Staffordshire Bullterrier Richterin Bev Harrison, GB |
Veteranenklasse - Rüden |
1. | V1 CAC-V CAC(VDH)-V BV |
Dt.Ch.VDH/DCBT/GBF Mighty Staffs Aligator Jack, G 969, 8.11.08, 9811000003 69541 Noisemaker Daffodil Yellow - Hot Staffs Red Rose Z: R. Bendig, E: Sven Parthaune |
Jüngstenklasse - Rüden |
2. | vv1
True Legends Edward, VDH/DCBT S 2905, 29.10.18, 990000002828483 Pike-King of Gamestaff - Great Staff I make my Way Z: Stephanie Braun, E: André Posekardt |
Jugendklasse - Rüden |
3. | V2 CAC-J-R CAC(VDH)-J-R |
Saxonia Staffs Hermann, VDH/DCBT S 2876, 31.5.18, 276097202617212 Chapmeek Mandela - Mighty Staffs German Blade Saxonia Z: Sven Parthaune, E: Herbert Schrader |
4. | V3
Neo, VDH/DCBT S 2888, 1.7.18, 276098007253997 Cro Staff's LALIC Hector - Serafina Darling Fransimo Bohemia Z: Oliver u. Milicia Lalic, E: Robert Feldmann u. Kim Gerhardt |
5. | V1 CAC-J CAC(VDH)-J BJ |
Eastbull Epic Win, S 2854, 16.4.18, 276097202616390 UK. Ch. Frisian Staff's Enter Sandman - Pride Staff's Express Yourself at Eastbull ZuE: Michael Arnold |
Zwischenklasse - Rüden |
6. | V1 CAC(VDH) |
JEW'18, J.Ch.PL, DE, J.German Winner Just Kidding Allstar, PKR.III-82822, 20.7.17, 276094502022108 Maxsta Prince of Celts - Bullrichs Don't Worry Be Happy Z: Daniela Neuhäuser, Katja Kästner, E: Dariusz Ubogi |
7. | V2 CAC(VDH)-R |
Dt.Jgd.Ch.VDH u DCBT Saxonia Staffs Götz von Berlichingen, S2816, 16.11.17, 276097202550463 Gamecelt Revelation - Mighty Staffs German Blade Saxonia Z: S. Parthaune, E: Doreen Hippler |
8. | V3
Pride Staffs On Fire, S2812, 5.11.17, 276093400741887 Dazmarnic Know What I Mean - Pride Staffs Emily the Strange Z: Maik Henneberg, E: Christian Smolarek |
9. | V4
Amadeus of Villige Staffs, G 2474S, 2.11.17, 276098001057425 Red Whiteboard Pied MAD Maddox - Big Bluna of Sole Staff Z: Dirk Jahn, E: Doreen Petzoldt |
Champion-Klasse - Rüden |
10. | V3
Dt. Ch Jammy Devil of Spirit-Staff's, G1795S, 29.9.14, 276093400575783 Zakstaff Rumour Has It - Cracking Edition of Spirit-Staff's Z: P. Gabel, E: Torsten Cartes |
11. | V1 CAC(VDH) |
C.I.B Zonny z Hambalek Buín, CMKU/SBT/5222/11, 1.10.11, 203098100316118 Dazmarnic Check Mate - Kallidiké z Hambalek Buín Z: Josef Klime, MVDr., E: Lenka Lonská |
12. | V2 CAC(VDH)-R |
dt. jgd.Ch. VDH,DCBT,GBF und dt. Ch. VDH Saxonia Staffs Eddy, VDH/DCBT S2656, 12.5.16, 276097202522061 Mighty Staff's Irish Whiskey - Battlestaff's Endless Pain Z: Sven Parthaune, E: Kathrin u. André Döhler |
Offene Klasse - Rüden |
13. | V3
Jgd.Ch.GBF Jgd.Ch.DCBT Jgd.CH.VDH Bullrich von Rocky Staffs, G2233S, 5.1.17, 276098106393486 Bullrichs Don't Stop Me - Hot staff's Ladybird ZuE: Jens Thamm |
14. | V
Saxonia Staffs Celtic Warriors, S2510, 10.3.15, 276097209105860 Int.Ch Sikaistaff Dark Lord - J.Ch Saxonia Staffs All Eyes On Me Z: S. Parthaune, E: Ronny Grawe |
15. | V2 CAC-R CAC(VDH)-R |
Over the Top of Spirit-Staff's, G2142S, 5.5.16, 276093400592778 Dark Solo of Spirit-Staff's - Cracking Edition of Spirit-Staff's Z: P. Gabel, E: Torsten Cartes |
16. | V1 CAC CAC(VDH) BOS |
Mc Performance Nothing Can Stop Drago, LOF 55131/8445, 18.7.17, 250268712629618 Bullrichs Don't Stop Me - Mc Performance Lmaa ZuE: Michel Mutschler |
17. | V
Diego von Black Dynamites, VDH/DCBT S 2763, 6.5.17, 276098007205535 Port Caerdydd Fransimo Bohemia - Pretty Woman vom Schwarzbach Damm Z: Stefan Esch, E: Steffen Kaiser |
18. | n. ersch.
