7.11, 276097202180682
Lorraine's unforgettable High-Diver Hugo - Bente zu Haithabu II
ZuE: Tanja Kusber
very neat bitch with a sweet temperament, would prefer a better tailset and more enthusiasm on the move
193.n. ersch.
True as a Soul April, VDH/DRC-G 1130505, 19.11.11, 276095600021845
Basic Blend v.d. Beerse Hoeve - Ashbury Eternal Love
ZuE: Annick u. Oliver Klauß
194.n. ersch.
Kildespring Sweet Hitch-Hiker, DK 06125/2011, 17.4.11, 208206000164245
Guldfynd's Glorious Gianfrancoferre - Kildespring Goldie Hawn
ZuE: Conni Pallesen


n. ersch.
Bundes Jugendsiegerin
Midnight Star of the Morning Valley., NHSB 2843524, 12.7.11, 528140000451241
Majik truth or Dare - Tinkerbell of the Morning Valley
Z: Ans van Leeuwen Champion-Parade, E: Ans van Leeuwen

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