Bullterrier Richter Stephen Craven, AUS |
Champion-Klasse - Rüden |
7. | V1 CAC CAC(VDH) BOB |
Teirwgrwyn White Chaos, AS02778802, 26.4.15 Teirwgwyn Latest Flame - Teirwgwyn Secret Potion Z: A. Roberts[Miteigentümer], E: Jana Šlesarová |
Miniatur Bullterrier Richter Stephen Craven, AUS |
Offene Klasse - Rüden |
Bullyon Redefining Measure With Khlolander, 1029DC, 3.7.16 Ch Canabull North Wind - Bullyon Redefining Maid Z: M. u. J. Phillips, E: P. Hohmuth u. u. A. A. O' Neill |
American Staffordshire Terrier Richter György Rebman, H |
Champion-Klasse - Rüden |
140. | V1 CAC CAC(VDH) BOB |
RoCh Ducipal Race to the Party, COR A 5813-17/286, 11.10.16 Ch Roadhouse's Life of the Party - Ch Ducipal Ringmaster Artemis ZuE: Andrei Reti |
Staffordshire Bullterrier Richter György Rebman, H |
Offene Klasse - Rüden |
154. | V1 CAC CAC(VDH) BOB |
Over the Top of Spirit-Staff's, G 2142S, 5.5.16 Dark Solo of Spirit-Staff's - Cracking Edition of Spirit-Staff's Z: Patrick Gabel, E: Torsten Cartes |