Mighty Staff's Krusty of Solid Body Bulls, VDH/DCBT S 2712, 11.10.16, 276098106188066 Saxonia Staffs Celtic Warriors - Mighty Staff's High Voltage Z: René u. Nancy Bendig, E: Sebastian Jaentzsch |
19. | V4
Nitro Dogs Everlast Iceman, G2319S, 12.5.17, 953000010319401 Nitro Dogs an English Gentleman - Atena Safira of Sole Staff Z: Aileen Bethge, E: Kevin Eißmann |
20. | V
Danger of Brindle Weapon, G1873S, 10.4.15, 276094500155800 Mighty Staff's Diamond Red - Battlestaffs Dakota of Brindle Weapon Z: Andreas Best, E: Ines Podzimek |
Staffordshire Bullterrier Richterin Susan Chesters, GB |
Veteranenklasse - Hündinnen |
21. | V1 CAC-V CAC(VDH)-V |
Dt.JCh.Gbf-DCBT-VDH/Dt.CH VDH/Dt.CH Gbf Battlestaffs Dakota of Brindle Weapon, G1173S, 15.8.10, 276098104024202 Dt.CH Battlestaffs Blitzkrieg - JCh.-CJW.-DCBT Eleanor Princess of Gamestaff Z: Markus Hildebrandt, E: Andreas Best |
Baby-Klasse - Hündinnen |
22. | vv1
Betty Lou of Village Staffs, G2759S, 22.1.19, 276098007271295 Saxonia Staffs Eddy - Big Bluna of Sole Staff Z: Dirk Jahn, E: Steffen Kaiser |
23. | vsp2
Old River Staff Biene Gizine, G2734S, 19.12.18, 276097202698643 Staffguard's Curtis Hotstaff - Hot Staff's Miss Marple Z: Karl-Heinz Schuler, E: Kevin Eißmann |
Jüngstenklasse - Hündinnen |
24. | vv1
Cinderella Lonson Staff, CMKU/SBT/12168/18, 28.9.18, 953010003434918 Dazmarnic Two Socks from Countrylodge - Geneviéve Dream Staff Bohemia ZuE: Lenka Lonská |
Jugendklasse - Hündinnen |
25. | V4
Secret Service of Spirit-Staff's, G2681S, 26.8.18, 276093400741761 Alchemist of Spirit-Staff's - Okidoki of Spirit-Staff's Z: Patrick Gabel[Miteigentümer], E: Torsten Cartes |
26. | n. ersch.
Ursa of Celtic Staff's, G2662S, 8.7.18, 276098106732903 Hot Staff's Master Tom - Kim of Celtic Staff's Z: Katrin Otte, E: Katrin u. Matthias Otte |
27. | V
Forever Bull ECSTASY, PKR.III-85113, 23.7.18, 616093900642859 Bullrichs Don't Stop Me - Mega Stawka Wieksza Niz Zycie ZuE: Dariusz Ubogi |
28. | V
Mc Performance One Day Baby You Win, LOF 62937, 8.4.18, 250268712688511 D'spain Fuego Negro Norton - Mc Performance Lollypop Loly ZuE: Michel Mutschler |
29. | SG
League of Angels Back on Earth Brindle Princess, G2654S, 14.6.18, 276097202658718 Lawstaff Alliance at Miracle Bulls - Mavie of Celtic Staff's Z: Kathrin u. Andre Döhler, E: Katrin u. Matthias Otte |
30. | V3
League of Angels Back to Black, G2655S, 14.6.18, 276097202658720 Lawstaff Alliance at Miracle Bulls - Mavie of Celtic Staff's ZuE: Kathrin u. André Döhler |
31. | V2 CAC-J-R CAC(VDH)-J-R |
RnB of Spirit Staff's, G1738S, 3.5.18, 276093400741770 Dazmarnic Know Wot I Mean - Number One of Spirit Staff's ZuE: Patrick Gabel |
32. | V1 CAC-J CAC(VDH)-J |
Soulmate Bull's All Or Nothing, S2845, 21.3.18, 276098800057461 Be Aware v/d Betuws Glorie - Eastbull Cool Cookie ZuE: Rebekka Teichmann |
Zwischenklasse - Hündinnen |
33. | n. ersch.
Choice von Rocky Staffs, G2454S, 21.10.17, 276098106518557 Staff Edition Anuk - Hot Staff's Pretty Polly ZuE: Jens Thamm |
34. | SG3
Talisker-Toffee of Gamestaff, GBF G2401S, 23.7.17, 945000005142066 Bullrichs Don't Stop Me - Pippi Langstrumpf of Gamestaff Z: Hans Rose, E: Sebastian Weist |
35. | V1 CAC(VDH) |
Red White Pied True Angel Eyes, G2426S, 19.9.17, 276098009170599 Staffinity Little White Sox - Red White Pied Miss Moneypenny Z: Gunda u. René Knittel, E: Sarah Wartenberg |
36. | SG4
Nitro Dogs Hot and Dirty, G2545S, 26.2.18, 276093400756289 Int Ch Blazen Staffs Knockin on heavens Door - Blazen Staffs Naughty Girl ZuE: Aileen Bethge |
47. | V2 CAC (VDH)-R |
Saxonia Staffs Gracefull Star, VDH/DCBT S 2817, 16.11.17, rit m. wss. Abz. HRJCh,CZCIbJCh Gamecelt Revelation - Mighty Staffs German Blade Saxonia Z: Sven Parthaune, E: Sandra Seifert |
Champion-Klasse - Hündinnen |
37. | V3
Mc Performance Live It Win It, LOF 34736/11476, 6.5.15, 250268712315976 Bullbumpkins Dick In Wood - Invictus Mc's Choice Des Tdk ZuE: Michel Mutschler |
38. | n. ersch.
Dt. CH VDH Deluxe Staffs Be My Star, VDH/DCBT S(0)2432, 19.2.14, 276095610022982 Crosswords Kung Fu King At Crossguns - Staff's of Castle Rampart Alina Z: Evelyn Maurer, E: Kathy Metzner |
39. | V2 CAC(VDH)-R |
Europasieger 2017, dt. Ch. VDH Mavie of Celtic Staff's, G1834S, 22.12.14, 276098106024128 Staffjoy's Renegade - Dotty of Celtic Staff's Z: Katrin Otte, E: Kathrin u. André Döhler |
40. | V4
champion hrk Esmea z Kaplírova panství, CMKU/SBT/8891/16/18, 25.1.16, 900032001878855 JOSEPH Arate-Alesaf - ACTIONLILLY z Kaplírova panství Z: Petra Jirotková, E: Dana Provazníková |
41. | V1 CAC CAC(VDH) BOB |
WW18 Ch.BS Hocus Pocus of Spirit Staff's, G1738S, 5.5.14, 276094180125300 Ch.BS Bone Crusher of Spirit Staff's - Pride Staff's Destiny of Spirit Staff's ZuE: Patrick Gabel |
Offene Klasse - Hündinnen |
42. | V1 CAC-R CAC(VDH) |
DJCh(VDH,DCBT) Saxonia Staffs Faith of Valhalla, S2745, 3.2.17, 276097202549782 Earthquake Staffs Buffalo Soldier - JCh Saxonia Staffs Charlotte ZuE: Sven Parthaune |
43. | n. ersch.
Brave von der Ruine Waseneck, VDH/DCBT S 2684, 2.6.16, 276098106282002 Amani vom Illsberg - Muriel vom Schwarzbach Damm Z: Romina Kopp, E: Julia Kühnle |
44. | V2 CAC(VDH)-R |
Mighty Staffs Kauni of Solid Body Bulls, VDH/DCBT S 2713, 11.10.16, 276098106171811 Saxonia Staffs Celtic Warroirs - Mighty Staffs High Voltage Z: Familie Bendig, E: Claudia Thieme |
45. | V4
Big Bluna of Sole Staff, G2024S, 23.12.15, 276098106118464 Dt.-Ch.Battlestaffs Blitzkrieg - Holly of Celtic Staff's Z: Fam. Bittkow u. Lohmeier, E: Dirk Jahn |
46. | V3
DJCh (DCBT); GerJW Eastbull Dot Com, DCBT S 2710, 7.9.16, 276097202525372 Kyraloebis Italian Gigolo - Pride Staff's Express Yourself Z: Michael Arnold, E: Mandy Gärtner |